My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 440 Insatiable Greed (Part 2)

The ten Hai motorcycles were indeed provided for free, and Qinglongwan did not need to pay them extra money.

After that, the Abyss Beach Club in the contract described the benefits of putting 30 sea motorcycles in Qinglong Bend in a very long text. What will increase the experience of tourists who come to Qinglong Bend? Increase the playable tourism items of Qinglong Bend! Etc., etc.

There is nothing wrong with these.

However, the following words in the contract are very problematic.

Xiang Yang pointed to the bottom line on the first page of the contract and said: "You put Haimotor into our Qinglong Bend, and you don't pay us a dime in rent, and all the profits created by Haimoto belong to you?"

"Young man, don't you understand? We are cooperation, do you know what cooperation is? Cooperation is mutual benefit and win-win." The woman said loudly: "Look at what you have in Qinglong Bend now? There is nothing, even entering the village. There is not a single road, and the beach is sandy beach, and there is no entertainment facility at all, who would come to your place to travel in such a place?"

"We will put in a batch of tourist facilities for you to help you turn a poor and white fishing village into a tourist area. You will benefit in the end. What have we earned? We can't earn anything. You know my sea motorcycles How much is it worth?"

"One hundred thousand!"

"Each of my sea motorcycles is worth a hundred thousand!"

"Thirty cars are three million. Who is willing to invest three million for you in a poor fishing village like yours?"

"Then I have to hire people to operate and maintain these sea motorcycles, and I will also spend a lot of effort to help you promote them. The tourists who come to profit in the end will be your Yanlong Village, and I will only earn a little sea motorcycle. Operating expenses, that's it, you still want me to pay your rent?"

"Three million!" The woman stretched out three fingers and said excitedly: "How long will it take me to get back my money? And what about you? Enjoy the benefits, not to mention the tourists, but also charge our rent? Is there any cooperation like this between you? "

"I spent so much effort and invested so much, but in the end I couldn't even come back. Are you earning a lot of platinum?"

Xiang Yang was too lazy to argue with this woman.

Because no matter whether he wins or loses the argument, it is impossible for Xiang Yang to give up Haimoto's business to others.

Haimoto's profits are much greater than most people imagine.

Xiang Yang turned over the second page of the contract and continued to say with a blank expression: "In the next 70 years, the entire Qinglong Bend, including the villagers of Yanlong Village, will not be allowed to operate sea motorcycles?"

"Yes, because I think our family is enough for Haimoto. If there are more, it will cause unnecessary market competition, and everyone will suffer in the end." The woman stroked her hair and said with a smile. She was secretly happy in her heart. Xiang Yang didn't argue with him after he said that, which proved that Xiang Yang was just as she had guessed, just a relative of Village Chief Zuo, and he was still a country bumpkin in essence.

Xiang Yang continued to read the next line: "Yanlong Village and any third party shall not set up or operate commercial marine entertainment activities in the waters of Qinglong Bend within 70 years."

Seeing that Xiang Yang didn't defend herself, the woman finally showed a smile on her face, "Little brother, we have invested more than three million yuan in the early stage alone, and there will be various investments including advertising in the later stage. Such a huge investment How could it be possible for Guanghai Motorcycle to recover the cost of this project? We help you publicize Qinglong Bend, so that you can make a lot of money, and we have to make a little money ourselves, right? This Sea Motorcycle Ah, it’s purely spending money on word-of-mouth. We are purely at a loss and don’t make money. Since it’s a cooperation, after the word-of-mouth is made and you earn a lot of platinum, shouldn’t we also invest in it? How about some money-making projects to make some money?"

"Actually, making money is secondary. The main reason is that we started the water sports at Qinglong Bend. We are the most familiar with it. We will do all of it, and it will be easier to manage." The curly-haired youth interjected at this time.

The woman immediately said: "Yes, in fact, all offshore projects require a huge investment, and it is impossible to pay back the cost within a few decades. The reason we do this is really not to make money, but mainly to maintain our reputation. Convenience and unified management.”

The two sang together and talked for your own good.

Xiang Yang pointed to the next item in the contract and said, "Yes, offshore projects require a lot of investment and don't make any money, so you all focused on the beach. From now on, the beach from the entrance of Yanlong Village to the reef fort will all become The private beach of your Abyss Beach Club, including the villagers of our Yanlong Village, is not allowed to go to the beach without your permission."

"Young man, what are you talking about?" The woman pretended to be angry and said, "Aren't I thinking about the common interests of everyone? Operating the beach is our specialty, and entrusting the beach to us to manage it is convenient for us and saves on management. Fees, and can better select customers, and increase the flow of people as soon as possible. As long as there is a flow of people, what is a beach? At that time, there will be endless tourists in Yanlong Village, and you will just open a small shop. Start a small business, I guarantee that your monthly income of more than 10,000 yuan is not a dream."

Xiang Yang laughed angrily at the woman's words, "It's really a good plan to put in 30 sea motorcycles, and the sea motorcycles are still yours. You want to take the entire coastline of our Yanlong Village without spending a penny, plus You don’t spend a penny to develop a whole stretch of beach, but the people in Yanlong Village are not even allowed to go to the beach without your consent.”

"What do you mean?" The woman's complexion changed instantly, and she looked at Xiang Yang with a livid face, "You can't be too greedy, we spent so much money and so much effort to help you promote this poor and white coastline, Let you change from a backward fishing village into an economically prosperous area, so that everyone in your village can benefit, what else do you want?"

The woman turned her head to look at the village head Zuo, "Mr. Zuo, take good care of your nephew. My patience is limited. Do I want to continue to let the whole village live a miserable life of fishing, or do I want to follow me and make a living?" Everyone in your village is living a good life, you make your own decision."

The curly-haired young man grinned and stretched out three fingers, "Three million, who is willing to invest three million in a poor place like yours except us, Manager Liao? This kind of opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you miss this time, you will never have it again." gone."

"Leader Zuo, as the head of the village, even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about it for so many people in the village, right?"

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