My different world is game mode

Chapter 110 Conflict transfer

What should I do if the internal conflict is too intense and cannot be resolved?

There is a simple and effective method that works regardless of reality or games.

Create an external conflict.

Lindsay thought for a while, and wondered if there were any external hostile targets that could be found in the border town and could be exploited immediately.

First of all, the dragon beast in the world of Black Mountain definitely cannot do it.

Not only is the opponent too powerful, but it also runs counter to the idea of ​​protecting the safety of the townspeople.

Taking it as a contradictory object will definitely not achieve the desired effect.

So...what's in front of you?

There was an attack on the town's farmland not long ago, and today they attacked the Hunter Corruption Spider again.

Isn’t it just the external goal that can unite everyone?

If Anrui could use his status as a lord to guide the will of the townspeople and jointly deal with the monsters that threaten the town.

As this plan progresses smoothly.

Lindsay dared not say that people in the town would express unconditional support for Anrui.

But at least the increasingly violent radicals will definitely not confront Anrui like they did this morning, and they are unlikely to continue to cause trouble in the short term.

Lindsay's idea was simple.

The crisis facing the town at this moment must be better solved by everyone uniting.

At this moment.

The importance of unity is far higher than other factors.


"Lindsay, you are such a genius!"

When Lindsay came to the Lord's Manor and told An Rui about the idea.

The lord even jumped up from his chair excitedly, circling back and forth in the study, and said with unabashed self-condemnation:

"Really...why was this missing?"

"You should have thought of it, and the solution to the problem is clearly in your hand!"

As the lord who has governed the town for hundreds of years.

Although he is only the manager of the outpost, Anrui has also developed a certain vision.

He certainly understood how useful the ideas Lindsay provided were.

It's just that An Rui was a warrior in the past. After these monsters appeared, he followed his accustomed thinking and thought of setting up sentries and finding ways to deal with these things so that there would be a safe environment around the town.

Anrui has been busy with these things these days. After losing the support of some awakened people, it is a hundred times more difficult for him to act than usual.

While busy.

He didn't even consider that these monsters could be established as enemies to unite the gradually separated people in the town!

Lindsay smiled modestly:

"Uncle Anrui, I also had a sudden idea, so I told you this immature idea."

"It would be great if everyone in the town could be made less impulsive."

An Rui walked up to Lindsay and looked directly at the student who had surprised him.

The joy and appreciation in his eyes cannot be concealed at all:

"Lindsay, your idea is so useful to me!"

"If we can restore contact with the outside world, I will do my best to make you the next manager of the Hidden Frontier."

"There's no need for this." Lindsay smiled bitterly, "Uncle Anrui, I still plan to go home."


Lindsay's answer turned the joy on An Rui's face into a frown.

He realized that the student in front of him whom he greatly admired was essentially a person who really wanted to leave the hidden frontier and could not possibly inherit his work here.

Then he thought of Somkin, who was still tit-for-tat with him this morning.

As a warrior, An Rui was also quick to talk and asked directly to Lindsay:

"Lindsay, do you want to be on their side too?"

"If that were the case, I wouldn't say this suggestion here." Seeing the loneliness in An Rui's eyes, Lindsay immediately explained, "I have been to Montenegro with you and know how dangerous this idea is. How could I agree that they would take the people in the town to die with them?"

When An Rui heard this, his frown relaxed.

But before he could make a statement, Lindsay blocked his words in advance:

"But Uncle Anrui, I also think we should take action now."

"Whether it's protection against the severe cold or other ways to survive the crisis, it should be on the agenda now."


An Rui did not answer Lindsay immediately.

He stared at his student standing straight in front of him, remained silent for a long time, and finally said:

"Lindsay, I see where you're coming from."

"I will definitely not hurt you, but if you are still in this situation in the future, being a person caught in the middle is not a good choice."

Lindsay could understand the meaning of An Rui's persuasion.

Because of the closed environment, the Hidden Frontier can now be viewed as a small society.

When the mainstream opinions in a society are antagonistic, it is best for individuals to put away some unique opinions and join the mainstream side.

Because at this time a third opinion appears.

This kind of behavior will not even be adopted because of better ideas, but will become the target of common attacks by both parties.

This situation doesn't sound wise.

But this irrationality is also the reality of human reaction.

Faced with An Rui’s teachings, Lindsay’s answer still stuck to her heart:

"Uncle Anrui, I still feel that I have some abilities, so I should do something within my ability."

An Rui sighed:

"Of course I want to do it, but where is the path?"

"A seven-stage dragon beast cannot be solved by recklessness and determination."

After sighing with emotion, An Rui stopped mentioning such things that hurt morale.

He changed his words and asked Lindsay:

"Those plants that Finn left behind, are you still cultivating them now?"

Lindsay naturally nodded and admitted:

"Yes, I plan to cultivate some crops that are more cold-resistant than in the past. This way, even if the temperature continues to drop, the town can ensure the cultivation of food."

"It's just that the cultivation progress is a bit slow now."

"I estimate it will take several months before we can actually get any results."

At this time, An Rui's tone became serious, and he continued to ask as the lord of the border town:

"Tell me more about cultivating plants."

Lindsay also stood up straight and began to talk about her work content:

"Now I have temporarily selected three crops, namely winter wheat, cabbage, and potatoes. Based on their characteristics, I have developed different cultivation processes. Just because I don't have more wild parents on hand, the subsequent progress will be relatively difficulty……"

Lindsay told An Rui about the problems he encountered in cultivating crops.

The lord had also discussed related issues with Finn before, so it was not difficult to understand the meaning of Lindsay's words now.

He asked Lindsay for plant samples and supported them in any way he could:

"Lindsay, just do your own training."

"As for the wild plants you just mentioned, I will send people to collect them."

This news is definitely a big boost to Lindsay!

"Very good!"

"Uncle Anrui, this can save me a lot of time!"

Lindsay immediately expressed her gratitude.

Then the two briefly chatted for a few more words, and the conversation basically came to an end.

The moment Lindsay said goodbye to An Rui and walked out of the study door.

Only then did he hear the warrior who taught him martial arts encourage him in a long voice:

"Lindsay, you're a smart kid."

“If you think of something that can be done, go ahead and do it.”

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