My Daughter in Two-Dimensional

Chapter 464 I bought Dong Xiang’s body information

(Recommend "The Demon King of Time and Space")

"Since it is Dong Xiangjiang who can afford to pay for the information, that's fine.

Yi Bird is straightforward and honest. After she said that, she walked out of the counter and asked Jingyu and Dong Xiang to sit down and turn over the'open' sign hanging on the store door. It was temporarily closed.

"So," after she came back, she sat next to Jingyu, who was also outside the bar. "The information I want to buy is about entering the 20th district and looking at any dangerous people among all the ghouls?"

She thinks Jingyu came here to protect herself. Know in advance which people are dangerous and you can avoid them.

In the end, "No." Jingyu said lightly: "I want all the information of Yueshan Group!

"Hey?" Yi Niao looked surprised, "Will you want that?"

I always feel that the one I think of is unlikely. She knew how big the Yueshan Group was.

She said: "Well, Jingyu sauce, although you are a foreigner, I think that the rules of ghoul society are the same everywhere. You leak the opponent's intelligence to the countermeasure bureau, and use the countermeasure bureau to eliminate the opponent - this approach , Will make you

For all the enemies of the Ghoul.

As long as the information of the ghoul is informed to the countermeasures bureau, no matter whether there is any purpose in it, the investigators will definitely act.

Killing with a knife in this way is the easiest and most effective way to combat an opponent.

Ghouls can also imagine that if this kind of thing is allowed to happen, anyone may suddenly be surrounded and killed by investigators one day. Therefore, there is absolutely zero tolerance for this kind of thing, even if it has nothing to do with me, I will never let it go.

Jingyu has heard of such a thing for the first time, but it is not incomprehensible.

He smiled slightly: "Miss Yi Niao, don't worry, I won't do that.

"That's good." Yi Bird said, "So, should I still buy information from Yueshan Group?

"Well, I think, you should have information like this kind of big power on the bright side, you should always have it here. Like how many people in the Yueshan family, how many people are in the family, how many servants, how many subordinates, how many species, Who are they, where are those businesses, residences

Where is the location, where is the business location, etc.! I want all of them, the more detailed the better.

"I'm prepared."

Yi Bird gave him a complicated look. She was also really curious about what he would do next. After thinking about it, she said, "Wait a minute, and then I walked into the inner room.

Soon after, he walked out with a stack of paper documents.

Put it in front of Jingyu.

"It's not up to the point of detail as you said. If necessary, follow-up information can be collected for you. However, it will be more expensive than the current one."

Take a look first, she asked with a smile.

Jingyu picked up the information and turned it over.

During this process, Yi Niao sat on Dong Xiang's side, and they chatted. It was Yi Niao's various side strikes. What is the relationship between Dong Xiang and Jingyu.

Because, "Don't blame me for being curious, the stable person does not send, but sends Dong Xiangjiang, there must be a reason." Yi Niao put on a smile, "Tell sister me."

Dong Xiang was embarrassed and didn't know what to say, Jingyu had to help her.

"Dong Xiangjiang is very beautiful, so I chose her.

"Don't call it so familiar, you fellow.

He was immediately rejected by Dong Xiang blatantly.

The corner of Jingyu's lips curled up, "Now, Miss Yi Bird, I also want to buy an information about Dong Xiangjiang's measurements."

Dong Xiang stagnated.

She then laughed as if she was overwhelmed with anger, and raised her right hand into a claw shape.

"You really want to die.

Even the eyes have entered the state of hefty eyes. It really feels a little bit alien.

But, not scary enough.

Jingyu suddenly remembered some stupid girl.

‘Speaking of which, Sanna Ashido’s eyes are really similar to those of Ghoul.

Yi Niao looked at them blankly, and suddenly laughed.

"Yes." She also said: "I can measure it for you on the spot.

Dong Xiang's body tightened, and hurriedly folded his arms to protect his body, "Miss Yi Bird, you don't have to cooperate with his nasty request.

"The information that the customer wants to buy, if it is not collected, will damage my reputation as an intelligence dealer." Yi Bird said seriously, full of energy in strange directions, "I want to bet on Yi Bird's name. Collect this information for the guests

She opened her hands to touch her, frightened Dong Xiang quickly jumped away from the chair.

"Hey, arrogant bastard, hurry up and cancel your request, or it will show you a good look." Her cheeks were a little red and angrily shouted.

0……Look for flowers:

"Who is that calling?" Jingyu continued to scroll through the information without turning his head back.

After a short period of chasing behind, there was a kind of ambiguity, why didn’t it work, don’t touch the strange place, and "Oh, unexpectedly very informative, Dong Xiangjiang definitely belongs to the type who looks thin after wearing clothes. Woolen cloth".

After the meeting, Yi Niao with a contented expression sat down, and Dong Xiang, who was too embarrassed and annoyed to kill.

"The intelligence has been collected, but it's not for sale!" Yi Bird said, I have proved my intelligence gathering ability, but I can decide by myself whether to sell intelligence to customers.

This made Dong Xiang somewhat relieved and couldn't help but slander.

'So why should I be touched by you!'

Because the other party is a woman, being touched is not a big problem. The problem is that the guy is present.

The shame of being known!

Will have the idea of ​​wanting to eliminate this.

In short, it was that guy's fault in the final analysis.


The account to be settled is one more sum, but in order to prevent that guy from having any monsters, she endured it this time.

Jingyu finished it very quickly. He now has the ability to never forget, but he doesn't really want to remember everything on the file, but to see if it meets his needs.

In the document, the description of the Yueshan family's family members, number of people, and business scale is very detailed. The only thing that Yiniao used was the word'to be verified' for the number of cantonese subordinates.

He stroked his chin for a moment.

"I bought these. Please accept my notice for follow-up investigation.

"That is to ask for my contact information. Jingyu-chan is a popular person right now, and I really want to be able to find your contact information at any time."

The price is one hundred thousand yen.

Jingyu used the part of the money that the goddess gave him, called "Activity Fund", which is regarded as an incidental part of the task reward.

After paying and exchanging contact information, Jingyu left the bar soon.

When walking down the street, "Next, I'm going to District 21, Dong Xiangjiang, do you want to go together?" Yi.




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