My Daughter in Two-Dimensional

Chapter 405 Mission failed

(Recommend "The Demon King of Time and Space")

The announcement of the end of the exam is released.

Liri Ochanko's vomiting has not disappeared. After being put down, it was still soft on the ground. I really want to thank that person, but I am afraid that I will vomit as soon as I let go. That would be rude.

Fortunately, now that everyone hasn't left, she will not try her best, and strive to be able to recover before leaving.

Jingyu feels a bit like the focus.

The candidates here are all from different schools, no one knows each other, so they all stand alone. But almost all of them would look at him from time to time in unison, with a curious look.

"That guy can run faster than me with three people in my arms.

"It is said that he actually went to help others if it was not an exam, I would also go, but this is an exam. If you save others, doesn't it mean helping your competitors?"

"Yeah, is it too stupid, or ~ confidence score is enough.

Many people prayed, hoping that it would not be the latter situation.

Unfortunately, the scores were not announced on the spot, and they couldn't know how many points he had actually scored.

The door of this examination room has been opened, and everyone has begun to move towards the outside.

Jingyu glanced at Liri Ochanko, she seemed to have not recovered yet, she was still sitting on the ground.

Leave it alone, and she won't be in danger. However, he is not stupid. Going up to sympathize at this time can increase the degree of goodwill. If you want to guide this girl, you can't ignore such details.

He walked up to her and said softly: "You are all right.

Ochanko nodded. Looking at the people who left, her mood is a bit complicated now. She wants to have the opportunity to thank him, because in case she can't pass, then it may be the last meeting now; she doesn't want to be delayed because of herself.

Leave his time.

"I can hold you, okay?" he asked.

"Hey?" Michako's eyes widened.

He smiled gently and bent down.

‘Hug, yes, is that so? Hey?’ Wait, wait a minute!

She wanted to speak in a panic. As soon as she put down her hand, she couldn't help but retched a little, and quickly covered her lips.

In this way, she missed the opportunity to refuse and was hugged by him.

‘Ochako's cheeks turned red, and she shrank slightly. She looked at him secretly from below, and finally she was relieved that she didn't see any unpleasant expression on his face.

He didn't walk too fast, keeping a certain distance from everyone.

Ochako thought, "In this way, no one would know that I was hugged by him. ‘Well, it must be like this! Absolutely.

The candidates in front walked out of the gate, but did not stop in front of it. If you are not injured, you can already go back.

So, you have to go to the changing room to change your clothes. Many people have changed during the test. It's like Ochanko, changing the sailor suit to the current sportswear.

Seeing his footsteps, Ochanko thought: ‘He won’t just hold me like this and go to the changing room, right?

When I get there, I don’t know how many people will see it.


Absolutely not!

She immediately wanted to struggle to leave his embrace, but heard: "Dad, you are a bit late."

The voice of the girl.

The sound is very nice, making Ochanko envy the other's voice.

However, I don't understand what is being said. You can barely know it, like the Chinese dialect.

"You can't let this kid go." Jingyu said.

"Is that so?" Xiaoling's eyes closed slightly, showing "unbelief" gaze, "No, it's actually because she thinks this girl is cute, so she made her move."

"Well, it's a bit too much to use the shot." And he got it.

This makes Jingyu's rebuttal just a little fictitious to change to another woman to question, he can be confident. In front of her daughter, it is strange that she is not guilty when she is suspected of attacking a girl who is the same age as her daughter.

Moreover, "When the child grows up slowly, although he is still behaved, it happens occasionally, which makes me a little bit tricky.

With such a sigh, he found a very reasonable excuse, "Think about it, what does it look like to leave such a girl in a deserted and run-down street alone? Dad, I am totally kind. "

"Sure it is the case. The "daughter" turned around.

"Just take it." Jingyu was choked.

0……Look for flowers…

Seeing his daughter step, he shook his head helplessly and followed.

"Girl, is your test going well?" He looked at the white dress his daughter was wearing, and didn't see a trace of dirt or damage on it, as if he hadn't moved his hands at all.

But considering her ability, even if the dress on his body was rebuilt, it was not impossible. He still decided to listen to her personally.

The daughter made an "OK" gesture, and showed a hint of mischief.

"Hmph, Dad, I came out ten minutes ago. I think I scored four or five hundred points."


Jingyu stopped.

Because the moment his daughter spoke, he did receive a reminder in his mind.

mission failed!

The whole scene in front of me suddenly changed. After the light, the modern building made of concrete has turned into a fantasy wind above the green grass and white clouds.

Standing in the middle of the goddess in the fluttering white dress, on the exposed lower half of her face, the curvature of the corners of the lips outlines the curve of her lips. I don't know why there is a feeling that makes him both familiar and vague.

For the first time, I felt that the goddess was no longer so illusory, and a bit close to reality.

I don't know if it is an illusion.

But compared to this, he couldn't help but bowed his eyes first.

"It's impossible to bring her in." The goddess saw through the tunnel.

Yes, the girl he was holding in his hands is gone.

The goddess said: "Let you fight for the first place. It's good for you to start watching the excitement halfway through. How can I say hello?"

Jingyu scratched her cheek awkwardly.

"Don't look at the future with the eyes of the past. Don't lose your enterprising spirit. If you can't fight for it, it's a loss in disguise. You, you should have more desires. I will send you to this school. , But not

It doesn't make sense. Well, take your time to understand.

She said so earnestly, and light slowly appeared again.

When the light reached the dazzling degree, he returned to reality.

Still standing on that road, still holding Liri Ochanko, her daughter still put on a mischievous expression beside her. 100 million.





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