My Daughter in Two-Dimensional

Chapter 78 The power of the heretical golden machine

Jingyu has tried his best to get back to the hangar as fast as he can! He didn't even change into the driving suit that can protect the driver, trying to save time.

That's the case. When he broke the side wall of the factory with a heresy golden machine like toppling a cake, what he saw was Murrue, who was already in crisis. .

Things are going so fast!

If it takes a second slower, he might lose Murrue.

This thought made him feel a cold sweat after fear. What followed was self-blame. I was too self-confident before. At the moment before I knew that such a moment would come, I was still with other women.

At this time, Aisha once again played a role in his training. Even if the heart is burnt, even if it will be swallowed by the flame of self-blame, after being afraid that Murrue will die, he will be strangely calm.

It was almost irrelevant to will, and became instinctively calm.

Therefore, as soon as the enemy makes a move, he is stimulated to react.

No need to aim specifically, the hand automatically manipulates the body to shoot quickly and accurately.

The heresy golden machine is made entirely on the premise that he is the driver, and can match his 673 reflex nerves more than any existing machine. This played a role in this critical situation, and the speed of the golden machine's arm was faster than Ginn.

The speed at which the arm is sent.

He successfully destroyed Ginn's right arm and prevented the blow that threatened Murrue.

"What?" Ginn's driver was shaken by the body under the influence of his arm explosion. After he stabilized the body, the red one-eyed on Ginn's head moved toward the direction of the shooting, "Is there another one? One more than the one in the intelligence?"

The golden machine he saw, the blue and white machine in front of him, and the X303 flying away were almost a face. The main difference is the antenna on the head. The blue and white body of the X105 has four antennas, and the gold one only forms a V shape.

The two roots.

And the golden machine is now more complete. It is holding a black rifle in its right hand and a shield in its left hand.

Ginn’s pilot is also known as the “Twilight Demon bomb” and is considered a small well-known Miguel. Ai was surprised that the body continued to hold the gun and aimed at this side, very smoothly from the outer wall of the factory. Broken, bumpy

Stepped out of the uneven rubble.

If the blue (aief) white machine is a toddler, then the golden machine is already a mature and calm adult.

"What's the matter? Why can this machine be manipulated so freely by natural persons?"

Miguel said to himself the doubts in his heart.

Then I was surprised. What did I think about on the battlefield! And the way that suit really made him angry.

"It's just a natural person, how dare you look down on people?"

As an adjuster, Miguel's inherent ideas of natural persons flooded into his mind. He thought to himself, even if the opponent's body performance can perform normally, can a natural person win the adjuster?

No! That's impossible!

"Let you know how powerful the adjuster is! The power of our adjuster driver cannot be imitated by a natural person with a toy."

He pushed the valve to its limit, injecting maximum horsepower into the propeller.

Ginn flew up quickly and turned in the air, trying to avoid the opponent's attack with his mobility.

At the same time, Miguel made Ginn's left hand backward and his right hand was destroyed. It was difficult to hold the assault rifle placed on the back waist with his left hand. However, it is not impossible to overcome.

He succeeded in holding the body of the rifle with his left hand and took it off. Then he threw the rifle and tried to take it with his left hand.


Another beam came and the rifle was accurately hit.


The flames of the explosion took over the screen, and Miguel was shocked.

Once by chance, the second time

He vaguely felt that the driver was unusual.

Lost the main weapon and right hand, the enemy has PS armor that can resist live ammunition. Miguel saw the appearance of the golden machine and thought it was the same as the X105 armor. Ginn could no longer fight. Miguel retreated, Ginn was empty

Flexible steering.

Another green beam penetrated the body and exploded on the left forearm.

Then there are two legs, a head, and two wings.

Ginn fell from the air.

"Damn it!" He was knocked down in such a humiliating manner without even having room to escape. Miguel slammed the console, "Is that guy really a natural person?" He was a little unwilling to doubt the other party's true identity. .

The body is no longer good. Stay here, waiting for the captured room!

With a cruel heart, Miguel activated the body's self-detonation device, and the screen showed a one-minute countdown. He opened the door of the cabin, and with the help of the small propulsion device of the driving suit, he quickly moved away from the body that was about to explode.

Murrue was in the cockpit, looking through an external camera, staring at the battle just now.

Similarly, no, in terms of performance, the defense of the body that you operate is even stronger, and the golden machine does not have PS armor!

However, he didn't have the strength to fight back in the hands of the enemy, but he was different.

too strong!

Murrue is so familiar with him that he is a little bit overwhelmed with his current performance.

Until Ginn's self-destruction happened.

On the other side, Jingyu didn't intend to kill anyone in the cockpit of the golden plane, so he attacked his arm instead of the cockpit. However, other parts of Ginn continued to be destroyed and even left behind.

After the body is repaired, the number of enemy's bodies will be increased; on the other hand, it will be out of breath.

Murrue was almost killed, and the opponent had no scrupulous attack in his country.

When the explosion happened, he stroked his forehead.

‘My responsibility too!’

It is my responsibility to be made like this here.

Jingyu was in the cockpit, looked around through the screen, and silently said "Sorry".

Then he drove the body to turn on the communication.

Murrue was connected immediately.

She saw that it was really him, her heart was so sweet, she couldn't help but sneered at him.

"Why are you still here! The evacuation alert has been activated? You should also evacuate!" She reproached.

"I'm worried about you." He said aggrievedly.

Murrue's attitude immediately softened, "Well, that, thank you." The voice also softened.

At this time Jingyu noticed blood stains on her right shoulder, "Murrue, are you injured?

"Abrasions, don't get in the way." She didn't want him to worry, but when her arm moved, the pain made her uncontrollably let out a "hiss" sound, she couldn't help but whispered that she was too unworthy.

"I'm coming right away!" he said nervously.

The body quickly approached X105 Murrue kept watching him silently.

(Recommend "Unlimited Replacement").




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