My Daughter is So Amazing

: Shelf testimonials

It's finally on the shelves.

First of all, I would like to thank the editor in charge Xingye for all kinds of guidance and help. It really helped me a lot. From the plot to the setting to various details, I have been guided a lot, and the recommendations have been arranged. I am very touched.

Then thank you readers who have always supported me, thank you for this chapter, thank you for the various pictures posted in the book review area, and thank you for voting and rewarding every day.

It’s a miserable sale...

More than 30,000 collections are on the shelves, but the first order can be said to be terrible...

I will try to continue to write down with love power generation, I hope everyone can support me.

The last is today's list:

Thank you for a certain point of salted fish that has no sense of existence, the world is floating dream, Muyi ink shadow, secondary classification, a pig who loves to read, I have no courage to die, Aoyu Aoyu, Two-dimensional Feng Yuye, 76707932 and other books Friends’ generous rewards.

Thank you for your support.

"My daughter is so amazing" on the shelves

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