My different world is game mode

Chapter 108 The Silence of Friendship

Seeing the corrupted poisonous spider choosing to evacuate.

Lindsay opened the map again and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that these monsters had really left.

"It's safe now..."


At this moment, there was a sound from the ground next to him.

Lindsay turned around and saw that Dan had fallen to the ground and was leaning against a cedar tree.

She is too tired.

Although he is also an awakener.

But the main strength of the female hunter is concentrated in hunter-related aspects.

Even if your physique is stronger than ordinary people, after running for most of the day, physical fatigue is inevitable.

At this moment she was nestling against the tree, her eyes downcast.

After noticing Lindsay looking at him, Dan closed his eyes and shook his head slightly.


Lindsay remained silent and did not disturb the other party.

After a night of life and death racing, Dan really needed a rest, not to mention his companions who died in this hunting expedition.


Lindsay sighed.

He stayed beside the hunters who were resting and checked his attribute panel.

【Rescue Hunter】

[Hunters returning to the town are attacked by monsters on the road. Rescue them and ensure their safety. 】

[Task reward: a small amount of attribute/skill experience points. 】

This is just a simple task and it's already showing as complete.

Lindsay immediately chose to receive it, and there was an additional amount of experience points that could be freely distributed in the attributes.

However, he did not choose to strengthen immediately.

Instead, he walked to other hunters to take care of and comfort these people who had reached their mental and physical limits.

A few minutes passed.

Lindsay simply treated the wounds of the hunters, and the support shown on the map finally appeared in front of the hunters.

People coming from both directions.

On one side is a group of awakened people led by businessman Somkin, and on the other side is An Rui leading his awakened people.

In front of the hunting team, the two teams met unexpectedly.

The atmosphere in the air suddenly dropped.


"No wonder support is coming from both directions."

Seeing this scene, Lindsay understood.

He didn't want Dan who was resting to continue to worry, so he went up to him:

"Uncle Anri, Mr. Somkin, you are here."

An Rui nodded first and spoke first:

"The sentry in the town sent word that there was a commotion in the forest here, so I came with my people."

"Lindsay, what's going on here?"

The sentry that An Rui mentioned.

They were the awakened ones that he specially arranged to give an early warning after the corrupted poisonous spiders attacked the farmland a few days ago.

Such a dangerous situation occurred today, and it really came in handy.

On the other side, Somkin didn’t want An Rui to be the only one to speak. He then asked:

"Why is Dan sitting on the ground? They..."

The topic was about to turn to these exhausted hunters.

Lindsay quickly grabbed the words and said:

"I have a general understanding of the situation."

"They have just been attacked by monsters, let them rest first."

Quickly taking center stage, Lindsay naturally began to describe what happened to the hunters, essentially repeating what Dan had told him earlier:

"On their way back to the town, the hunting team was attacked by monsters. To make matters worse, the corrupted poisonous spider that had attacked the farm before was also nearby, and they happened to encounter it. Dan and Mr. Sissel fought hard and finally saved their lives. Three hunters..."

Listen to Lindsay's description.

The expressions of Anrui and Somkin were also more solemn than before.

——Two hunters died in the town!

This means that the town is once again missing an important food producer during this harsh winter.

Moreover, the Corrupted Poisonous Spider, which had been repelled three times, has now returned and is entrenched near the town.

This is also a serious threat to the security of border towns.

Both pieces of news can be called very bad.

Anrui and Somkin fell silent, while Lindsay spoke again:

"The situation is very troublesome now. But I think we should take the hunters back to the town first and let them have a good rest. It is not easy for them to come back alive this time."

Anrui and Somkin naturally had no objection to Lindsay's proposal.

But the differences between the two continued to show up in the way they took people back.

As the lord of the town, Anrui is of course fully responsible for the safety of his subjects and is prepared to escort them back; however, Somkin, who came with other awakened people, obviously does not intend to come in vain, and is naturally prepared to It is up to you to transport the hunters back.

Somkin first proposed:

"Master Anrui, you are busy with your affairs and are responsible for the overall operation of the town. Leave such small things to me."

As soon as the words fell, Somkin would instruct other awakened people to take away the hunter.

But Anrui stopped the other party's action in time:

"Somkin, this is no small matter."

"As the lord of the hidden border, I cannot possibly go back by myself after they are attacked."

An Rui's obstruction was obviously expected by Somkin.

The businessman did not continue to argue with the lord. Instead, he walked to the huntress and said to Dan lying on the ground:

"Dan, come on."

"That kid is still waiting for you to come home."


Dan sighed inaudibly, and then got up from the ground.

At this time, the female hunter's eyes naturally met An Rui's, and the two of them didn't say a word.

over the past ten years.

As important figures in the town, Dan and Anrui are definitely close personal friends and have a deep friendship.

But it is precisely because of this relationship.

The two of them already knew each other's different attitudes towards the world of Montenegro, but no one talked about it.

This is Somkin's move.

Obviously, he wanted the two to confront each other and further weaken Anrui's reputation.


The huntress and the lord's eyes met.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the woods seemed to solidify.

Dan said nothing in the end, and disappeared from the forest in a flash.

With her fourth-stage hunter ability and being in the forest, it would be almost impossible for anyone to catch her.

Such silence is enough to explain some problems.

A smile of victory appeared on Somkin's face, and then he took advantage of the victory and aimed his spear at An Rui:

"Lord Anrui, if I remember correctly, those spider monsters that attacked the hunters should have been provoked by you in Montenegro, right?"

Somkin thought this would be a successful cross-examination.

But An Rui immediately gave him a blow with a cold and majestic tone:

"Stop your petty thoughts, Somkin."

"Actually, just a few days ago, the mine was attacked by a small-scale monster. Our troubles are far more complicated than you see."

Upon hearing this, Somkin's eyes froze.

Only a few people in the lord's manor know the news about the mine.

The businessman realizes that his lack of information is a serious problem for him.

On the other side, looking at Somkin who fell into silence:

An Rui continued:

"Winter has just arrived."

"Even if you want to do something, you must at least understand the basic information. People who have no understanding of reality and act blindly with arrogance will only lead others to despair!"

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