My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 621 Passing by Xisha

Soon, Xiang Yang pulled the mackerel up. The wild mackerel would die when it came out of the water except when it was migrating, so it was not sold in the market at all.

"Good guy, wild mackerel, it seems that you will be lucky, Captain, if you can bring this thing back alive, it's just such a small one, and someone can buy it for two thousand yuan." Chen Qingsheng laughed.

Xiang Yang smiled, "Take it and slaughter it, and let the kitchen cook porridge with this mackerel for breakfast."

There are many ways to eat mackerel. The porridge cooked with mackerel meat not only has no fishy smell, but has a different fragrance. It is a must for delicious seafood. The taste cannot be imitated by other meat. .

"Okay, then I'll have a good time." Chen Qingsheng said with a smile.

The price of wild Spanish mackerel is very expensive, but fishermen are no strangers to this kind of fish. Many fishermen who go fishing have eaten this kind of fish, because there are not many of them in the sea, the reason why the price is so expensive is that Because it is very difficult for wild Spanish mackerel to reach the shore alive, dead Spanish mackerel cannot be left overnight. Once it is left overnight, it will produce toxins.

Chen Qingsheng sent the mackerel away, and then returned to Xiang Yang. He asked in a low voice, "Captain, it will take more than half a month to get to the Strait of Malacca. Are we really not going to cast a net for more than half a month?" ?”

Xiang Yang smiled, "Didn't you say that the sonar detection system is always on, if you encounter a large school of fish, then cast the net, and forget it if you don't encounter it."

There are many fishing grounds in the South China Sea. The Pearl River Estuary Fishing Ground, the Beibu Gulf Fishing Ground, the Xisha Islands Fishing Ground, and the Nansha Islands Fishing Ground are all sea areas rich in fishery resources. Rich sea areas have a lot of police patrols.

Xiang Yang's trip to sea this time, such a long journey, naturally it is impossible to just stare at an Antarctic krill.

In addition to the New Zealand fishing ground that Xiang Yang never forgets, Xiang Yang's southward route this time also needs to pass through the Xisha Islands fishery and the Nansha Islands fishery.

Among them, the sea area of ​​the Xisha Islands fishing grounds has a hot climate and high water temperature all year round, which provides excellent climatic conditions for the massive growth of corals.

The overgrowth of corals brings a rich feed base and excellent habitat conditions for the growth and reproduction of fish.

There are a large number of huge reefs around the Xisha Islands. The sea water in the reefs is shallow and clear, and there is an environment for the growth of shallow-water reef fish.

On the other hand, the depth of seawater on the outside of the reef increases suddenly, which is a deep-water environment, which is very suitable for the life of oceanic fish.

Therefore, there are many types of marine fish in the fishery of the Paracel Islands.

When Xiang Yang made the route before departure, he decided to stay in the Xisha Islands fishing ground for two or three days. On the first day and the second day, Xiang Yang led the crew of two boats to work underwater and conduct shallow water operations. fishing.

On the third day, depending on the situation, whether to cast a net or not.

As for the fishing grounds of the Nansha Islands, they are not suitable for large ocean-going fishing vessels to enter.

Because the Nansha Islands are an archipelago composed of more than 200 islands, reefs, sandbars, dark sands, and dark beaches. There are many sunken islands and coral reefs around the fishing grounds of the Nansha Islands. Large ships are very likely to run aground.

And once it hits the rocks, then this trip will basically lose everything.

However, due to the special terrain of the Nansha Islands fishing grounds, a lot of local upwellings have been formed.

Those local upwelling currents can bring rich nutrients from the seabed to the surface. At the same time, the numerous coral reefs provide fish with sufficient food, as well as places suitable for habitat and shelter from predators. Therefore, the aquatic resources of the Nansha Islands fishing grounds are very high. Rich.

In addition, Xiang Yang's boat has very advanced diving equipment, which is very suitable for underwater operations in the Nansha Islands, so Xiang Yang added the Nansha Islands fishing grounds to the route after careful consideration.

In fact, diving and fishing can be regarded as alleviating the boringness of the crew.

Drifting on the sea, surrounded by the vast sea, really tests a person's patience.

After several days of boring sailing, the fleet finally arrived at Xidutan.

In the sea area of ​​more than 500,000 square kilometers, there are 22 islands, 7 sandbars, and 8 atolls, with a total land area of ​​100,000 square kilometers.

The closer to Xidu Beach, the greener the color of the sea, which means that the depth of the sea is getting shallower.

The number of ships on the sea also began to increase gradually.

"Brother Yang, have we arrived at the fishing grounds of the Xisha Islands?" Fang Youqun said excitedly.

In the past few days, staying on the deck every day with nothing to do, almost drove Fang Youqun, who is active in nature, crazy. Seeing the islands and reefs now, Fang Youqun's eyes were red.

Xiang Yang smiled and nodded, "We have now arrived at Xidu Beach, which is indeed within the scope of the Paracel Islands."

"Come on, we're going to work soon." Xiang Yang shouted behind him.

In fact, there was no need for Xiang Yang's reminder at all. After a few days of recuperation, the crew members were all in a state of trembling at the moment.

"Master Xu, ask the people in the cab to slow down, find a place with shallow sea water, and stop the boat directly." Xiang Yang said to Xu Fang beside him.

"Yes, Captain." Xu Fang hurriedly ran towards the cab.

On the other side, the gillnet fishing boat following Xiang Yang's butt also started to slow down.

He Mingde's voice came from the walkie-talkie in front of Xiang Yang's chest, "Xiaoyang, we will continue to move forward, we will start fishing after arriving at Pioneer Beach, and the sea water will start working here at Xidu Beach."

"Go to Xidu Beach to have a look first, and then go to Pioneer Beach." Xiang Yang bowed his head.

There was a blind tone from the intercom, but judging from the slowing speed of the gillnet boat, it was obvious that He Mingde went to make arrangements.

Soon, two large ships stopped on the sea.

Chen Qingsheng asked Xiang Yang, "Captain, what shall we do next?"

"Put on your diving gear and get ready to go into the sea." Xiang Yang said directly.

For the other half, He Mingde is also giving similar orders to Xiang Yang, but their diving equipment is far less advanced than Xiang Yang's.

However, this is the fishing ground of the Xisha Islands. In the reef, the sea water is very shallow, and the advanced advantages of Xiangyang's diving equipment cannot be reflected.



Accompanied by two melodious and melodious sirens, the two large ships completely docked on the sea.

He Mingde and Wu Shiwen passed through the exploration board and arrived on the ocean-going fishing boat.

"Xiang Yang, shall we act separately or in unison?" He Mingde asked loudly from a long distance away.

"Since we came out in a team, let's act together." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"We also mean the same thing. The seabed of the Xisha Islands fishing ground is not safe. Don't look at the shallow water, but there are sharks hidden under the water." Wu Shiwen said with a serious face.

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