Lin Chuan thought it was Catherine, but after meeting it was a strange woman.

She is in her thirties, with short blond hair, a pair of beautiful contact lenses, and delicate facial features.

Judging from her black trench coat and the suitcase in her hand, she should have just got off the plane.

There was a hint of indifference and anger in his tired eyes.

Even staring at Lin Chuan's eyes without blinking, as if to find something in his eyes.

He also asked with some caution: "You are Lin Chuan, my name is Jenny, Victor's wife, I want to know where Victor went?"

Lin Chuan was a little silent, he didn't know how to answer this question.

Even want to refuse to answer this question.

After all, Victor's disappearance had nothing to do with him.

So he also said coldly: "I think you should ask Brooke and Catherine instead of me!"

Jenny roared as if suddenly out of control: "They don't know anything, now I just want to know where he is, otherwise I will never leave!"

When he said Ha, Jenny sat angrily on the sofa in the reception room.

The sky was getting dark at this moment, and the bleak autumn wind made Lin Chuan feel a chill.

He closed the window casually, finally making the room feel a little warmer.

But the dark sky was still covered with a gray rain and fog, as if the grayness in Jenny's eyes.

Lin Chuan sat down slowly.

This is not the way, he must first let Jenny understand that it is not him who killed Victor.

"Ms. Jenny, I'm sorry to tell you that Victor may no longer be in this world!"


Jenny stood up abruptly in excitement, the anger and pain in her eyes tangled, like a bursting iceberg, collapsed on Lin Chuan's face.

She shook her head like crazy and roared: "This is impossible, you are lying to me, Victor must be alive!"

The last thing Lin Chuan wanted to see was such a scene, such an expression.

But he still said: "It was Brooke and Catherine who joined forces to kill Victor, because Victor threatened their interests!"

Jenny's tears were like surging water in an instant, rushing down her helpless and desperate cheeks.

She needed time to calm down, so Lin Chuan also fell silent.

The suppressed breath in the reception room was like an air harvester, causing Jenny to suffocate.

It was half an hour later when she cried enough.

"I want revenge, I must kill them myself!"

This Lin Chuan didn't want to stop him. How they fight is a choice between them. All he has to do is to take care of himself. That's enough.

But Jenny said coldly: "When Victor was alive, he often mentioned you to me. He said that you were a genius and regarded you as his best partner.

I only know you when I came to Dongfang. You help me to avenge and find the person who killed Victor! "

Lin Chuan shook his head directly and refused: "I'm sorry, I can't help you with this, behind them is a very terrifying capital empire, with my current ability, I can't shake them,

If you want to take revenge, you can only rely on yourself, but I advise you, those people are demons who kill without blinking an eye, and it is very likely that even you will disappear from this world! "

But Jenny's determination was made, and she didn't listen to any advice at all.

She said in an extremely resentful tone: "I can hire you to avenge me, all Victor's money is with me, a total of 80 million yuan each,

If you take revenge for me, I will give you 10 million yuan in compensation, and I can invest the rest of the money in your company! "

Lin Chuan laughed heartily.

"Why do you think 10 million can get me hired by you? I've said it before, I can't help you, it's not about money!"

Jenny was utterly hysterical.

"You are Victor's best partner, he was killed when he came to see you in the Eastern Kingdom, how can you pretend that nothing happened?

Now his heartbroken wife begs you to avenge him, can you bear to refuse? How can you deal with the dead Victor? My God, who can I trust now? "

But Lin Chuan still shook his head and said, "I can only say sorry to you, I'm just a businessman, not a killer, I'm very welcome if you want to do business with me,

But otherwise, I can't help you, and Victor is not my partner, we are just interests! "

Lin Chuan didn't want to continue talking, he couldn't destroy the whole layout for Victor.

He also didn't want to stay in the reception room. As for Jenny, she could stay as long as she wanted.

Jenny also knew that in Lin Chuan, she could not get the help she wanted at all, so she could only take her suitcase and enter the Mengying Hotel.

She would never leave Hui City until she avenged Victor.

But her arrival soon let Catherine know.

Catherine absolutely couldn't let Jenny disrupt her plan, so she immediately gave Linghong an order to hunt down.

At the same time, Catherine also reported the news to Michael.

At this time, he was focused on the stock of Lasker Industries, and was not in the mood to care about anything else.

"You can do whatever you want, you don't need to report it to me, now the market value of Lasker Industries' stock is soaring rapidly, I have already told the bank,

They will also provide me with 200 million yuan of funds, I want to put all of it into this stock, and the money I make is enough to buy the entire financial center! "

The words fell, and Sherman's eyes shifted from the computer screen to Michael's face, and said very excitedly: "Mr. Michael, the stock is still rising now,

Its motivation is that it has obtained a large amount of financing from a consortium and will build the largest industrial city in each country. The total investment has exceeded 17 billion yuan per person! "

Michael dropped the phone excitedly and said without hesitation, "Put all the money in, I want to make a lot of money when it's most valuable!"

With the entry of large sums of money, the stock is still rising like crazy.

When the market was closed at noon, Michael's net profit was close to 2 billion.

At noon, Michael also opened a bottle of good wine and celebrated with Sherman and others.

Sherman took a sip of wine and still suggested: "Mr. Michael, if you sell your stocks now, you can make a net profit of 2 billion yuan. My suggestion is to sell!"

However, Michael smiled disdainfully: "I made 2 billion in the morning, and in the afternoon, I can make 4 billion, Lin Chuan gave me a chance to make money, I will not give up easily,

My decision is to sell in a discretionary manner before the market closes in the afternoon. This is the best time to accumulate capital. Opportunities are not always available! "

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