The arrow hit instantly.

The imprisoned black-scaled lizard dragon had no time to dodge, and his eye sockets were pierced by arrows.


The flames of the arrows overflowed from the eyes of the black-scaled lizard dragon, and the corrupting power of the iron-horned bow also took effect at the same time.

Due to the body structure of Black Scaled Saurus.

The power in the arrow immediately began to affect its brain.

Even a powerful five-stage monster cannot resist this kind of destruction in the brain.

Just two or three breaths.

This behemoth was lying at the bottom of the pit, completely silent.


At the same time, Lindsay above looked happy.

The action of killing the black-scaled lizard dragon brought him a new round of experience, and his strength, agility and intelligence each increased a little!

"Even in the fifth stage, the divisions between strengths and weaknesses are completely different."

Lindsay sighed in a low voice.

He also gained some experience from killing the Magog Fire Monster and the Corrupted Poison Spider before, but it was definitely much less than the Black Scale Lizard Dragon.

Warcraft are also the same as human awakeners.

Even if the power level is at the same level, there is still a clear difference in strength between individuals.

Just like a third-stage craftsman, it is impossible to defeat a third-stage warrior in a competition of force.


At this moment, the black-scaled lizard dragon's skin suddenly swelled and then shrank.

A blast of alternating hot and cold wind rushed out of its body in an instant, even passing through the trap, lapping and impacting the surroundings like waves.

The ice is cracked and the weeds are falling.

The moment this monster died.

The entire frozen swamp rippled, as if a huge bubble had been gently popped.

Standing at the entrance of the cave, Lindsay's hair was blown wildly and she could hardly open her eyes.

However, he was strong enough, so he stayed here firmly, and at the same time, he drew his bow and arrow again to prevent new crises below.

The black-scaled lizard dragon was clearly dead.

"But this power..."

While Lindsay was getting ready, Calder beside him spoke:

"This is a cage that is connected to the source of the black-scaled lizard dragon and restricts me from leaving."

"And with its death, I am free."


"Congratulations then."

He congratulated and opened the hunting notes cautiously.

The entry for [Black Scale Lizard Dragon] is last.

In addition to the ordinary kill achievement book, there is one more line - [Elite kill achievement: 1/1]


Lindsay was relieved.

After all, the actual number of kills does not lie.

"Lindsay, I need to get out of here right now."

"The death of the black-scaled lizard dragon may arouse the anger of the dragon beast. According to you humans, we are destined to meet again."

Calder showed no nostalgia.

After saying goodbye, the glacial element turned and left, and the figure immediately disappeared into the depths of the melting swamp.

On the other hand, Lindsay also knew that this place was not a good place to stay for a long time.

While receiving the achievement reward, he turned over and collected the materials for the black-scaled lizard dragon from the bottom of the pit.

[Headgear: Black Scale Lizard Dragon Head]

[A headgear made from the head of a black-scaled lizard. After wearing it, the user's head will be replaced with the structure of a black-scaled lizard, enhancing the sense of smell and vision, and increasing physical fitness and strength. 】

[Achievement items, highly valuable for collection and display. 】

"...Huh? This can still happen!"

What Lindsay held in his hand was the head of a black-scaled lizard.

He tried to put a suit on his head, and the dirty boy's face was replaced by a ferocious lizard's head!


Lindsay tried to speak, only to make a lizard hiss.

And unlike human senses, he sticks out his tongue and can be keenly aware of the smell changes in the air.

He reached out and touched his neck.

After putting on the hood, the position of the neck naturally transforms from scales to human skin, and the structure is natural, as if it should be this long!

"Hiss, hiss..."

Lindsay looked at her attributes again.

The black-scaled lizard dragon's head is strengthened by simple violence, and its constitution and strength each increase by two points.

"The gap between players with equipment and players without equipment is indeed huge."

Lindsay got used to the feeling of the black-scaled lizard's head.

He will be walking alone in the wilderness next, and he doesn't need to see anyone anyway. He doesn't plan to take off this hood anytime soon.

Especially Lindsay’s physical attributes.

After adding 2 points to 27, it goes directly to 29, which is only a little away from 30.

Use the toxins in his body as a measure.

As long as Lindsay maintains this attribute and sleeps for one night, she will be able to completely eliminate toxins when she wakes up the next day!

“Then there’s the material.”

[Material: Lizard Dragon Scale Skin (Elite)]

[The complete skin of the Black Scale Lizard Dragon can be used to make various equipment. 】

[The value of perfect leather stripped from elite individuals has increased significantly! 】

As usual, Lindsay placed [Lizard Scale Skin] on the workbench. Most of the things that this material can make are armor such as clothes or pants, and it also needs to be accompanied by other materials.

But there is only one formula that can be made immediately with the materials Lindsay has on hand.

[1 lizard scale skin + 1 cloak + 5 spider silk = double air cloak]

Lindsay took out the cloak that Joel had given her before leaving Hidden Frontier and immediately chose to synthesize it.

[Equipment/Material: Double Qi Cloak]

[A high-end cloak made of wild walking cloak as the main material, which has excellent thermal insulation effect and repels mosquitoes; the lizard dragon scale skin sewn later greatly improves its material strength; a layer of airflow protects this cloak ; Can also be used as material to make other props. 】

[A powerful cloak with multiple functions and moderate value. 】

Lindsay held the brand new cloak in his hands, and its color had changed from its previous appearance to dark black. At the same time, there was a light airflow flowing from the cloak, wrapping the palm of his hand holding the cloak.

"Let's test the strength first."

Lindsay took out an ordinary dagger and stabbed it directly on the surface of the cloak.


Just like the situation when Lindsay herself attacked the Black Scaled Lizard Dragon.

The airflow in the outer layer first exerts resistance to the attack, and after gradually increasing the force to break through, the material of the cloak itself is also quite strong.

"It's not as exaggerated as the Black Scaled Lizard Dragon itself."

"But the actual strength is equivalent to wearing a pair of armor!"

The props originally used for survival in the wild suddenly turned into armor that can be used in battle.

Lindsay was naturally happy.

He casually cut off a piece of meat from the black-scaled lizard dragon corpse, stuffed it into his bag and climbed out.

Although he was only a comrade for a short period of time, he heard Calder's reminder.

"You can't stay here for long..."


Lindsay returned to the swamp surface and prepared to continue east.

As a result, as soon as he stood firm, the ground beneath his feet shook violently, and there was a crackling sound from the melting ice and fire in the surrounding swamp. At the same time, his vision began to sway irregularly from side to side.


"Or is this the anger of the dragon beast?!"

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