Poor family, single-parent family, about 14 or 15 years old, an uncle introduced her...

When Lin Wei thought of this, he only felt that Bai Ling perfectly met the murderer's hunting goal, and his heart suddenly became fierce.

The fingertips on his wrist were cold, and the person next to him was still a little trembling. Song Yuhang grabbed her hand and squeezed it forcefully.

"It's okay, it's okay, it will be okay."

Lin Wei forced himself to calm down, Song Yuhang had pulled the map from Zheng Chengrui and laid it on his knees.

"You just said, where was the first time you saw Bai Ling?"

"In the alley next to the Green Building." Lin Fan pointed his finger, his face turned pale.

Song Yuhang circled with his pen.

"She goes to school during the day and works in a Milan bar at night."

Song Yuhang respectively circled a school and a bar nearby, connected the two points and drew a vertical bisector, then extended and intersected the three lines respectively, determined the center of the circle, and then grabbed it in a circle. Walkie talkie.

"With the northern alley of Xicheng District as the center, the radius of radiation is five kilometers to search for Bai Ling's home. She is a fifteen-year-old girl, thin and not tall, about 1.6 meters. Single parents and high-end residential areas can be excluded. Focus on searching for urban villages Understand?!"

"Understood!" A sonorous answer came from the headset, and Duan Cheng swiftly drove to another road with the turn signal on.

After half an hour.

They were the first to arrive at the scene.

There was a lock hanging on the door of the private house. Before the technicians arrived, Song Yuhang kicked it open, and Lin Wei headed in through the dust.

She ran for two steps, but stopped abruptly again, looking at the blood stains splashing in the house, it is rare to keep a trace of the professional's calm at this time.

"Don't move, wear gloves and shoe covers!"

Song Yuhang carried the investigation box to her. Lin Fan immersed himself in the magnifying glass and lay on the ground to check the blood stains dripping from the sofa.

It seems to ordinary people that these bloodstains may not be useful, but for forensic doctors, they are extremely precious clues.

Even if he was anxious, Lin Fan still patiently deliberated carefully: "Dripping blood and complete edge burrs, indicating that Bai Ling was completely still at the time of the accident..."

She pushed the magnifying glass up along the foot of the sofa and found long drips of blood on the sofa.

"She is most likely..."

Lin Nang's mind slowly appeared as she was lying on the sofa while crying while cutting her wrists, and she immediately bit her lower lip.

Fang Xin checked the fruit knife on the coffee table, brushed the toner repeatedly, and screamed, "Team Song, there is only one person's fingerprint on the handle!"

Song Yuhang put the black-and-white portrait in his hand back to the confession table. It seems that during their absence, Bai Ling's life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The incense in front of the offering table was still burning, and the green smoke curled up.

With a big wave, she took the lead and rushed out.

"It seems that they left soon, chase after!"

The follow-up reinforcements also arrived. Song Yuhang took Bai Ling's clothing under the police dog's nose and sniffed it, patted it on the back, and the tall and mighty wolf dog immediately shook his spirits and barked.

A group of people got into the car and set off, the police lights flashed and the sirens hovered over the city.

Dark clouds shrouded, and the mountains and rain were about to come and wind all over the building.


Jiangcheng City Bureau.

"Hello, we are from the Daily News Channel..."

"Hello, we are from Huimin Newspaper..."

"Excuse me, is there a behind-the-scenes man behind the suicide case of teenagers who have been making a lot of noise a few days ago?"

"I heard that two criminal policemen died at Jiangcheng Central Hospital this morning, is it true?"

The entrance of the huge Municipal Public Security Bureau was blocked.

"Don't worry, everyone. The case is being investigated and there is no comment. However, once the case is closed, we will immediately hold a press conference to give a satisfactory explanation to the deceased, the family of the deceased, the general public, and the media reporters."

The speaker bowed deeply in front of the camera.

Feng Jianguo walked up and down in the training room with his hands in his hands. On the big screen in front of him, the real-time hunting scenes of the teams appeared, and the technicians were all busy.

His brows almost wrinkled into a word "Chuan". The little detective didn't pick up the teacup he had brought him. He waved his hand to make him walk away, walked back to the big screen, and grabbed the walkie-talkie.

"Song Yuhang." His tone was harsher than ever.

Song Yuhang tensed subconsciously: "Yes!"

"This is a tough battle. Although the opponent has only one person, his courage, mind, anti-investigation awareness, and fighting experience are not weaker than well-trained criminal police officers, and..."

He paused: "The two brothers who sacrificed in the morning lost their guns, which means that his hands are now not only hostages, but also firepower weapons, which may threaten the life of any citizen in this city at any time. "

"Song Yuhang, all public security officers in Jiangcheng are your solid backing. At the same time, you will also take responsibility for the safety of the entire Jiangcheng. This burden is not light. Are you ready?"

Feng Jianguo is a good person, but he didn't learn from Zhao Ting a little bit. Before he acted, he always liked to give people chicken soup.

Song Yuhang smiled, and she answered calmly: "From the first day of the police, I have been ready to dedicate and sacrifice at any time. Now I request that you give me the highest command on the scene, and I will definitely The murderer was arrested and brought to justice."

The last two words she said a little bit gritted her teeth, thinking of the two dead brothers, so many dead children, and Bai Ling whose whereabouts are unaccounted for.

I only felt a fierce fire burning in my chest.

"Okay!" Feng Jianguo sharply raised his voice: "I not only give you command, I also give you the priority to shoot criminal suspects. As long as he violently resists arrest or harms hostages, he does not need to shoot and kill directly. Report from the superior, I will bear this responsibility!"

Song Yuhang was so excited that she could stand up and salute if it weren't for sitting.

Feng Jianguo continued: "The special police are all on standby. Next, we will wait for your good news."


The good news did not wait, but it was bad news.

The police dog stood on the dock and barked constantly, and the operator retrieved a corpse from the sea.

"The tide is high. If it weren't for the girl's clothes caught in the fishing hook, maybe it would have been..."

Lin wearily opened the door and jumped out of the car, followed by Song Yuhang, grabbing her wrist, and pulling the person back.

Lin Nian struggled, she held her shoulders, each other's eyes were red.

"Lin Wei, calm down, calm down!"

Lin Fei gritted her teeth, a little water seeps in her eyes, and pushed her away: "Calm down? How do you want me to calm down?! Bai Ling's body lies there fucking, how do you want me to calm down?!!! "

The wind on the sea grew stronger and messed up their hair.

After Lin Fan yelled, he raised his head and sucked in tears, turned his back and wiped his face, and rushed to the beach.

"Get out of the way!" She vigorously pushed a few salvagers away, and knelt down beside Bai Ling, looking at this familiar face, as if she could still hear her calling "elder sister" in her ear.

"Don't... don't hit me... I have seen her."

"Sister, are you okay?"

"Why did you come to work in Milan?"

"Anyway, I go to school during the day and work part-time at night, so I can make up enough tuition in one month."

"Take it, my sister gave you a gift."

When she stuffed the bank card into the girl’s pocket, the panic on the girl’s face looked like she was when she was young. Because she had received an accidental compliment or concern from her father, she was afraid that she was not worthy of the praise. That kind of flattered.

Behind the overjoyed feeling is the inferiority that is deeply suppressed in my heart.

And what was the last thing Lin Fan said to her?

"You don't have to pay back, my sister won't eat this set."

The sadness and sorrow that appeared on the girl's face at that moment pierced her eyes deeply.

If that day, she gave Bai Ling's name and contact information, as well as the most basic respect and trust, then, when she was most desperate, when she was in danger, would she think of her for a certain moment? This is not my sister's "sister".

So is it possible that she won't die?

Lin Fan seemed to want to put her hand up, watching her pale and bloodless face shrink back again, she gritted her teeth, struggling, her shoulders shaking violently.

Song Yuhang chased up from behind, squatted down beside her, put his hands on her back, and comforted her like she comforted herself.

"Lin Wei, it's not your fault."

Lin Nian sniffed and flicked her hand away. At that moment Song Yuhang clearly saw the crystal clear tears glide over the corner of her eyes.

However, it was only a moment.

Lin Yan took a deep breath, opened the survey box, took out the gloves and put on them: "Get out of the way, we don't have time to hurt the spring and the autumn. Let's do what you should do."

Lin Nai's emotions always seemed to travel between two extremes, either extremely intense or extremely calm.

But Song Yuhang knew that in fact, the one she was angry with was the real one.

Now Lin Fan, who forced himself to calm down for the autopsy, was actually depressed to the extreme in his heart.

Her emotions are like tight threads, which may break at any time.

Sometimes Song Yuhang still hopes she can cry, but not now.

A person in charge of technical reconnaissance, a top commander on the scene, if they mess up, they will only give the murderer more opportunities.

So even though her heart was extremely angry, extremely sad and extremely hated, she just patted Lin Wei on the shoulder again and stood up, her eyes were sharp and sharp that had been tempered with blood and tears.

She said, "Lin Wei, I will kill him personally. When the case is over, I will accompany you to drink."

Lin Fan buried her head and couldn't help it. She wanted to laugh but choked up. She quickly wiped away the tears with the clean clothes on her shoulders to avoid falling on the corpse and contaminating the source of the corpse.

"Okay, not drunk or return."

When the technical investigator returned to the car with the body bag, Lin Nian glanced back.

Song Yuhang is also looking at her.

Looking at each other silently, the wind raged, bringing the salty and wet smell of the ocean.

Lin Fan made a mouth shape: Be careful.

Song Yuhang wore half-finger tactical gloves, put **** together and gently touched his head, tapped twice, and straightened the back of his hand, making a chic and handsome gesture to her, expressing her relief.

Then his wrist suddenly rolled, his eyes became sharp, and he signaled everyone to go to the next target point.

The two cars passed by and rushed to their respective battlefields.


Anatomy can't wait.

All the technical means in modern criminal investigation are to provide major clues for locking suspects or solving cases, and this case is no exception.

Lin Wei has always believed in Roca's Law of Exchange since he started studying forensic medicine, just as Song Yuhang believed that "there is no so-called perfect crime in the world."

—All the corners he stood, all the utensils he touched, all the things he left behind, not just his fingerprints and footprints, his hair, the fibers in his clothes, the broken glass he touched, and he left behind His tools, the paint he scraped off, the blood or saliva he left or collected...Even if he was unconscious, he would leave a silent witness against him.

When Lin Yan quickly dissected Bai Ling's body, he even recalled what the teacher had said in the first anatomy class of his freshman year.

Her mouth was plausible, but she didn't realize it.

Duan Cheng carried the machine, and when he leaned closer, he heard: "Bai Ling...tell me...tell my sister...tell me what you haven't finished...tell me who that person is..."

Duan Cheng was taken aback, looking at her reddish eyes and messy hair piled under the surgical cap, his expression became a little complicated.

"Forensic Lin..."

Lin Wei had already used scissors to cut the stitched thread on the corpse's abdomen, and suddenly a stream of blood mixed with internal organ fragments poured out, forcing Duan Chengsheng to step back a few steps.

Lin Fei put his hands on the dissection stage, panting slightly, his eyes splitting: "Tell Song Yuhang, I know who he is, he is not Yu Xinye, he is Li Yang!"


"Do you really want to do this?"

The man being questioned shook the scarlet liquid in the goblet, overlooking the brightly lit city.

"Yes, I just want to see what step she can do."

"Aren't you afraid that I would kill her?"

"If you have this ability, go."

The man turned and left, and the black robe passed him with a strong smell of blood.

The man frowned, as if disgusted, picked up the red wine and drank it in one fell swoop.

The police siren downstairs has sounded.


In the autopsy room, Duan Cheng held the mobile phone to Lin Wei's ear. Lin Wei kept moving his hand, scooping out ascites.

"Yes, both kidneys are gone..."

Song Yuhang was choked immediately, gritted his teeth: "Why is it determined that it is Li Yang and not Yu Xinye?"

The reason why she felt that the murderer was Yu Xinye instead of Li Yang was because Li Yang had no motive to kill Li Hai. One was his brother, and second, if she was Yu Xinye, she managed to escape from death, but his wife did. Betrayed him, and left his young daughter and eloped.

Any **** normal man can’t tolerate it, let alone a person who has been buried under the mine disaster for seven or eight days. It will also leave PTSD when it comes out.

This may also be the inducement for his perverted murder.

Lin Tien listened to her and shook his head: "Did you forget? Aunt Yu said that Li Hai and Li Yang both studied medicine, and their ancestors were doctors. Li Hai was admitted to medical school, but Li Yang dropped out. With this incision and suture method, it is really impossible to make it without a little medical foundation!"

Song Yuhang seemed to give initiation, she yanked the map from the person next to her, and her speech speeded up.

"In other words, he has a certain medical foundation, so he should also know that kidney transplantation must have complete surgical instruments and sterile conditions, then the place where he may appear is..."

Song Yuhang took a pen and drew a circle on the map.

"All major hospitals have stepped up their guards. He just took his kidneys. In order to preserve the vitality of his organs, he must be transplanted as soon as possible, so his range of activities will not exceed Jiangcheng.

Song Yuhang shifted his gaze to the suburbs, and Lin Yan heard her yelling there: "Everyone has it, set off right away. If the suspects resist arrest violently, they can be shot on the spot!"

A smile of relief appeared at the corner of Lin Fan's lips. Before she was happy for too long, she was stunned when she reached into her chest.

She seemed unbelievable and took a scalpel to cut open from top to bottom, rongeurs cut off the ribs, and the entire thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity exposed the fundus.

Carrying the machine, Duan Cheng took a few steps back in fright, knocked over the instrument tray on the side, and pointed to the dissection table, his face pale, and he was speechless for a long while.

"Inside... the internal organs..."

The whole chest was hollowed out, this scene is eerie and terrifying.

Lin Fan gritted her teeth gradually, and she heard her teeth rattle.

It was trembling or trembling, fear and excitement.

Those eyes had been stained blood red with hatred.

She gritted her teeth word by word: "It's you... are you back..."

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