My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 533: Pirate Bird's Bad Thoughts

In addition, the origin of the name of frigatebirds starts with their living habits.

The frigatebird has a pair of long, pointed wings and is excellent at flying. When its wings are spread out, the distance between the two wingtips can reach 2.3 meters.

During the day, frigatebirds are almost always in the air.

They can turn and circle at high altitudes, and can also dive in a straight line at high speed. Their superb flying skills are really amazing.

Since the frigate bird cannot dive and fish by itself, it likes to attack other seabirds that are holding fish when it is flying in the air.

Usually, when a frigatebird sees its prey, it will rush towards the target very fiercely, causing the attacked to panic, drop the fish in its mouth and flee in panic.

At this time, the frigate bird rushed down immediately, caught the falling fish in the air, and swallowed it immediately.

Because of this predatory habit of the frigate bird, early biologists named it frigatebird.

In the Middle Ages, a frigate meant a sailing ship with cannons used by pirates.

In modern English, frigate means frigate.

Later, this meaning was translated into China, and the Chinese simply called it a warship.

This is how the frigate bird got its name.

In addition, frigate birds are also called pirate birds.

It obtains food by harassing other seabirds returning with their prey.

In addition to disturbing other flying birds, the food that falls from the mouths of other seabirds, if frigatebirds see such as red-footed boobies and seagulls returning from fishing, frigatebirds will suddenly attack them Air strikes force the red-footed boobies or seagulls to give up the fish and shrimp in their mouths, and then dive rapidly to grab the falling fish and shrimp for themselves.

Xiang Yang glanced at the top of the cabin, and muttered to himself, the big guy must be staring at the two tiger-headed sea eagles on the top of his cabin, right?

It's not that Xiang Yang looks down on warship birds.

Steller sea eagles really don't like frigate birds, especially in the air above the sea.

Both are kings over the sea.

But frigatebirds have no oil in their feathers and cannot touch water, otherwise they will drown. Therefore, they catch food by themselves, and they can only catch a small amount of fish close to the water surface. Bird catches fish.

And what about the tiger-headed sea eagle?

That is the real king of the sky.

In terms of combat effectiveness, the two may be on par.

But once they get entangled and fall into the sea together from the sky, the frigatebird must die.

"Cuckoo." The female eagle called to the male eagle a few times, as if to warn the male eagle that there were invaders breaking into the territory.

The vultures would only make a cooing sound when they were the most docile, warmest, and most relaxed. Obviously, the female vulture didn't pay attention to the frigate bird at all.


The male tiger-headed sea eagle uttered a sonorous and clear eagle cry, slowly stood up from the eagle's nest, and then stretched out a pair of huge wings.

The tiger-headed sea eagle family is a male and female bird that incubates eggs in turn. The female eagle does not hatch all the time. The predation is also preyed by the male and female eagles together. However, when defending against foreign enemies, they usually have a relatively small body, but are more flexible and have stronger fighting power. Xiongdiao came forward to solve it.

A loud eagle's call resounded through the sky, echoing in the open world where the sea and sky are the same color, it seems that the male eagle is declaring its sovereignty to the frigate bird.

Xiang Yang looked at the sky with some worry.

Don't look at this frigate bird flying on the sea, as if it is going to cross the ocean, in fact Xiang Yang knows that the frigate bird will return to land or islands to roost every night.

When frigatebirds are resting, they usually land on towering rocks or treetops, and always keep a certain distance from the ground, otherwise it would not even be able to take off smoothly.

Someone once posted a video of a frigate bird swimming on the Internet. Many people used that video to deny the conclusion that the frigate bird cannot touch water found by biologists.

In fact, even if the frigatebirds swim, they only gather on the sea not far from the shore, and it is absolutely impossible to be in the deep sea area.

So Xiang Yang wasn't worried that the tiger-headed sea eagle would suffer in a fight with the frigate bird.

What Xiang Yang is really worried about is that frigate birds live in groups.

When perched, large flocks of frigatebirds will huddle together and appear very crowded.

Speaking of which, one thing is very worth mentioning, because it is very magical.

At night, many other seabirds, such as boobies, seagulls, and even goshawks, often gather around frigatebirds to roost.

Most of these birds are bullied and plundered by frigate birds during the day, but they sleep with frigate birds at night, which is incredible.

At this time, the crew also looked up and saw the frigate bird flying in the sky.

Fang Youqun looked at the tiger-headed sea eagle on the top of the cabin, then looked up at the warship bird in the sky, then turned to look at Xiang Yang, "Brother Yang, that warship bird must be staring at the tiger-headed sea eagle, right?" ?”

"Impossible." Xiang Yang shook his head, "The tiger-headed sea eagle is not a sparrow seagull, and the frigate bird dare not make an idea of ​​the tiger-headed sea eagle."

Xiang Yang always believes that in the animal world, the strong are respected, and the weak should naturally submit to the strong.

But in fact, in the natural world, the weak are desperately resisting the strong from beginning to end. This spirit of resistance is even integrated into the bones and is passed down from generation to generation.

Such as the killer whale and the humpback whale.

Killer whales can't beat humpback whales.

As long as a humpback whale encounters a killer whale, it will definitely be a fat beating.

But humpback whales have a slow growth cycle.

Once the killer whale group encounters a juvenile humpback whale, even if they risk being killed by the humpback whale, they must go up and kill the juvenile humpback whale.

Another example is the flat-headed brother and jackal in Africa.

Both of these creatures are absolutely no match for lions.

But when they encounter a single lion, they will definitely go up and try their best.

The male tiger-headed sea eagle is staring at the sky covetously. It stretches its wings, showing its kingly posture to its heart's content.

But the frigate bird was not afraid at all. It hovered over the fishing boat, its flying altitude was getting lower and lower, and it was gradually approaching the Eagle's Nest.

Doesn't the frigate bird know that he can't beat the Steller's sea eagle?

Especially right now there are two Steller's sea eagles, but there is only one frigate bird.

The frigate bird must know that he can't beat the two tiger-headed sea eagles, but he thinks that the two tiger-headed sea eagles can't kill him. He is full of confidence in his fighting power and thinks he can hold the two tiger-headed sea eagles. An attack, and then escaped safely.

The most important thing is that the frigate bird has confirmed that there is a nest of Steller's sea eagle on the fishing boat through observation. It obviously wants to be the first to strike first and kill one of its few natural enemies, the nestling of Steller's sea eagle. Or kill the eggs to kill the natural enemies in the bud.

The frigate bird looked down at the Steller's Sea Eagle's nest thirty to forty meters below, and began to look for the most suitable foothold to launch an attack.

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