My different world is game mode

Chapter 137 A long mining career

[1 Meteor Fire Brooch + 1 Ice Shield = Emblem of Ice and Fire]

The synthesis formula of the Meteor Fire Brooch is quite simple.

But this other ice shield...

Lindsay guessed that it should be obtained from the ice elemental creature that is opposite to the meteorite. There is definitely no chance at the moment.


At this time, Lindsay opened her mouth and yawned.

First he climbed mountains, then he mined, and finally he started to scheming with these meteorites.

After this experience, which took more than a day, the mental fatigue began to show.

As for continuing to hold on, with Lindsay's physical strength, there is no problem.

But it was impossible for these meteorites to escape from his feet.

Lindsay simply withdrew from the dangerous crater, returned to the scorched earth on the top of the mountain, picked a warmer place, and began to set up camp to rest.

Consider the situation in the crater below you.

Lindsay summoned the snow wolf to keep vigil for herself, and then fell into a deep sleep on the top of the mountain.

When Lindsay woke up again, the sky was dark.

He was still a little dazed when he just fell asleep, and he didn't realize that it was night again.

"I just fell asleep... No, what time is it now?"

Lindsay scratched her hair and took out the iron pocket watch she made.

Then he discovered that the time above was completely inaccurate.

I was so busy during this period that I forgot to wind up my pocket watch. A pocket watch that relies purely on mechanical power to keep time has naturally stopped responding a long time ago.

"Resources have been transformed for you..."

Lindsay curled her lips and resourced the pocket watch in her hand.

The source of matter replaced the clockwork mechanical structure inside the pocket watch and began to tell time accurately and stably. A blessing of resource-based skills can allow it to maintain accurate timing for about half a year.

"There won't be any timekeeping methods from now on."

"Just go back to town later and find someone to deal with at the right time."

Lindsay stretched, dug out the extinguished bonfire, rekindled it, and made breakfast with the lean meat in the bag.

Then he picked up the meteorite pickaxe and continued working in the crater.

The purpose of collecting meteorites is simple, but it certainly takes a lot of time.

The main reason why Lindsay continues to mine meteorites is that it is difficult to obtain this kind of ore.

In addition to preparing the subsequent equipment on the synthesis list, he also had to deal with the reserves of titanium alloy.

Among synthetic systems, titanium alloy is a special metal.

Lindsay can't synthesize other high-level equipment now, but it's definitely a good idea to make more preparations.

Do some rough calculations.

The synthesis of meteorite ingots requires one less piece than the four-in-one iron ingots. Three pieces can be synthesized into one.

However, there is a need for subsequent production of armor and other equipment that consumes a lot of money.

It is also required to mine at least a hundred meteorites.


"Based on this, I might have to stay here for two days?"

The crater itself is inconvenient for movement, and the distribution of these ores is also extremely irregular.

With this somewhat long time in his mouth, Lindsay headed down the ring road dug yesterday.

Keep working.

Lindsay conveniently canceled the summons of the snow wolf and replaced it with a bat to guard himself outside.

He was in a crater after all.

If something happened above, he wouldn't feel it down below.

Lindsay gradually went deeper into the crater, and the sky outside gradually turned from dark to bright.

At the same time, I have meteorites that are constantly coming into my account as an incentive, so I don’t feel irritated at work.

He even looked at the increasing number of meteorites in his luggage.

On the contrary, there is a sense of achievement when collecting resources in the game and continuously accumulating the quantity.

The only regret is the meteorites that host the meteorites.

Most of the energy contained in the meteorite is concentrated on this elemental creature, causing it to lose its original meteorite characteristics and become a waste.

Wait until half a day has passed.

After Lindsay once again faced a dim meteorite that contained meteorites, he couldn't help but shake his head and sigh:

"It doesn't matter if the meteorite is gone. The elemental creatures will dissipate directly after they die, making it impossible for me to collect materials."

"Can't you gain more in other areas?"

Complaining in his mouth, Lindsay opened the [Hunting Notes] and looked at it again.

At this moment, the level 150 achievement is still far away.

But due to constant kills and encounters, [Weakness Investigation] began to take effect, and new hunting suggestions were updated in the notebook.

——[Low temperature, freezing]

For Lindsay, who has unlimited water, this reminder is of little use.

But after contacting [Weakness: Core in Flames], Lindsay's eyes became very interested.

"The core in the flames..."

"If you don't directly extinguish it with water, but use other means to destroy the core, will the result be no bones left?"

"And we can also take the opportunity to test it and confirm the properties of elemental life forms when facing various attacks."

Lindsay had an idea in mind and immediately started preparations.

He checked the equipment on his body, considering the fire elf's immunity to physical attacks and its fire properties.

"Ordinary physical attacks will definitely not work, so there must be special effects provided by the source of matter..."

Lindsay first took out the iron-horned bow.

The arrows shot from this powerful bow can have a corruption effect.

Later, the ice badger mace and ice fang dagger were also taken out.

These two pieces of equipment clearly have a freezing effect, and they will most likely be effective against the Meteor Fire Spirit.

"As for the dagger, it seems too short."

Lindsay gestured.

If you use this ice-fang dagger to stab the meteorite, you will probably be burned first, so it is better to just use a large weapon like a mace.

With his current agility and strength.

It can be said that it is easy to control this heavy mace.

Gear ready, Lindsay continued digging.

This time he was lucky and soon dug out another meteorite that was on fire.

"Come out!"

Lindsay went up with a pickaxe, then turned around and ran a few steps to distance herself.

Turning his head again, a flash of fire broke away from the meteorite and was about to attack him.


The bowstring made an explosive sound, and the arrow was immediately shot.

The solid arrow undoubtedly passed through the body of the meteorite.

But at the same time, Lindsay also discovered that the originally orange core of the meteorite was filled with a layer of dim gray after being penetrated by the arrow.

Corruption effects can indeed pose a threat to elemental life.

But with the power of the iron-horned bow, just one blow was not enough to kill it.

Moreover, being angered by this arrow, the meteorite became even more irritable than before. Its flying speed in the air suddenly increased, and it continued to attack Lindsay.

"Let's try this next..."

Lindsay instantly switched to the Ice Badger mace.

Meteor Fire Spirits are beings that rely entirely on temperature to sense their environment. It found that the humanoid creature in front of it suddenly had a huge cold rod-shaped object in its hand, and was immediately startled.

Just didn't wait for the Fire Fire Spirit to react.

The huge mace made a whirring sound and hit its body. Then it crashed into the scorched earth on the side of the tunnel and made a small crater out of it.


This time, Lindsay heard a very clear sound of core cracking at the point where the ice badger's mace hit.

And from under the ice badger mace, there was the friction of something being smashed.

Lindsay had a smile on her face.

He had a hunch that the collection of materials was finally done!

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