My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 459: The Expedition Team Arrives

Xiang Yang believes that as long as he doesn't intervene, the two guys, Li Chao and Zhang Qichen, will be happy in the end. This is Xiang Yang's confidence in Li Chao.

Sure enough, when Li Chao, who was very deep in the city, heard what Xiang Yang said, he immediately stopped worrying about this matter. He smiled and said, "Brother Xiang, what is your main goal for going down this time?"

What Li Chao was talking about was naturally the shark fins on those dead great white sharks.

"Don't worry, I've found out everything. Those great white sharks are lying on the bottom of the sea now, and there is no danger around them. You can ask people to go down to harvest shark fins at any time." Xiang Yang replied with a smile.

Hearing Xiang Yang's words, everyone quickly shifted their attention from the Chinese Splendid Lobster to the shark's fin, staring at Xiang Yang intently, waiting for Xiang Yang's order.

"That's great, brother Xiang. If this is the case, then it's not too late. Hurry up and send people down to harvest." Li Chao hurriedly urged.

Although the two Chinese Splendid Lobsters are precious, the unit price of shark fins is no less than that of Chinese Splendid Lobsters. The most difficult thing is that there are many great white sharks that died this time, and there are many pairs of shark fins.

Of course, what moved Li Chao the most was that these shark fins could be seen, because these sharks died naturally without human factors.

Xiang Yang knew that Li Chao was really looking forward to the batch of shark fins. After thinking about it, Xiang Yang directly ordered: "Go get some more sets of diving equipment, Chen Qingsheng, Chen Fusheng, Zhou Wang, Tang Bao, Fang Youqun, five of you, get ready." , go to the sea with me to salvage shark fins, Master Xu, take care of the boat."

"It's the captain." Chen Qingsheng, Chen Fusheng, Zhou Wang, and Fang Youqun replied at the same time.

"Don't worry, captain, with Xiang Chen and I on board, nothing will happen." Xu Fang also smiled.

"Go, act."

As soon as Xiang Yang gave an order, a group of people acted immediately. Those who wanted to go into the sea began to quickly put on their diving equipment, while Xu Fang led the crew who didn't want to go into the sea to the side of the ship, ready to meet Xiang Yang and the others with ropes and fish baskets at any time.

Soon, the shark fins from the dead great white sharks were cut off one by one by Xiang Yang and the others. Every time a piece was put on the boat, Li Chao would call out "baby" with his eyes shining.

"A total of seven great white sharks and six and a half sets of shark fins are all here." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Thank you very much." Li Chao rubbed his hands, "The price of shark's fin is 10% higher than the market price. In addition, I am happy today. All the crew members present on your ship will each have a package of 500 yuan. A red envelope of money, I will give a thousand to the crew members who have gone to sea.”

"Then I will thank Brother Chao on behalf of the crew." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

At the same time, Xiang Yang himself was not stingy, and said directly: "Today I went to sea with me, each person has a red envelope of 1,000 yuan, and Chen Qingsheng went to sea with me twice, 2,000 yuan."

When the crew heard this, they immediately exploded with joy.

The money is small money to Li Chao and Xiang Yang, but to them, it is a windfall.

"Captain." Xu Fang did not forget his mission, he asked: "Then shall we continue to cast the net now?"

"No more." Xiang Yang said with a smile: "I am already very satisfied with today's harvest, that's all for today, now I will return directly to the voyage, and I will give you all a half-day vacation after returning."

Today, Xiang Yang's harvest is really rich, seven great white sharks, plus two Chinese Splendid Lobsters, all of which are set for an ordinary ocean-going fishing boat to go out to the open sea for half a month.

In Huhai Town, a brand new double-decker bus slowly stops on the main street.

The door opened, and a large group of people got off the bus in an orderly manner. Among them were men and women, most of them were elderly, and a small part were young people, but without exception, every Everyone is very educated, so many people get out of the car, no one runs around or makes any noise after getting out of the car, and the young people even take the initiative to help the old people with their things.

"Dean Chen, is this the Qinglong Bend?" An old lady carrying a black luggage bag asked Professor Chen Yu with a smile.

"This is Huhai Town, and there is still a distance from Qinglong Bend." Professor Chen Yu pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and smiled modestly like a gentleman: "Professor Cai, why are you carrying so much luggage? Let me help you carry it. "

"No, I'm in good health. Most of this bag contains necessary instruments for collecting biological samples, and a small part is necessities for life." Cai Xiali said with a smile.

Professor Chen Yu smiled and nodded slightly.

Only some of these people are teachers and students of the Maritime Academy, and the rest are professionals in marine biology and the Animal Protection Association.

The last time the video of humpback whales and killer whales appearing together in Qinglong Bend caused a big shock in the biological world and the animal protection association. Many people did not believe that these two creatures would appear in the same sea area at the same time, let alone I don't believe that after these two creatures appeared in the same frame, there was no war. This is very incredible.

Therefore, a maritime research institute took the lead in organizing a survey mission, and Professor Chen Yu was the captain of the survey mission.

Soon, the members of the inspection team got out of the car one after another and stood neatly in two rows.

"Professor Cai, would you like to say something first?" Professor Chen Yu smiled and looked at Cai Xiali.

The old lady Cai shook her head with a smile, "I'm not very good at communication, so Dean Chen can tell you."

Professor Chen Yu is not hypocritical, he nodded, and said directly: "Teachers and students, we have now arrived in Huhai Town. Although there is still some distance from Qinglong Bend, our investigation has actually begun. Next Let's discuss and discuss whether we should go to Qinglong Bend first and then go to Huhai Town for investigation and investigation, or start the investigation from Huhai Town first."

Scientific research is a very rigorous matter.

To investigate a thing, it is often necessary to first investigate a large number of factors including surrounding environmental factors, including environmental pollution, wastewater discharge, and local geological types.

After listening to Chen Yu's words, a group of people discussed immediately. Some said that they should go to Huhai Town to do environmental investigation first, and some said that they should go to Qinglong Bend for direct on-site investigation.

"Okay." Professor Chen Yu said, and the group of people immediately fell silent.

"We are divided into two teams. One team is led by Professor Cai, and we will first investigate in Huhai Town. The other team is led by me and goes straight to Qinglong Bend. But these are not the most important things." Professor Chen Yu smiled. Said: "The most important thing now is to find a restaurant first, and then we can talk about it after lunch."

"Yes, that's right. I'm afraid this will be our last stable meal for a long time. After the investigation work officially starts, we will become very busy. By then, the meals will basically be work meals. It's gone." Mrs. Cai also said with a smile.

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