My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 693 Thorn Ball

If the location where the combustible ice is found is not in Antarctica, Xiang Yang will definitely report this discovery to the country.

But forget it in Antarctica. Antarctica is rich in various resources, but they are not yet exploitable.

Xiang Yang threw away the piece of combustible ice, and then continued to search for traces of Antarctic deep-sea crayfish on the seabed.

In fact, Xiang Yang is extremely curious about this sea area.

Because the sea water around the Antarctic continent is rich in nutrients, and the sea water is clean, the number of life in the sea water is generally extremely high, but the number of life in this sea area is extremely rare.

There must be a reason for this.

While looking for Antarctic deep-sea crayfish, Xiang Yang is also looking for the reason for the scarcity of organisms in this sea area.

"Could it be because of combustible ice?" Xiang Yang couldn't help thinking of the combustible ice he found before.

However, there are many places with combustible ice on the seabed, and Xiang Yang has never heard of the impact of combustible ice on marine life.

"Huh? This is?" Xiang Yang, who was walking on the beach under the sea, suddenly felt as if he was stepping on something hard on the sole of his feet. He quickly raised his foot, squatted down and looked in that direction carefully.

I don't know if I don't see it, but I was shocked when I saw it.

Cold sweat broke out on Xiang Yang's forehead. He was too careless to step on this thing. Fortunately, the soles of his diving suit are also designed with thickened protection. Otherwise, his little life might have been explained here today. .

I saw a gray-black semi-spherical creature covered with bright red thorns lying on Xiang Yang's feet.

The name of this thing is the thorn ball. In a very popular cartoon in my country "The Adventures of Little Carp", the direct reason why the protagonist Bubble leaves Liyu Bay to find the real dragon is the thorn ball. It is the nemesis of most aquatic creatures. , the vitality is extremely tenacious, and it does not have too many natural enemies.

However, spiny balls are generally distributed in tropical coral environments in the Red Sea, Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean, and it is very rare to find them in Antarctica.

But that doesn't mean spiny balls can't grow in Antarctica.

Even if the spiny ball lives in tropical waters, it hides under the cold rocks or corals in the sea, and feeds on sea cucumbers that also like the cold environment.

Xiang Yang picked the spikes on the surface of the spiked sphere with his hands, and he was relieved when he saw that the row of spikes couldn't pierce his gloves.

The thorns on the surface of the thorn ball contain very strong neurotoxins. Once stabbed by it, they will basically die from the poison. If the thorns of this thorn ball can pierce Xiang Yang's protective clothing, then Xiang Yang will only Able to recall all diving crews immediately in case something unexpected happens.

But since the thorny ball can't penetrate Xiang Yang's protective equipment, Xiang Yang has nothing to worry about, and he has time to study the thorny ball.

The spine ball in front of Xiang Yang's eyes is about 20 centimeters in diameter and has fifteen arms and legs.

The largest thorn ball is said to be able to grow to a diameter of one meter. For such a large thorn ball, the thorns must be sharper. It is unclear whether the protective clothing can defend against it.

But if the crew members were accidentally stabbed by such a big thorn ball, Xiang Yang could only say that he was blind.

After discovering this thorny ball, Xiang Yang knew why the fishery resources in this sea area were so scarce.

The thorn ball is not only disliked by marine animals, but also by marine plants and even marine insects.

In the coral reef sea, the spiny balls gnaw on the corals. Under natural conditions, they will pose a serious threat to the coral reefs, and will wipe out most of the marine life in the entire coral sea except for the spiny balls themselves.

In sea areas without coral reefs, spiny balls are even more domineering. They wantonly eat the roots of algae and seaweed, and completely destroy all animals and plants within their reach.

In 1970, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, which is more than 2,000 kilometers long and more than 50 kilometers wide, was damaged by thorn balls.

At that time, about one-fifth of the entire Great Barrier Reef in Australia was covered with spiny balls.

Those thorn balls devoured the coral polyps on Australia's Great Barrier Reef, leaving countless white coral skeletons.

A thorn ball with a diameter of only 20 centimeters can eat up to two square meters of coral in one day, which is an astonishing amount of food.

Moreover, the eruption of the thorn ball is a natural disaster without any rules, and it is not caused by human factors.

After research, scientists found that as long as the salinity of seawater is suitable for the growth of spiny balls, they will reproduce in large numbers no matter the environment is good or bad, and the temperature is high or low.

The newly born spiny ball is not spherical.

When the spiny balls are small, they are a kind of plankton. At this stage, most fish can destroy them to avoid future troubles.

The growth process of the spiny ball is actually extremely difficult, and it needs to go through the most vulnerable early stage, the second and third stages that are prone to premature death, and the final larvae that fish love to prey on.

However, once the thorn ball passes through the terminal larval stage, the thorn ball is almost invincible in the world. In the entire ocean, except for the large snails, there are almost no creatures that can prey on the thorn ball.

If there are no natural enemies, the thorn ball is not terrible. The ocean has a very strong self-regulation ability, and there is always a way to kill the thorn ball.

But the problem is that while there are almost no natural enemies, the spiny ball still has vitality that scientists find incredible.

When food is plentiful, spiny balls can eat several square meters of coral polyps, or other equivalent food, in a day.

When food is scarce, a spiny ball will not starve to death for half a year, and it can still live and move freely.

The most important thing is that the regeneration ability of the spiny ball is very strong.

Another name for the thorn ball is also called the thorn starfish, because it has the same ability as a starfish. When it is cut into eight pieces, each piece can grow into a complete thorn ball.

With strong reproductive ability, strong vitality, and the same division function as cells, such creatures cannot be suppressed by nature by self-adjustment.

Even if humans want to suppress the growth of spiny balls, it is difficult.

Someone once thought of a method of injecting formalin into the spiny ball to inhibit the growth of the spiny ball.

But this method is tantamount to catching the mosquito and feeding it mosquito medicine.

It is true that a certain sea area has already been attacked by thorn balls. Human beings can use this method of treating head pain and foot pain to control the reproduction of thorn balls in a short period of time. However, in a certain sea area, thorn balls have indeed formed Before the threat, using this method to deal with the thorny ball of the entire ocean is simply nonsense.

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