My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 624 Wu Shiwen's Envy

This scene made Chen Qingsheng ashamed.

If another crew member had done this, Chen Qingsheng would have blown his nose at him long ago.

Regardless of the strength of the crab, in fact, the claws of the crab are very fragile, and sometimes the claws can be broken with a little force.

The top-notch ingredients all pay attention to a complete color, fragrance, and appearance, which is very important at the banquet.

Once the crab's claws are broken, its value will plummet.

Afterwards, Chen Qingsheng started to move himself. He aimed at the largest spider crab in sight, and ignored its pair of fangs and claws, and directly grabbed one of the spider crab's claws, and then tightly Hold its pair of big pincers and drag it to the surface of the water.

The rest of the crew also took action one after another, and other crew members who noticed the movement here also quickly swam in this direction.

The crew members who had just arrived here were startled at first when they saw so many giant spider crabs, and then they were overjoyed. They followed suit one by one, grabbed a spider crab and dragged them upstream.

On the deck, Wu Shiwen stared wide-eyed, "Brother Yang, Brother Qing, have you touched the spider crab's lair yet?"

"Hehe, almost." Chen Qingsheng smiled smugly. According to the agreement, they will use double trawling nets to fish this trip, and the fish caught will be shared together, but diving fishing is obviously not included. The spider crabs caught by the trip were indeed enough to make Wu Shiwen jealous.

At this time, Xiang Yang smiled and said: "There are a lot of spider crabs down here, you guys can go down and have a look, but be careful, the spider crabs down here are very vicious, don't get caught."

Wu Shiwen nodded quickly. Indeed, seeing Xiang Yang catching so many spider crabs, he couldn't sit still for a long time.

More and more spider crabs are being pulled onto the boat.

Xiang Yang himself held the fishing line, and every time the crew caught one, he tied the claws of the spider crab with the fishing line, and then put it into the living water tank.

Two hours later, the crew members collapsed on the deck one by one, panting heavily.

Although it was very tiring, the harvest was also very gratifying. Hundreds of giant spider crabs may add up to more than two thousand catties.

The price of wild giant spider crabs is very expensive, and the recycling price of general hotels is more than 300 yuan per catty.

The ones Xiang Yang and the others caught this time were all very big, and they cost an average of four to five hundred yuan a catty.

When Xiang Yang was happy, he waved his hand directly and asked Chen Qingsheng to write down a reward of 1,000 yuan for everyone who went into the sea.

"Brother Yang, shall we go down and catch spider crabs later?" Fang Youqun asked.

Fang Youqun is actually very tired now.

But when he remembered that he had won a bonus of 1,000 yuan in just two hours, his heart was filled with motivation.

Xiang Yang smiled, and said, "Take a break first, eat a meal later, and replenish your strength. Let's drive the boat in this direction for another five nautical miles, and take a look at the bottom of that sea area."

There are indeed a lot of spider crabs in this sea area, but after Xiang Yang and Wu Shiwen's fishing, they will not regain their vitality in a few years. If they continue to fish, they will not regain their vitality.

Although Xiang Yang may not come to this sea area again in the future, it has never been Xiang Yang's style to kill them all.

Chen Qingsheng took a sip of fresh water, "Although the fishing time this time is short and the underwater operation is not very deep, it is more tiring than any previous underwater operation. These spider crabs can really toss If it wasn't for the diving suit you provided, captain, or me, it would not be easy to deal with a spider crab underwater, how could I swim up to the surface like I am doing now."

Xiang Yang smiled, there is a clear example on the boat next to him.

Wu Shiwen also took people down, but they only caught a dozen spider crabs in total, and two of them were stunned by the biological electric gun, and they don't know if they will be able to return to Qinglong Bend alive.

This also made Wu Shiwen very upset, but there was no way.

He couldn't buy the diving suit of this style on Xiang Yang's boat.

Even if he could buy it, he couldn't afford it for the time being.

Just at this time, Wu Shiwen passed the sounding board and arrived on Xiang Yang's boat again, followed by two crew members carrying things.

"Brother Yang, drink some soy milk, this thing is the most replenishing energy, I grind it now, it's not enough." Wu Shiwen said with a smile.

Xiang Yang sniffed, and the air was filled with a pleasant smell of beans.

"Thank you, then I won't be polite." Xiang Yang thanked Wu Shiwen with a smile, and then shouted to the crew: "Brothers, everyone who likes to drink soy milk is here."

Xiang Yang also poured himself a cup.

"Come with me." Holding the soy milk, Xiang Yang brought Wu Shiwen to the bow of the boat, and then asked with a smile, "You came to find me, didn't you just bring me soy milk?"

Wu Shiwen said with a sneer: "You really can't hide anything from you, Brother Yang."

"Stop teasing me, talk about things."

Embarrassment flashed across Wu Shiwen's face, he said a little embarrassedly: "Brother Yang, those diving suits on your boat."

"Stop." Before Wu Shiwen finished speaking, Xiang Yang immediately shook his head and said, "I knew that the weasel had no good intentions in giving the chicken New Year's greetings. I advise you not to pay attention to those diving suits on my boat. To be honest, it's just me. I don’t even think the diving equipment on the boat is enough.”

Wu Shiwen's face was filled with disappointment.

Wu Shiwen has seen Xiang Yang's diving equipment today. Compared with the diving equipment on his own boat, one is in the sky and the other is underground.

The giant spider crab is the largest crustacean in the world. Its sharp claws are more than three meters long, and the largest can even reach four meters.

Because giant spider crabs often do evil on the beach, when many fishermen talk about spider crabs, they are talking about the color of the crab.

But Wu Shiwen saw that Xiang Yang and the others were wearing that specific diving suit, and they were not afraid of spider crab attacks at all on the bottom of the sea.

Even if it is caught by the spider crab's giant pincers, it will have no effect at all. This makes Wu Shiwen envious, and now he wants to buy a few sets of diving suits like Xiang Yang's.

"Is there anything else? If not, go back to your own boat." Xiang Yang drank the soy milk in the cup in one gulp, and then asked Wu Shiwen.

"It's nothing serious, the main thing is to come here and ask, and see how you arrange it later." Wu Shiwen said.

"For a while?" Xiang Yang took it for granted: "Of course, let the crew rest for a while, eat something to replenish their strength, and then we will go to the sea deep in the reef to prepare for plum ginseng."

Plum blossom ginseng is known as the king of sea cucumbers, both in terms of size and price, it is far more than ordinary sea cucumbers.

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