My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 628: Catch Net

These are still small things.

Xiang Yang even saw on the news that a woman released two crocodiles in a park in the middle of a lake, and the circuit exploded. In the end, the police force was dispatched to salvage the two snapping turtles from the lake.

These pearl swallows, Xiang Yang, don't know for the time being what impact they have on this sea area, but after seeing these pearl swallows swimming leisurely, and not panicking and running away after swimming close by themselves, Xiang Yang knows that there is a lot of water in this sea area. , there should be no natural enemies of pearl swallows.

Once these pearl swallows are allowed to reproduce on a large scale, the consequences will be very serious.

When Xiang Yang fished it out, he caught a plump Pearl Swallow.

I saw that the body of this pearl swallow was silvery white, and both the body and the fins were covered with black stripes and bright white spots.

On the back of this pearl swallow, there are two separated and upright dorsal fins. The slender fins have a sense of elegance and dust, coupled with the deep "swallow tail", it gives people a light and unrestrained taste .

When Xiang Yang saw it, he was immediately sure that the group of pearl swallows were released by tourists.

The pearl swallow that looks so good looks like it has been artificially improved, and it is the best quality among the improved varieties.

Xiang Yang stuffed the pearl swallow into the net bag with a gloomy expression, and then swam towards the sea.

"Hey, Captain, why did you come up so soon? Did you get something good?" Seeing that Xiang Yang had just gone down, the left-behind crew on the ship jumped up immediately and asked curiously.

The crew member who was interrogating was from the engine crew, a junior recruited by Xiang Yang from the Maritime University.

With a rather ugly face, Xiang Yang took off the net bag on his waist, handed it to the crew member, and said helplessly: "This is what I caught under the sea, you can see for yourself."

The few crew members who stayed on the ship came together curiously.

"Hey, is this a fiddler crab?"

"It seems to be a fiddler crab. How could a fiddler crab appear under the sea?"

"Fuck, this one is even more outrageous, isn't this the long-finned swallow?"

Long-finned swallow is also an alias of pearl swallow.

Pearl swallows have different names in different places, such as holy angels, long-finned roses, etc.

Several crew members looked at Xiang Yang with puzzled expressions.

Apparently, several crew members knew the habits of the famous fiddler crabs and pearl swallows.

Xiang Yang was quite speechless and said: "It should be released by some idle tourist, this fiddler crab is okay, I only saw this one, but these pearl swallows are all in groups, God knows How many are there in the sea area?"

Pearl swallows are mouth-breeding fish.

After the females lay pink eggs, the males hold the eggs in their mouths to hatch.

This hatching method makes the eggs of pearl swallows less likely to be predated by other animals, and also greatly improves the hatching rate of fish eggs. A team of pearl swallows can give birth to dozens or hundreds of pearl swallows at a time. , if there is no restriction of natural enemies, this sea area may soon be completely occupied by Pearl Swallows.

However, this sea area is also a coral sea. Pearl swallows can use the coral's venomous stingers to resist those fierce marine predators such as sharks. In the coral reefs, those weaker marine predators can't even defeat them. Pearl swallows.

The crew members were very excited, "It's a group? Then what are you waiting for? Get it!"

"What are you still fishing for? Captain, do you still remember where the fish school is probably located? I'll throw a net in."

"If you can catch a net of pearl swallows, then you will make a lot of money."

"Yes, that's right. I've also heard that the supply of pearl swallows is in short supply in the market. As long as you drag a boat back, it will be hard currency immediately."

Xiang Yang rolled his eyes, this is a tropical fish, the destination of their trip is to Antarctica.

And pearl swallows are not the same as spider crabs.

Although spider crabs live in the tropics, they live under the reefs of the seabed. The sea water there is actually very cold, with almost no temperature. If you stretch your hands in without any protection, you may even get frostbite.

Unlike pearl swallows, they swim out and in between coral reefs, and they need very high temperature seawater to survive.

Even if a boatload of pearl swallows is caught now, I'm afraid they can go to Antarctica and make specimens directly when they come back.

"It's definitely going to be fished, but I won't bring it back. I'll dispose of it when the Pioneer Beach replenishes supplies." Xiang Yang thought for a while, and then said: "I'll go down first, and you will see someone in a while Come up from the bottom of the water, remember to stop them and tell them that there are pearl swallows under this sea area, let them see them and don’t miss them, regardless of the big and small ones, try to fish them up as much as possible, we try our best to catch the pearl swallows under this sea area. The pearl swallows are cleaned up, even if they can't be cleaned up, it will slow down the speed of the invasion of the pearl swallows."


The crew members stared blankly at Xiang Yang, without turning their heads for a while.

After a while, a member of the crew asked in surprise, "Captain, do you mean that the pearl swallows under this sea area are foreign species?"

Xiang Yang snorted, "Pearl swallow's habitat is very narrow, and it has never reproduced in the South China Sea, and the pearl swallow I caught has very obvious traces of artificial cultivation. If the tourists who play here release their lives, then they really saw a ghost."

Hearing this, the faces of several crew members became serious.

Invasion of species, especially in the cradle of life like the ocean, is really no joke.

If one fails, it will bring a devastating disaster to the original marine life in the sea area.

The Xisha fishery is a very important fishery for Chinese fishermen. Mackerel, red fish, plum blossom ginseng, and abalone are all fish with very high economic value. We are all fishermen, so we must pay attention to this very serious issue.

"Captain, when will this be fished? Let all the underwater colleagues come up, and let's just use the catch net to tow it for a round." A crew member said seriously.

"What nonsense, this is a coral reef area, use a catch net? That is the real desolation." Another crew member immediately retorted.

The so-called catch net is the bottom of an ordinary fishing net, with sharp iron hooks hanging on it. Under the drag of the fishing boat, those iron hooks will firmly grasp the bottom of the sea. Under the huge power of the fishing boat, even the hardest reef It can be caught in pieces, and the whole sea area is scraped up with one net. The bottom reptiles, mid-level fish, and surface fish are all caught clean.

"No." Xiang Yang also refused without hesitation: "Using the catch net in the coral reef waters, as long as it is dragged once, this sea area will never recover for hundreds of years, and there is no catch net on our ship."

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