My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 473 An independent utopia

Although the red side is not immune to Spartacus's indiscriminate innocence, they can move to the floating fortress and move to areas beyond the reach of the berserkers.

As for the Dragon Tooth Soldiers, they are just miscellaneous soldiers to them. Of course they don't care about the lives of these man-made creatures.

The problem lies with Black. I'm afraid this is an unexpected situation for them. Who could have expected that "Roar of the Flawed Beast" would be such a bad Noble Phantasm.

The huge accumulated magic power, as well as his body that deteriorated during the accumulation process, may have long been freed from the shackles of the contract. As a rebellious hero, Spartacus must consume two pieces of magic power even under normal conditions. Drawing a command spell can make him obey orders. As for the current situation, I'm afraid it's impossible to use the command spell completely.

Yes, that means the Gladiator never stops. Assuming that he uses all his strength to strike next, the damage range will probably spread to the entire battlefield, and maybe even the Milenian Fortress, which is located between the city and the battlefield, will not be spared.

So, what to do? Joan of Arc received a revelation in distress. If I had to say it, it came through "revelation", which was similar to the feeling of mutual resonance.

"This is?!"

The girl looked into the distance with a face full of astonishment, and caught an object in her vision, which was a blonde, beautiful woman.

Her skin is soft and white, with blond hair that is shawl, green eyes, and a face that is very pretty without makeup.

If you replace those emerald eyes with purple, this description can also be applied to yourself.

Otherwise, their faces were so similar that for a moment, Jeanne even thought she was his long-lost sister.

"You, you are..."

"No need to say any more unnecessary words."

The girl who exuded a majestic and holy temperament stepped forward, first took a deep look at the stunned Jeanne...'s chest, and then raised her head to look at the increasingly dangerous 'giant bomb'.

"It seems that Shuo Yue's calculations were not wrong, and it was not in vain for me to leave other things behind and come here,"

calculate? other things? ...Shuo Yue?

Element detection!

"Wait, you mean Shuo Yue?"

Even though there was a crisis ahead, Joan of Arc was clearly overjoyed. She clasped her hands together, her amethyst-like pupils shining with anticipation.

"Excuse me, where is he now? How is he doing? Was he injured in the battle? Ah, and also...were you sent by him to help me?"

"..." Artoria stared blankly, looking at the saintly lady who was looking forward to and worried at the same time, feeling an inexplicable sense of déjà vu.

It seems that I often have this kind of thought...but I always just hide it in my heart and never say it out so bluntly.

No matter what form Shuo Yueqing is in, she is always so lovable.

Sighing helplessly, Arturia responded emotionally: "He's fine, he's fine, yes."

"Huh... That's good." Joan of Arc patted her plump breasts, and her cheeks soon turned red again, "Ah, that's not what I meant. I just asked as a routine matter as a judge, not out of curiosity. And what do you care about..."

She's so cute, even I kind of like her.

Looking at the girl who looked very similar to herself, Arturia's face softened slightly, she patted her shoulder, and then stood in front of Jeanne.

"Leave the rest to me. As the adjudicator, it is not your duty to protect Black, but mine."

Along with the declarative words of the King of Knights, the blue-gold scabbard emerged.


Nine years - and they lived together with him during the most sentimental period of his youth.

He is both a father and a teacher; he is an elder brother and a good friend. As the son of a hero, blessed by the gods of Olympus, and receiving the awe and admiration of soldiers at a young age, he has very few friends or teachers. .

And Chiron is undoubtedly one of them. He is the most trustworthy person to him, comparable to his good friend Patroclus.

However, that hero now stood in front of him in pursuit of the Holy Grail.

As Black’s Archer, as an enemy, as an opponent who fights against him——

"I'm going to fuck you, teacher."

"That's unnecessary, Red Rider."

Achilles, who shrank slightly when the opponent responded with harsh words, immediately cheered up and stabbed out with his spear. The two started fighting within a conversational distance. In other words, this was the scene of the approaching archers and the attacking cavalry.

Even with a trace of guilt in his heart, the tip of the spear was still pointed sharply at the opponent's heart. However, the sage of the forest relied on his fearless bravery and took a step forward towards the direction of the gun.

Achilles's spear skills, known for his swift feet, were at a level that would allow him to be summoned as a Lancer without any problem. Generally speaking, any archer would be stabbed through the heart easily.

However, Achilles forgot the most fatal point.

The tip of the spear did not pierce the heart, but passed by Chiron.


"Have you forgotten, Rider? Who gave you this gun as a gift and taught you the basics of marksmanship?"

Chiron's words gave Achilles a huge shock. Indeed, as he said, his spear skills were not honed in his own way, but were based on what he learned from his master, Chiron. In addition, this gun was originally a gift from Chiron to his father Peleus to celebrate his parents' wedding, so he also knew the attack distance of this gun very well.

Archer then showed off his amazing skills. As he took a step forward, he loaded the arrow on the bowstring. It could be said to be a rapid fire, an unavoidable blow from zero distance.

"—You're going to die, Rider?"

Chiron aimed at the opponent's skull and fired the arrow without hesitation. Achilles reflexively ducked and leaned back to dodge. With incredible speed, he barely escaped from this critical situation of life and death.

Pain was felt in his chest. Faced with the enemy's kick, Achilles, who lost his balance, was kicked away and then hit a tree hard. The moment the distance widened, life-seeking arrows came after him.

A certain part of Achilles' mind switched. He gritted his teeth, looked at the 'enemy' with firm eyes, and rushed forward towards the arrow that was shot at him. While leaning forward to dodge the arrow, he immediately raised his gun and launched a sweeping attack - which was dodged.

There was an inexplicable joy in my heart. He roared as he continued thrusting with his spear. Chiron dodged the stabbing attack that was like a volley of bullets, and skillfully adjusted the distance while cocking the arrow.

It was impossible for the archers to engage in close combat, and they could win once they were within the attack range of the guns. This simple idea of ​​mine was really stupid. The opponent is Chiron. Not only himself, but many heroes like Hercules, Jason, Castor, Asclepius, etc. have also received his teachings. He is a veritable great sage. .

A tie could only be achieved under close conditions. Under this premise, if you don't use all your strength to attack with all your strength, you will definitely lose!

The sassy spearman flexibly used forward stabs, sweeps, feints and other tricks to launch a fierce offensive against the sage. The archers sometimes dodge, sometimes use their bows to fend off, and sometimes even use a combination of fists and kicks. Whenever they see an opportunity, they draw their bows and shoot arrows.

Being sniped at zero range, Achilles would inevitably be injured even if he tried his best to dodge. Even his body blessed by the gods was defenseless against attacks that also possessed "divine nature".

All of his attacks are seen through by the opponent. This is because all his foundations come from Chiron's teachings. This includes posture and timing of thrusts, as well as sweeps and other moves.

——Don’t be fooled by him.

The basics were indeed taught by him. However, after devoting himself to fighting since his youth, he did not rely solely on these foundations to achieve victory. He has various applied skills and has found a way to survive in desperate situations. He has fought against many heroes and has continued to hone his skills.

In various battles and in various crisis situations, how do you find a way to survive? By the way, for example, at that time—

Achilles' movements changed. Instead of using basic skills and overwhelming speed to force a breakthrough, he began to add various wonderful changes to his moves.

As soon as he saw him suddenly let go of his gun, the next moment the cavalry kicked Chiron in the face with his ankle, which was his fatal weakness.

First, kick the fallen gun up with your feet, then jump into the air to catch the gun, and at the same time, aim the gun at the target and stab it out. The tip of the gun grazed Archer's neck, and blood spurted out immediately.


Chiron couldn't help but distance himself. As if saying 'how', Achilles turned the spear casually after regaining his senses.

The two people's eyes crossed each other, and they both showed fearless smiles.

"——Well, he is indeed powerful enough to become a heroic spirit."

"Of course. Unlike you who just teach others, I have experienced countless battlefields."

I have crossed swords with many heroes, fought with each other, and even had soul exchanges. He did learn the basics from Chiron. But the piles of corpses accumulated in the battle were an undoubted fact for Achilles.

"Oh, that's great. After all, it's hard to kill your own students unilaterally."

Archer said this with a smile, and Rider returned the same sad smile.

He has completely put aside the hesitation of fighting against his mentor, and now all he has is the joy of fighting against the strong.

Achilles was hesitating - whether he should shorten the distance or widen the distance. Although according to common sense, shortening the distance to launch an offensive is the most reasonable approach, but now it may be time to abandon this conventional concept.

Originally, the spear he held was a weapon whose main purpose was to throw. It was a weapon designed to break through all protective means and penetrate the hero's chest. Chiron knew the horror of this gun better than anyone, after all, he was the one who gave it to him.

Then what should be done?

The two people's eyes crossed each other. The red Rider and the black Archer - each watched the other's every move, thinking about their next move.

Achilles smiled, and Chiron smiled. There is indeed a bond between the two. Teacher and disciple, friends and friends who trust each other from the bottom of their hearts - the strong "joy" that can still be felt and overflowing in the heart even after putting aside this relationship truly exists in the hearts of the two of them.

It's a pity that fate doesn't want them to decide the outcome so quickly, along with life and death.

"Sorry, Rider, to disturb you at a critical moment."

"Archer, I'm sorry, but you have to come back."

The voices of the two masters recited together.

"Spartacus is going to self-destruct, and Assassin will teleport you back to the courtyard before that happens."

"Red Berserker is gathering a lot of power. Chiron, I hope you can return to the castle immediately."

After finishing their words, Achilles and Chiron looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

"Looks like that's it for this time. Well done, Achilles."

"Teacher Chiron, too. I must use the gun you gave me to shoot you before you shoot me next time!"

Leaving the blessings of warriors and masters to each other, the teleportation circle surrounded Achilles, while Chiron accelerated his pace and rushed towards the Milenian Fortress.


Karna was thinking.

From the many battles he has experienced so far and are praised in mythology - it is no exaggeration to say that he gave his best in every battle. He has never reserved his strength or underestimated any opponent.

...But, in the final analysis, it is all within limits.

——Just as he had promised not to fight anyone other than Arjuna, the third son of the five Pandavas, at the begging of his mother.

I always feel that my past battles have been bound by multiple invisible chains.

God's curse, God's blessing, bushido, or the love between people.

Of course, because that is survival, and it is the destiny to fight as a warrior.

Sometimes it becomes a strength and sometimes it becomes a burden.

However, no matter what, it is undoubtedly superfluous... Yes, the past battles all had a clear purpose, to win victory for King Duryodhana whom he was loyal to, and at the same time bring defeat to the five Pandava brothers.

...No, what is more important is to defeat Arjuna.

Compete with his own brother who shares the same blood - and win.

That is also a heavy fate that should be called a yoke.

But now it doesn't.

When I was summoned to this world as a Servant, the expectations I received were simply power, and some were just pure agreements between warriors.


Compete against each other for supremacy and seek victory through a pure contest of strength. This is an extremely simple and beautiful way of fighting.

Of course, I don't deny the fact that fighting depends on destiny. All lives contain stories of battles that must be fought.

However, it was completely unrelated to that kind of thing - pure and innocent fighting with each other, but it made me feel unexpectedly happy and comfortable.

Could it be that his instinct as a hungry wolf has been stimulated?

The magic gun wielded in his hand has the precision to penetrate a pinhole, and the gorgeous flames are constantly scorching the surrounding area.

If this is not an all-out effort, then what is it?

...Yes, in the face of his full strength, the warrior named Siegfried resisted like a rock.

That is undoubtedly something worthy of admiration, and the exquisiteness of his skills has undoubtedly reached the level of the gods on par with him.

more importantly--

The fantasy sword that Siegfried wielded with a roar was a weapon forged by small people (the Nibelungs) with magical technology. The holy sword is infinitely close to the magic sword. The dusk-colored sword energy generated from being sealed in the jade contains powerful magic power that even Karna has to be wary of.

Not only that, Siegfried's movements were extremely intense as if he had unlimited physical strength.

The dragon's blood bathed in transformed the dragon slayer's essence, allowing him to possess the power of a dragon while his soul still shone with human brilliance.

The so-called dragon slayer is someone who conquers dragons and controls their existence with human will.

If Karna's spear points to the existence of the sun, then the sword in Sieg's hand points to the dusk that makes all living things palpitate.

With a fierce momentum that completely disregards his own life, dusk bites the blazing sun in the sky——! !

The moment they pulled away, the sword's jade shone with brilliance, and Karna suddenly felt a shiver akin to joy pass down his spine.

"Take the move, Lancer!"

Facing the dusk-colored magic light that came towards him, Karna immediately split it with a divine spear. The atmosphere screamed and the space was constantly vibrating. It was an overwhelming magic collision that almost made people vomit.

Even though he was facing a powerful and terrifying dragon slayer, Karna was still confident, because due to some factor outside of the battle, he had an overwhelming victory.

That is - unfettered autonomy!

"Brahmastra, cover the earth!"


Flames rose from the enemy's eyes, burning fiercely, scorching the surrounding air, and even leaving a swaying and dazzling trail. Sensing the crisis, Siegfried hurriedly raised his sword, but it was too late. The red lotus-like light beam broke through the obstacle and penetrated directly into his left abdomen!

The evil dragon blood armor has been broken through!

The flesh and blood on his left abdomen was torn apart and burned, and there was a strange pain. Siegfried was not aware of the pain, and he just looked at the golden sun floating in the air, without concealing the admiration in his eyes.

The emotions that had been consumed in the crushing victories again and again are being awakened bit by bit in this desperate fight.

So, once again violating the shackles of his master, the Dutch dragon slayer showed a fearless smile and spoke.

"Have you decided to open up your Noble Phantasm, Lancer on the red side?"

"Exactly, but the wounds are still here and there - it seems that this immortal blade alone is not enough to kill you."

Karna looked at the wound, which was just a bloody hole, and calmly came to the conclusion:

"My Noble Phantasm and your Fantasy Great Sword are evenly matched. Even if they can barely break through, a blow that almost cancels each other will not have the power to knock you down."

Karna's statement is absolutely correct. If it were a collision between Noble Phantasms, the power would be basically evenly divided. Under this premise, the two really fit together in every sense.

However, a man as proud as Karna would completely eliminate this possibility.

"Therefore, I must use a blow with absolute destructive power that will neither be equalized nor neutralized."

"--Have it?"

Surya's son, the hero who gave alms, nodded his head in affirmation. It was an agreement that simply pointed out the facts without any pretense. And just when he was about to further expand the Noble Phantasm, just like Archer and Rider elsewhere, Saber and Lancer here also received the Master's communication.

"……I see."

"It's a pity, but I'm still looking forward to the third round."

Faced with Karna's frank expression, Siegfried put away his sword and found that his palms were soaked with sweat.

Does this respectable enemy have the same little gaffe?

Thinking like this, a smile couldn't help but appear on his face.

"Well, I'm waiting for your arrival at any time."

Riders and bows, swords and spears, plus the Archduke and Astolfo who have already returned, the war between the black and red sides has come to an end. Faced with the last soul and final rebellion of Berserker Spartacus, no one dares to Look away from this.

The two sister adjudicators who were at the forefront of the crisis were staring into the sky in unison.

"That is--!"

What was released and scattered in front of Jeanne's eyes was the unique sheath of the holy sword.

Made from the highest level of mysterious fabrication, it is a Noble Phantasm capable of deflecting all damage.

Not to defend, but to block.

The wall of the Fairy Country that isolates filth, this world, and the world.

Those who are protected will be isolated from all laws in the world.

His real name is——

“Avalon, a secluded place in the world!!!”

Brahmastra, covering the earth (Brahmastra)

Original text: Brahma よ, 地をcover え (ブラフマーストラ)

Level: Unknown

Type: Anti-army Noble Phantasm

Scope: unknown

Biggest catch: Unknown

An anti-army weapon given to Karna by the Brahmin axe-wielding Rama (Parashurama).

If the class is Archer, it will be a bow, and if the class is Archer, it will appear as other flying items. By chanting the name of the god Brahma, it tracks the enemy and gets a sure hit, but due to the curse, it cannot be used against opponents whose strength is greater than its own.

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