My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 43 Mouse Spot

"I wanted to let them swim for ten minutes first." Xiang Yang fastened the net bag on his waist, and waved at Xu Fang casually, "Forget it, let's go."

Master Xu was stunned. The whole game lasted for thirty minutes, why don't you let them swim for ten minutes first? Just blow it up, why don't you say you let them for half an hour?

Immediately Xu Fang was overjoyed, and secretly said: "It seems that the captain knew that he couldn't win, and he didn't take the two hundred dollars seriously at all. He thought it was just for the crew to have some fun. In fact, he gave up before the game even started. .”

If Xiang Yang knew what Xu Fang was thinking in his heart, he would be wronged. Xiang Yang really wanted to have a close and challenging game, but with the strength of his opponent, Xiang Yang wouldn't let them swim for ten minutes first. Winning would be boring. .

Jumping to the bottom of the sea, Xiang Yang immediately saw the crew members carefully searching for seafood along the bottom of the reef.

Xiang Yang swayed his body in the direction where there were few people and swam out for several meters. After confirming that there was no one around, he turned into a small electric motor and swam directly into the deep sea.

While walking through the grotesque underwater world, Xiang Yang searched the corners of the sea. He wanted to find some seafood such as swimming crabs to take home for dinner tonight.

The seabed along the coast where the tide has just ebbed is a bit different from usual. The seawater is much turbid than usual, and the speed of seawater flow is also faster than usual. Although most people can't feel the flow of seawater, they can find it through the swinging aquatic plants.

However, the school of fish was much more active than usual. Many schools of fish walked among the aquatic plants in groups, provoking predators such as crabs to chase after them.

It's a pity that these crabs are not very big, most of them are around one or two taels. Xiang Yang doesn't like it at all.

Picking a few swimming crabs of more than three or two into the net, Xiang Yang continued to swim deeper into the sea.

A group of cream-colored sea fish with black spots all over the body made people feel very festive and swam towards Xiang Yang from another direction. Xiang Yang stopped immediately when he saw it.

"It turned out to be a mouse spot." Xiang Yang stopped not because he was afraid of the group of sea fish, but because he wanted to catch the group of sea fish. Mouse spot is named for its long head and sharp mouth that resembles a mouse. Although it is a ferocious carnivorous fish, it cannot bite because it has no big teeth and can only swallow fish smaller than itself, so Xiang Yang is not in their diet. .

To be honest, not only is the name Mouse Spot not pleasant, but it always feels like scolding fish.

In fact, the mouse spot is not their real name. Their real name is the humpback bass. This name seems to be not as nice as the mouse spot.

Of course, what it is called is not something it can decide on its own.

Although the name of the mouse spot is not good, the mouse spot is actually a typical tropical offshore coral reef fish. It is an extremely beautiful sea fish that can be used as an ornamental, and its vitality is extremely tenacious. The range of activities of rat spots is from the shallow sea with a depth of 1 meter to the deep sea with a depth of 60 meters.

The mouse spot is a medium-sized fish. The adult mouse spot can generally reach 50 cm in size, and a few can grow to more than 70 cm.

The group of mouse grouper fish that Xiang Yang saw is a relatively large group of grouper grouper fish. According to visual inspection, there are nearly 20 grouper fish, most of which are gray or beige, and only a few of them are white. The sides are covered with black brown spots. There are also certain differences in the number and location of freckles in each mouse.

"Shouldn't it?" Xiang Yang was thinking about some problems while approaching the group of rats. Although the mouse spot is also a type of grouper, it is different from other groupers. The mouse spot is a lone ranger with a predatory habit and an extremely lonely personality. It will only gather together when mating.

Soon Xiang Yang understood the reason. When the distance between the two sides got closer again, Xiang Yang saw that there were many small mouse spots with more beautiful appearance in the school of big mouse spot fish.

Juvenile mouse spots are more beautiful than adult mouse spots. The upper part of the snow-white body is covered with black spots, and the large pectoral fins float back and forth when swimming, like a butterfly dancing.

"It turns out that they are feeding young fish." Xiang Yang smiled on his face. Mouse Spot is probably the only sea fish whose small size is more valuable than the big one.

The mouse spot more than ten centimeters is an extremely rare seawater ornamental fish, especially sought after by people from countries such as Malaysia.

When the mouse spot grows to more than 20 cm, the color of the body gradually deepens, and the black spots become smaller and smaller. At this time, the mouse spot is no longer suitable as an ornamental fish.

However, the meat of adult mouse spots is delicious and nutritious, and fishermen and diners have reached a consensus, and it has been included in the ranks of cherished delicacies. Now the market price is about 800 to 1,200 pounds per catty.

"Catch a few small ones and go back." Xiang Yang directly rushed towards the group of rats. The big Xiang Yang couldn't do anything, but the small Xiang Yang had plenty of ways to deal with it.

Mouse Ban is a very ferocious grouper. When seeing such a huge fish as Xiang Yang rushing towards it, the group of Mouse Ban was panicked and at the same time aroused fierceness. More than a dozen large grouper with a length of more than 50 centimeters appeared in the grouper. Under the lead of a large rat striped nearly 70 centimeters long, it did not advance but retreated, and rushed towards Xiang Yang.


The speed of both sides was too fast, Xiang Yang only had time to block his fists on his head, and then he collided head-on with a half-meter-long mouse spot. The huge impact made Xiang Yang's fast-moving body Everyone paused, as for the mouse banner that collided with Xiang Yang, his belly turned over and he was knocked unconscious.

Xiang Yang, who was in the body, blinked innocently first, followed by great joy, and then ignored those little mouse spots, swam to the faint big mouse spot in a flash, hugged him and bent towards the blue dragon Swim quickly in the direction.

On the beach of Qinglong Bend on the other side, the fishermen who dived into the sea climbed up from the bottom of the sea to the shore one after another, with some catches on their bodies.

Before the appointed time, most of the crew ran to the beach without stopping for a while, wondering if they could dig a few more crabs before the appointed time came.

This time, almost all the crew members tried their best to bet on seafood, with the exception of one crew member.

This crew member is Chen Qingsheng, an old crew member that Uncle Xiang dug from an outside fleet. With his rich experience and a certain amount of luck, he found a big squid the size of a jar in an abandoned kimchi jar on the beach.

"Don't be so busy, the crabs you dug until next month will not be as heavy as my squid, I will win the bet on seafood this time," Chen Qingsheng yelled to the beach while playing with his squid shouted.

"Hmph." Xiang Hui shouted unwillingly while pawing the beach desperately: "Maybe I'll catch a big fish that's stranded later, and my second brother is still in the sea and hasn't come up. Is it early?"

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