My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 534 Pankrasin VS Bajiquan

——In the Trojan War, despite the participation of famous heroes such as Achilles and Ajax, Troy failed to be captured for several years. There are several reasons for this.

For example, Achilles' disgust for the leader Agamemnon caused internal conflicts in the invading army. Another example is that the city of Troy was impregnable and was protected by the sun god Apollo.

But all these are just trivial details. If this were the case, although the Greek army would suffer some hardships, they would never fall into despair of being unable to capture the enemy city.

The biggest reason can only be attributed to one man, and that is the existence of the great hero Hector, the prince of Troy.

Hector, who was both a warrior and a general, a strategist and a politician, and a member of the royal family, united the entire Trojan army and continued to fight with high morale.

Although the Trojan War itself collapsed due to Achilles's attack on Hector, there is no doubt that the Achaean army was in trouble due to the presence of Hector alone.

"That guy actually smiled and said, 'If I fight you, who is protected by the goddess, I will be punished by God.' He kept running away, so in order to have a fair one-on-one fight with him, I created this trick.”

"As expected of you, Achilles."

In this regard, Shuo Yue was speechless.

From a normal perspective, this space should be a place where one can gain an overwhelming advantage. For example, to increase the user's parameter ability, or to conversely reduce the enemy's ability - forming such a space should be the original use of great magic.

Obviously this is the case, but this man only created this great magic for the pursuit of fair and selfless fighting.

Achilles touched his fists happily and said:

"As you said, there is nothing divine here. As long as you are beaten, you will bleed, and if you are pinched, your joints will be dislocated. Not to mention the third party, even luck has no room for intervention. Time also stands still. And once the winner is decided here, the winner will also be decided in the outside world. How about it, it’s very simple, right?”

"Let me guess..." Shuo Yue twisted his neck and made a 'click' sound, "Hector accepted it at that time, right?"

"Well, the guy said, 'If this is the case, I probably still have a chance to win,' and then he agreed. However, I defeated him in the end."

Achilles kicked the ground with a "thump" as if confirming, and took a close combat stance. The scene where he and Shuo Yue stood opposite each other looked like two beasts sharpening their claws.

"So, Shuo Yue, do you accept it?"

"Huh, bare hands? It seems like you are very confident in your boxing skills, so of course that's good."

"Hey, don't pretend to be confused. You are obviously proficient in boxing and kicking."

Sakutsu is right, Achilles learned his fists and kicks from Chiron, and Pankrasin is still synonymous with cruelty. Chiron even used it to knock down the swooping Red Saber, causing serious injuries and vomiting blood.

There was no mistake in Achilles' words. Shuo Yue's Bajiquan was obtained from the Destiny Illustrated Book and has been polished so far. It is no less than any famous master, and it only takes one punch to penetrate the Black Berserker's defense.

The so-called heroes are all confident beings, but there has never been a moment like this where they realize very clearly that they have only one chance of dying. There is no luck to protect them, and there is no skill to help them. Once they are hit, they will die. Even if Shuo Yue still has a lot of back-ups hidden, there will be no way to use them. He will only declare death in this world, and the assassin will no longer exist.

Their hearts were burning, and this feeling made both of them smile sadly. Only at this moment, they had forgotten about the Holy Grail War and their identities as servants. Both sides were fighting to the death by name only, and thought that was for the best.

Clenching into fists, they collided with each other. In the refreshing emerald green world, the two sides exchanged names:


"My true name is Achilles, son of the hero Peleus."


"My name is Shuo Yue, a traveler without an inscription, and I learned from the ancient martial arts Baji."


They distanced themselves, took a stance, and said in unison:

"Here in an upright and dignified manner——"


“It’s a showdown!!!”

At the same moment that his straight fist hit Shuo Yue, his heavy blow also hit Achilles' liver.

Both of them roared and stared at each other, swinging their decisive fists with excitement.

Originally, this attack alone would basically determine the outcome. Ordinary people would definitely have their heads shattered by a direct punch from Achilles, but after being hit by Shuo Yue's Baji Fist, not only the liver would be injured, but almost all the organs would be completely crushed and mixed together, turning into a pile of flesh. Sauce it.

Even if the opponent is not an ordinary person, even the servant may not be able to stand there calmly. It was completely out of touch with normal concepts, and was a fist created through almost crazy training.

But for the two freaks, this was just a small fight, like a greeting before the big drama.

"Puff" spurted out a mouthful of blood, Achilles quickly retreated to distance himself, and Shuo Yue wiped the blood from his forehead, and the injury slowly healed.

One is a warrior who received the teachings of sages in ancient Greece and reached the pinnacle of physical strength, and the other is an assassin blessed by the third law who is almost impossible to kill.

Looking at the evenly matched opponent, Achilles sneered, and even Shuo Yue snorted softly from her nose. Needless to say, she quickly crossed several meters in an instant and punched first!

He raises his arms to block, strikes with his left fist, dodges sideways, and collides with his fists. They change their movements at the moment of interlocking, like two giant dragons entangled in an attempt to gain the upper hand.

The bright red shawl flew, and Shuo Yue glanced quickly. Achilles seized the opportunity to crouch down to avoid the punch. The muscles of his feet burst out with a sound like springs compressing, and then the next moment, he soared into the air!

Realizing the crisis, Shuo Yue crossed her arms. In just one second, Achilles' legs kicked out five meteor-like combos. Blood splashed. Shuo Yue's face twitched slightly due to the severe pain, and she wanted to Counterattack, but Achilles had already pulled away with the last kick, landed gracefully in the distance, and then ran away!

“Drink ahhhhhh——!!”

It was a soul-stirring roar. The hero known for his speed ran wildly, accumulating a terrifying impact in an instant and hitting it at one point, that is, his flying legs!

It was an impact no less than a bullet, but instead of hiding, Shuo Yue united his waist and horse, using his hands as a bridge, and then pushed out his palms not to be outdone.

The tiger climbs the mountain hard!

The fists and feet collided, and the crisp sound of bone cracking echoed through the sky along with the sonic boom, but the expressions of the two did not change at all. Shuo Yue twisted around and kicked his legs, and Achilles raised his fist to block, but his posture was destroyed in an instant.


Achilles' eyes suddenly widened. The moment his fist was bounced away, Shuo Yue had already entered his arms. Achilles raised his knees to hit him without hesitation, but Shuo Yue hugged his arms. Right knee, destroy the knee joint, break the bones, and throw Achilles' body backward.

The dust was flying, and a figure crashed into the courtyard house, penetrating three walls in succession, and then barely stopped.

It was not floating in the air, but the feeling that my body was being tossed around like a toy - and then there was a strong impact on the face. During the brief period of confusion, a black figure approached like a ghost, and the smashed The fist was thrust straight into his head like a steel gun!

The warrior's induction saved Achilles' life. He rolled to avoid it, and his whole body suddenly oozed with sweat that was almost a warning, because he still hadn't escaped from the crisis, and the howling wind came from the back of his head. As if kicking a ball, Shuo Yue flew up and kicked Achilles in the head with his foot knife!

He stretched out his arms and jumped into the air to avoid the kick. However, this action was not a defense. Achilles used his amazing control to counterattack with a roundhouse kick in the air.

It was like a stroke of ink on the paper. Shuo Yue raised his arm to receive the attack, but that kick was not only an attack but also a fulcrum. Achilles, who was already floating in the air, used it to step into the air. The other leg hit Shuo Yue in the face with destructive force.

Double roundhouse kick!

This is a miracle that can only be achieved by a hero who is famous for his foot strength. The meteor-like blow only took a moment, and it only took Shuo Yue a moment to wake up from the dizziness caused by concussion. His right eye was covered with blood. But without looking, he grabbed Achilles' heels with both hands.

At the cost of risking his life, he grasped Achilles' biggest weakness, and then - twisted it off!

The unparalleled Bajiquan once again exerted its lethality. The delicate muscles were destroyed as if they were sliced ​​open by a hot knife. A heavy and intense pain instantly passed through the whole body. It was a miracle that Achilles did not scream in pain. Even so, he still gritted his teeth and kicked Shuo Yue's arm off with his other intact foot to escape.

Once the distance was widened again, the time between the rabbit's rise and the falcon's fall was no more than twenty seconds, but the results were bloody and impressive.

Achilles' roundhouse kick destroyed Sakusuki's right eye, and the kick broke his arm.

Shuoyue's boxing skills broke Achilles' Achilles tendon and restrained his feet.

In terms of injuries, Shuo Yue was more serious, but in terms of extent, it was Achilles who was in crisis.

The desperate fighting was exchanged for a tacit understanding of breathing time.

"It is indeed a speedy kick." Shuo Yue admired, his brain was concussed due to being hit on the side of the head, and his consciousness was even a little blurry, "You can actually kick my eyes out."

"But that's all. Didn't you pinch my ankle tightly when I kicked it?" Achilles kicked his toes, but they were no longer as agile as they were at first. "It's still so weak." Have mercy."

"As long as you catch the opponent, you must destroy it. Whether it's Pankrasin or Bajiquan, isn't this the case with all the killing techniques in the world."

"Yes, the teacher taught me this too, I remember it clearly--!"

Even though his ankle was injured, before Achilles finished speaking, he still turned into an afterimage and approached Shuo Yue. The two of them lowered their bodies in unison, waved their fists, and dealt heavy blows to each other while facing the blow!

As long as my head is not destroyed or my heart is dug out, I will never fall! Achilles swore in his heart.

It doesn't matter how comets run, you should know that my eight poles don't need two strikes! Shuo Yue's remaining left eye turned into rainbow blue, and his murderous aura was cold and crazy.

Fight to the death...continue!

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