My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 273 Running in

The role of boatswain is very important.

In the past, Xiang Yang drove a gillnet fishing boat, and there were only ten or twenty people on board, and the importance of the bosun was not yet reflected.

But now it’s a large ocean-going fishing vessel. For the seventy or eighty crew members on board, the bosun is a position that directly participates in the management and is in constant contact with the sailors. He often accumulates a very high reputation among the crew. To put it bluntly, some Sometimes even the captain depends on the boatswain.

Xiang Yang glanced over Xiang Chen, Chen Fusheng, Fang Youqun and others one by one, and then slowly said: "Is there anyone who recommends himself and thinks he can be the bosun?"

No one spoke.

Most people think they don't have that ability, and a small number of people who think they have that ability feel that they don't have that qualification. It is definitely impossible for this position of bosun to be chosen among new crew members.

Seeing this, Chen Qingsheng thought suddenly, "Fang Youqun, why don't you give it a try?"

Xiang Yang raised his eyebrows, he didn't think Chen Qingsheng said this to tease Fang Youqun.

Fang Youqun waved his hands again and again, "No, I can't, I can't even be a sailor, how can I be a boatswain? Brother Sheng, don't make fun of me."

Xiang Yang looked at Xiang Chen. It is undoubtedly the best for Xiang Chen to be the bosun in terms of distance and closeness, but he may be lacking in ability.

In addition, Xiang Yang couldn't ignore Chen Qingsheng's words. The main job of the bosun was to cooperate with the first mate. Now that Chen Qingsheng was the first mate, he felt that it would be good for Fang Youqun to be the bosun.

"Since there is no one to choose the position of bosun, Chen Qingsheng, you can take it first, and then appoint a suitable candidate in the future." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"That's fine." Everyone nodded.

"We will go to sea every day these days, but we won't go far. The main thing is to let everyone get used to it. Master Xu, divide these pilots into three shifts as soon as possible. If there is an accident during the voyage, I will ask you," Xiang said. Yang said.

When Xu Fang heard this, he nodded quickly and said, "Boss, don't worry, I will stay in the driver's cab during the first few trips to sea, and I will divide them into three classes reasonably according to their driving skills."

Xu Fang was a little excited. In the future, he would be much freer without having to work in the cab every day. Of course, he would be responsible for all the mechanical equipment of the entire ocean-going fishing boat in the future. The freedom is much more free, but the intensity of the work will be much greater. up.

"Boss, do you want to take the boat out for a turn now?" Xu Fang asked.

Xiang Yang nodded and said with a smile: "That's fine, then we'll go out this morning and give you an afternoon to tidy up the dormitory."

When Xu Fang heard this, the expression on his face changed, and he immediately entered the working state of the chief engineer, "All the drivers follow me into the cab. The first task today is to show me your driving skills."

Driving a boat is the same as driving a car. It doesn’t mean that everyone has the same driving skills with a driver’s license. Some people have excellent skills, while others are street killers.

Xiang Yang watched as Xu Fang greeted all seven pilots to arrive in the cab, and then immediately ordered Chen Qingsheng to lead people to put away the sounding boards to prepare for the maiden voyage of the ocean-going fishing boat.

Other fishermen in the sea quickly rowed their boats far away, giving Xiang Yang's ocean-going fishing boat a place to go out to sea.

Those crew members who had gone to sea with Xiang Yang before were fine, but the new crew members, especially those recruited from Yanlong Village, became excited one by one, either looking forward to or imagining what the distant sea was about to see. Fan scenery.

"Everyone stands firm, the ship is about to leave, and no one is allowed to get close to the side of the ship." Chen Qingsheng led people to pull up the patrol team, and then ran from the bow to the stern, yelling loudly for everyone to come Stand firm in the middle of overtime.

"Set off!"

Following Xiang Yang's order, there was a low sound of machine starting inside the fishing boat, and then the sea water on the side near the unloading bridge began to churn, and the fishing boat sailed away from Qinglongwan Wharf at a very slow speed.

After leaving the pier, the ocean-going fishing boat started to speed up, and quickly increased to ten knots, and drove quickly towards the open sea, leaving only a huge rolling white wave on the sea.


A loud eagle cry sounded, and the tiger-headed sea eagle circled a few times over the ocean-going fishing boat, then swooped down and landed above the cabin of the ocean-going fishing boat.

"Brother Yang, our tiger-headed sea eagle has followed." Fang Youqun hurriedly shouted after seeing it.

"Yeah." Xiang Yang smiled, "It seems that this bird also knows how to recognize people, but not ships."

"I think it eats, doesn't it?" Chen Qingsheng joked: "The sea eagle has gained more than a circle of fat with the captain. When I leave the captain, where will it eat so many good things every day?"

Xiang Yang waved his hand to say hello to the tiger-headed sea eagle.

"Boss, shall we just take a turn in Qinglong Bend, or sail in another direction?" At this time, Xiang Yangbie's voice came from the intercom on his chest.

"During the break-in period, I won't go out of Qinglong Bend. Otherwise, I won't be able to make it back at noon. Let's sail the boat to the sea area rich in turbot. Let's get back the fuel fee for this voyage first." Xiang Yang bowed his head. Preach into the intercom.

Naturally, Xu Fang would not have any objection to Xiang Yang's proposal, and directly planned the route for the pilot of the boat.

The rest of the people will not have any opinion on this, Xiang Yang's words are orders, and they just wait to work after Xiang Yang gives the order.

However, Chen Qingsheng remembered one thing. He walked up to Xiang Yang and whispered: "Captain, there are still only fifteen sets of diving equipment on board. We now have seventy or eighty people on board, and only fifteen people wear diving equipment to fish for more. For Baoyu, the remaining dozens of people can only wait on the deck. Wouldn’t this be too wasteful? Or we should cast a net first, and then go diving when there are more diving equipment on board Salvage it?"

Xiang Yang smiled, and he asked, "Master Chen, if there were eighty sets of diving equipment on our boat, how many people would be willing to go underwater?"

"Of course everyone is willing." Chen Qingsheng opened his mouth and wanted to say that as long as there are enough diving equipment, then everyone is willing to go to sea, but halfway through the words, he remembered the time when Xiang Yang said he would go fishing in the sea when he just arrived on Xiangyang's boat scene.

"The first time the picture was fresh, everyone would be willing to go down, right?" Chen Qingsheng changed his tone and finally said uncertainly.

Xiang Yang smiled, "Now almost every household in Yanlong Village has diving equipment. Diving is nothing new to them. They all know that diving consumes energy. If I didn't order them, they would not be willing to go down. Those students from the Maritime University may be willing to go down and have a look."

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