"How far is it?"

"3 kilometers."

"Is there any danger observed?"

"Cold, undetectable by sound waves."


Lindsay waved her hand, sending the bat into the air, always on alert.

He murmured in a low voice:

"With this kind of temperature, there must be something abnormal ahead."

"Take a detour, or go straight ahead and take a look?"

Without much reason, the strong sense of loneliness convinced Lindsay at an irresistible speed.

"If you really encounter any problems, choose a detour."

"If this continues, even if we reach Montenegro, our lack of strength may cause trouble."

Lindsay's eyes became firm and she headed towards the increasingly cold wasteland ahead.

Taking risks doesn't mean giving up caution.

When he was still in the last third of the three kilometers reported by the bat, Lindsay stopped and began to expand the reconnaissance range of his map.

When this skill has just been awakened.

With Lindsay's source of energy, he can sustain a range of 1 kilometer for about three seconds.

Now that his life essence has advanced, the time and limit distance are longer, enough for him to distinguish some situations.

As we moved forward along the wasteland, the temperature continued to drop.

The temperature changes continue to go against the common sense of the Montenegrin world, as if a scene of ice and snow is about to be re-enacted here.

And in Lindsay's map reconnaissance.

Although it was only a glimpse at the extreme range, he still saw something there.

"Yellow... mark?"

Lindsay raised her eyebrows, and the curiosity in her heart began to emerge more quickly.

Ordinary beasts within his detection range must be marked with red dots, and there is no need to mention Warcraft and those enemies loyal to dragon beasts.

But the neutral yellow dot…

Apart from some strange townspeople in the hidden frontier and the mountain spirits encountered in the underground world, they are really rare!

Coupled with this temperature change that goes against common sense.

"Is it what the spider said before, the fish that slipped through the net to resist the dragon beast?"

Lindsay was ready to prove her suspicions, so she went deeper.

After walking 3 kilometers, a cold wind began to blow in the wilderness. Although the vegetation on the ground was sparse, there were also mosses and wild grasses that could withstand low temperatures.

Lindsay was able to withstand the cold, so she was in a good mood when she came here.

As he continued to explore, the surrounding ground became undulating, and wild grass grew between the small mounds. The frequent low-lying pools soon wetted his trouser legs.

"Is this the swamp in the record..."

Walking on this muddy land, Lindsay dug out the records of the expedition.

Judging from the location and geographical distribution, walking into the swamp opposite the wasteland is pretty much the same.

However, the expedition team's records clearly contain such a piece of information.

[This swamp is hot and humid, and mosquitoes thrive. Although it certainly won't hurt us, it's enough to give us a headache. 】

"It's hot and humid, and mosquitoes are flourishing..."

Lindsay looked around. There was no way the scene here could match the description in the book.

"This change must be within a hundred years, and it is inseparable from the emergence of the dragon beast."

Lindsay made a judgment, and then he looked carefully in the swamp as he moved forward.

The results also confirmed his speculation.

He didn't find any mosquito corpses among the swamp weeds and shallow pools. This directly rules out the possibility that the abnormal temperature here was caused in a short period of time.

Lindsey kept going, and the temperature dropped in tandem.

After another 1 kilometer of journey, the low-lying pools also broke through the freezing point and turned into mottled broken mirrors embedded in the grass.

The environment has completely turned into a frozen swamp, and it is like the desolation after the muddy ground becomes frozen soil.

Combining the feelings of loneliness and expectation in my heart.

Lindsay thought of "Staying by the Woods on a Snowy Night" and couldn't help but read it:

"I guess I know the owner of this forest,

He lives in a village by the forest,

But you won’t see me standing here looking at his snow suit in the forest.


At this moment, the yellow mark on the map finally appeared.

An ice sculpture shines in the sun, reflecting the light of the cold winter sun, like a carefully crafted art sculpture.

Lindsay stepped closer.

This ice sculpture has an angular shape but a slender and smooth body. It has long icicle-like spikes on its arms and back, which looks like both armor and weapons.

But inside the ice sculpture.

No living things were frozen, there were only ice-blue cores, like shining transparent crystals.

"Elemental creature?"

Lindsay has already seen fire elemental and earth elemental beings in the hidden frontier.

Although the ice sculptures in front of you are somewhat different, it is not difficult to recognize the essence of each other's elemental life.

And it is different from the previous two.

This ice elemental creature has no action.

Even if Lindsay appeared and walked closer, it would just maintain its original posture.

It's like a statue that's really motionless!

"We're here now, we have to take a look at the situation."

The abnormal temperature in this swamp may come from the ice element in front of you.

However, on the map, this elemental creature is a yellow mark symbolizing neutrality. Lindsay certainly has no intention of killing any of them and uses the hunting module to investigate.

He reached out and chose simulated management.

[Elemental creature: Glacier element]

[Ice deep in the glacier, an elemental creature formed after fusing the source matter; good at using various ice-based abilities; it likes low temperatures and has the ability to be reborn in the glacier; it is currently sleeping, delaying its own melting time . 】

[Rare elemental creatures, tamed as slaves, can be sold at a good price. 】

"Glacier element, sleeping forever?"

"No matter how you look at it, it's impossible to appear in the swamp!"

"And according to the current environment of the Black Mountain world, the temperature of those towering glaciers must be relatively low. Why do they come to such a place to sleep?"

Lindsay remembered the glacier very clearly.

There are two places in the world of Montenegro where this environment exists.

One is in the mountainous area in the center of the world; the other is the glaciers that exist around the Black Mountains at the end of the world where the dragon beast is.

But both places are still far away from the swamp in front of them.

Let the elemental creatures who naturally like the place of their birth bid farewell to their hometown and migrate to such a remote place to rest forever.

Lindsay had a new association in her mind.

Perhaps these ice elements resisted the rule of the dragon beasts, so they were driven here and became a few fish that slipped through the net?

"The enemy of your enemy may not be your friend, but you can still try."

Lindsay's position at this moment was at the edge of the entire frozen swamp, and the first glacier element appeared in front of him.

Talk about communication and discussion, or escape after negotiation fails.

There is no place more suitable than here.

state! state!

Lindsay stepped forward, reached out and knocked twice on the cold ice.



"Hey, are you there?"


"Wake up!"


The glacier elemental showed no response.

It still stood in the icy cold wind, its ice-blue core shining slightly.

Lindsay crossed her arms over her chest and pouted. His question now was how to wake this thing up.

"I'm here to negotiate and gain information."

"By the way...by the way! Just chatting to relieve boredom! In this case, you can't just use fire, right?"

At this moment, it seemed to be responding to something.

Lindsay's taskbar has been updated.

[Ice crystals under the dilemma of temperature difference]

[There seems to be some kind of dilemma hidden in the swamp with a unique temperature. Find out the truth and solve this terrible crisis. 】

[Task reward: secret treasure map; RPG module upgrade]

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