My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 367 Looking For Talent

No matter what company or project is being developed, talent is always the most fundamental foundation.

Lin Chuan considers that his company is developing rapidly day and night, and the talents under him are extremely scarce.

Especially in this era itself, various knowledge systems are also very scarce, and it is mainly based on research.

This determines that talents are particularly sought-after.

However, this is also divided into industries. The application of some industries is not very large, so no one pays attention to it, and more is based on personal hobbies.

There is no experience, no funds, and lack of support from the system framework, so many talents are buried.

The person Lin Chuan wants to meet now is a marine geological prospecting expert, his name is Fu Yujian.

He is an expert and scholar who devoted his life to marine geological exploration, but he was very disappointed in his youth and middle age.

For various reasons, he was only slightly famous when he was 75 years old.

Lin Chuan was very impressed with Fu Yujian. In his previous life, he had sponsored Fu Yujian's exploration of offshore oil and gas fields.

But in this era, Fu Yujian, who is in his thirties, is just an unknown researcher at the Institute of Geological Exploration.

As for the current Institute of Geological Exploration, it can be seen from the very old building with a sense of age, how poor and backward this unit is now.

After walking through the stairs with gaps in every section and the dim corridor, Lin Chuan came to an office.

The door with the mottled and peeling paint had no sound insulation at all, allowing Lin Chuan to clearly hear the conversations in the office.

At this moment, a voice with a long tone and a strong voice said: "Yujian, according to the rules, this time I should give you a salary increase, and I should also give you a house.

But the number of places in our unit is too tight, and I have to consider it more comprehensively. After all, you are still relatively young, and there are many opportunities in the future.

This time, let this quota be given to those old comrades who need it more! "

Fu Yujian's somewhat old-fashioned face clearly showed a trace of dissatisfaction.

But in front of the boss, he still said a little cowardly: "President Sun, I understand the difficulties of the unit very well, and it stands to reason that I should give the quota to those old comrades,

But my girlfriend and I are already engaged, and now we are waiting for the unit to divide the house to get married. Our family lives in a bungalow, and we have to block several curtains when we sleep at night.

And my fiancee also said that if I can't get a house this time, I won't marry me. Besides, I've already let it go several times before.

Let me say that I have been here for more than ten years. Others have raised their wages several times, and they have all been allocated houses. Even Xiaoling, who came later than me, has raised her wages three times and got a house.

And I just raised my salary once, the total is 1.28 yuan. Others can pay 38 yuan or even 42 yuan a month, and I am still 27.8 yuan. Is this a bit unfair? "

Mr. Sun was obviously impatient to hear him say this.

"Yujian, you can't say that. Whether our unit raises wages or other benefits, it is very fair. If you say that, it will make those old comrades think so.

As I said, it’s not up to me to decide who to give a salary increase or to divide the house. It’s all a decision after everyone’s research. I know you have opinions in your heart.

But that's what happened to him in our unit, so let's do it, next time I raise my salary, I'll give you the priority to share a house. This time, I'll give this place to Lao Zhao first! "

These words were like a boulder pressing on Fu Yujian's heart, making him feel extremely depressed and suffocated.

Even without being able to be brave once, he went to lift his tightly lowered head.

He could only look at the dirty, potholed concrete floor under his feet with humble, cowardly eyes.

And he revolted: "Lao Zhao is your relative, isn't he already doing business now, but just putting up a name in the unit? This will also allow him to raise his salary and get a house?"

Mr. Sun's tone suddenly cooled down, and he reprimanded coldly: "Yujian, you can't talk nonsense. Lao Zhao has contributed to the unit. You can't lose your temper and talk nonsense just because you are dissatisfied!"

Finally, under extreme depression, Fu Yujian mustered up his courage and raised his head abruptly.

But even so, his courage could not let his cowardice and haggard eyes pose any threat to President Sun.

Still humbly said: "The contribution you said refers to the copper mine he discovered. In fact, the copper mine was discovered by me!"

Mr. Sun interrupted him immediately and said coldly, "I don't care whether you did the exploration or not, everyone said it was Lao Zhao's exploration, that's Lao Zhao's exploration,

Don't say anything, this time I'm just telling you that the quota is for Lao Zhao, you can wait for the next time, I'm still busy, so I won't tell you! "

When the voice fell, the door was suddenly opened, and the bloated and fat President Sun walked out of the room with a disdainful face, and gave Lin Chuan a disdainful look, and asked coldly, "Who are you looking for?"

"I'm here to find Teacher Fu!"

After listening to the previous conversation, Lin Chuan was full of disdain and contempt for this Mr. Sun.

President Sun snorted coldly, and left with a squeak full of fat.

Walking into the dilapidated and chaotic office, although Fu Yujian has not recovered from his sadness, he politely got up to say hello to Lin Chuan.

He picked up the rusted thermos and poured water for Lin Chuan, only to find that the thermos was already empty.

The helpless Fu Yujian could only smile bitterly: "I'm really sorry, I forgot to draw water, I still don't know your surname!"

"My name is Lin Chuan!"

As soon as the words fell, Fu Yujian was stunned.

It's a familiar name, but I can't remember where I've heard it.

And Lin Chuan explained: "I'm the president of Mengying Group!"

After saying this, Fu Yujian thought about it at the time.

Isn't Lin Chuan the entrepreneur's name that often appears on TV broadcasts and newspapers?

This also surprised him, and almost missed hitting the washbasin behind him.

He said hurriedly and politely: "You are the Boss Lin, I have long admired the name, and I am disrespectful. I will go and make some hot water now and make you a cup of tea!"

Fu Yujian was surprised, delighted and puzzled. How could such a big entrepreneur come to his office?

And Lin Chuan just glanced at his gray shirt and black trousers, and followed indifferently: "Don't be busy, let's go, I'll treat you to dinner!"


Fu Yujian hesitated.

Lin Chuan, such a big boss, why did he invite him to dinner?

"Boss Lin, you don't get paid without merit, you must have something to ask for, right?"

"There are requirements, but for you, it's enough to change your life. You can now choose whether or not to have dinner with me!"

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