My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 564 Deep Night Diving

But this time, Xiang Yang's plan to relocate the Qinglongwan Wharf finally touched the limit of Li Chao's ability.

After Xiang Yang wiped off the water droplets on his body and changed into a new set of clothes, Li Chao asked Xiang Yang with a serious face: "Brother Xiang, when you tell me, where are you going to build the new pier and how many are you going to build?" money?"

"It hasn't been decided yet, but I just have such an idea for the time being. It is enough to squeeze the Qinglong Bend Wharf at present, and it will depend on the situation in the future." Xiang Yang said.

Li Chao smiled wryly and shook his head, "The whole Qinglong Bend is close to Yanlong Village, and the harbor with deep water is either Yanqian Village or Yanjiang Village, both of which have a wharf the size of Qinglongwan Wharf. If a new wharf is to be built, the old wharf must be demolished. There is already a small and medium-sized wharf with a throughput of 400,000 tons in Huhai Town. You need to build a new wharf within Huhai Town , if the throughput is less than 600,000 tons, it is unthinkable."

"And to build a wharf with a throughput of more than 600,000 tons, not counting the cost of land acquisition, do you know how much it will cost?" Li Chao asked.

Xiang Yang raised his eyebrows and asked, "How much?"

Li Chao stretched out two fingers, "The construction cost alone is at least 200 million yuan, and this is a private construction. You need to find a way to expropriate the land yourself. I can say this, not 500 million yuan. In two years, your The pier simply cannot be built.”

"In the beginning, we don't need to build such a large pier. We can choose the location of the new pier first, and then expand it a little bit." Xiang Yang said after a moment of contemplation.

"What about the follow-up? You haven't thought about the follow-up? You want to form a fleet. The villagers of Yanlong Village will definitely buy fishing boats when they see that you have made a fortune fishing. After all, there is a certain degree of expansion. Yanlong Village, Yanjiang Village, Yanlong Village The current throughput of the three piers in Qiancun is less than 10,000 tons. Now we have invested tens of millions to expand one of the piers to 20,000 tons. It may take less than a year for this pier to be demolished. , converted into hundreds of thousands of tons, do you think this is a good deal?" Li Chao said.

It is true that the expansion of the pier is all reconstruction on the original basis, and there must be a limit.

A wharf with a throughput of only a few tons cannot be expanded to hundreds of thousands of tons at once without demolishing the original building.

Xiang Yang frowned, "However, there are more than a dozen yachts crowded into the current Qinglongwan Wharf, a gillnet fishing boat, and a large ocean-going fishing boat are not enough, and, to be honest, the appearance of the fishing boat It's really not beautiful, and the noise is too loud, which is not conducive to the discovery of the tourism industry. We have already invested a lot of money in Qinglong Bend, and it is worth investing another sum of money."

"If the development of tourism in Qinglong Bend is affected by the noise of Qinglongwan wharf and fishing boats, then it's really not worth it." Xiang Yang shook his head.

The most important thing is that Xiang Yang feels that Li Chao doesn't understand the pier.

It is true that if Li Chao's idea is really followed to build a medium-sized wharf with a throughput of hundreds of thousands of tons, it will cost at least hundreds of millions of dollars.

However, Xiang Yang felt that the cost of relocating the Qinglongwan Wharf to Yanjiang Village and expanding the Yanjiang Village Wharf to a throughput of about 20,000 tons would cost at most several million, unlike what Li Chao said Need tens of millions.

But what Li Chao said was right.

That is a port with a throughput of 20,000 tons. It will not take long for Xiang Yang. I am afraid that it has just been built, and it will be demolished for expansion. This is really not worth the candle.

"Okay, let me think about it again." Xiang Yang temporarily put down his plan to relocate the dock due to various considerations.

"This is not a trivial matter. You really should think about it carefully. Don't worry, I won't let you think about it for too long. As long as the tourism industry in Qinglong Bend really starts, even if you don't want to move, I will discuss it with you .” Li Chao said with a smile. His concept hotel is just beside Qinglongwan Pier.

A large coastal hotel built for hundreds of millions of dollars, with a small fishing pier next to it, what is that called?

"Okay." Xiang Yang nodded, "Then this matter is settled."

In fact, there is really no rush for this matter.

In the case that Huhai Town itself has a small and medium-sized wharf, it is not so difficult to approve another small and medium-sized wharf.

If the tourism industry in Qinglong Bend is really started, then this matter is a one-sentence matter.

But if the tourism industry in Qinglong Bend has not been developed, then this matter is just a dream.

Of course, if Xiang Yang is rich enough to build a medium-sized or even a large-scale wharf, that would be very simple, especially a large-scale wharf, which even Dragon City could not dream of.

After all, for a large wharf with a throughput of tens of millions of tons, the economy created by the freight on the wharf alone is enough to increase the gdp of Longcheng City by a large margin.

Xiang Yang and Li Chao talked about some things again, and the time soon came to the middle of the night.

The crew members who went into the sea all returned to the ship one after another. After the roll call, they went to sleep in their respective rooms.

The two cruise ships will have another day at sea tomorrow, so there is no return voyage.

The people in the cab turned on the large searchlights on the ship and stopped the cruise ship in place.

Cruise ships are different from fishing boats.

Fishing boats generally do not stop at night in order to chase fish schools and find suitable fishing grounds.

The main purpose of the cruise ship is to let the people on board enjoy the scenery on the sea. At night, the sea is pitch black, and the people on board are all asleep. Naturally, it stops to reduce the turbulence of the cruise ship, so that the tourists on board can sleep. get a good night's sleep.

The most important thing is to save fuel.

Xiang Yang returned to his room, tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep, and went to the deck helplessly, took a set of diving equipment and put it on, ready to go down to the bottom of the sea quietly.

In fact, Xiang Yang didn't need to wear diving equipment. He was on the bottom of the sea and could swim freely.

But just in case, someone checked the bed in the middle of the night and found that Xiang Yang was not on the boat, and then Xiang Yang was not wearing a diving suit when he climbed on the boat, it would be difficult to explain.

Speaking of which, Xiang Yang has not explored the ocean for a long time.

Going out with the crew, that's work, not exploring the ocean.

Alone, swimming to the deep sea area that the crew cannot reach is the real exploration of the ocean.

The deep sea at night is not as dark as the sea surface. All kinds of luminescent marine creatures gather together and emit soft phosphorescence, illuminating the surrounding seawater white, or disperse separately, just like falling in the night sky. Like the glowing starlight, it exudes a faint light, decorating the dark seabed like a dreamy starry sky.

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