My different world is game mode

Chapter 171 Invitation


Upon hearing the girl's question, Lindsay looked stunned.

However, considering the other party's state of being imprisoned by a monster, this is not incomprehensible.

Lindsay can also speak bestiality, so she changed the language:

"I'm not your father. I just want you to drink some sugar water to regain your strength."


The girl looked at the sugar water that Lindsay handed over.

She frowned slightly and did not accept the kindness. Instead, she persistently asked the original question:

"Where is this? Who am I?"

"The first person I saw was you. Why aren't you my father?"

Where did this open-eyed cub come from?

Lindsay's expression was quite helpless, but she also understood the girl's current state.

Those who have lost their essence will have very serious consequences when they lose their essence and skills.

The person in front of me may have lost his memory.

Lindsay tried to follow the other person's train of thought and continue the conversation.

"This is the world of Black Mountain, and you are a lost source."


The girl continued to frown, obviously not satisfied with Lindsay's answer. However, she did not continue to ask, but immediately changed the question:

"Who are you?"

Lindsay smiled what she thought was a kind smile:


"What are you going to do?"

"To the end of the world."

"What is our relationship?"


After entering the conversation, the girl had no intention of stopping, and the questions came one after another.

Lindsay doesn't intend to become a mere answering machine.

So he interrupted the other party in time:

"This kind of inquiry will be suspended for now."

"If you want me to continue to explain your doubts, then you must first tell me, what do you remember?"

Facing Lindsay's rhetorical question, the girl opened her eyes wide.

She hesitated for a long time and looked like she was about to shake her head. Lindsay was also ready to accept the reality.

But at this moment, the girl grasped a glimmer of certainty from her confusion.

She didn't know where she got the strength, but she jumped directly from the snow wolf's back and jumped on Lindsay.

Their faces were almost touching, and the girl's ruby ​​eyes exuded strong desire.

Lindsay couldn't see the girl's lips, but heard the other person's voice:

"I remember, I had to kill something!"

"Something powerful!"

"He is a huge threat to the world and he must die!"

Lindsay hugged each other, without any charm in her heart.

In this world, when it comes to huge threats and world goals, there is almost only one answer.

Dragon beast on the Black Mountain.

Therefore, the girl in front of him is probably one of the people who challenged the dragon beast in the past.

But due to certain encounters and loss of essence and skills, it became what it is now.

"Calm down first!"

Lindsay pulled the girl away, forced her to sit on Snow Wolf's back, and handed over the sugar water again.

"Other than these, what else can you think of?"

The girl drank the sugar water obediently this time.

And his attention was quickly attracted by the sweet water in his hand, and he began to stare at this sweet drink.

Lindsay was forced to reiterate her question before drawing the girl's attention back.

"Unexpected." She shook her head slightly, "This water is very good. You call it sugar water, is it because the taste means sugar?"

Lindsay's answer was a little distracted.

"The taste is sweet."

"Sugar refers to a food that has a sweet taste."

Lindsay continued to deal with the girl's questions, but she was thinking about another question.

Judging from the current situation, it is definitely hopeless to treat the other party as a treasure.

So the next thing to think about is how to deal with the whereabouts of the girl.

Leaving the other party here regardless?

Ordinary people, or awakened people with a little bit of ability, may not be able to survive in the world of Black Mountain. For a girl who has lost her memory, this treatment is no different from murder.

But if you take a girl with you to Montenegro.

That is tantamount to making fun of two people's lives at the same time, and it is not a choice that normal people can make.

At the same time, the girl studied the snow wolf carrying her.

"What is this thing carrying me?"

Lindsay gave a short answer:

"Snow wolf, a kind of magical beast."

The girl instinctively shook her head in denial:

"I felt something was wrong, it seemed lifeless."

Lindsay explained calmly:

"Because it's my summons."


The two of them moved forward for a while.

Lindsay is still troubled by the choice, but the girl's condition is getting better and better.

She even changed from her previous position of lying prone, and instead straddled the snow wolf's back with her feet, sitting firmly like a female knight.

At this time, a question that concerned him the most emerged:

"Lindsay, do you know what I'm going to kill?"

Lindsay turned around and saw the other party's condition.

After just one cup of sugar water, the girl's face was no longer as pale as before, and her arms and legs also regained strength.

He soon found the answer.

As a person who has lost his essence and is a strong man who once challenged a dragon beast, it is understandable to have such an abnormality in his body.

Lindsay pointed absently to the east:

"In this direction, far, far away, there is a dangerous dragon beast. It should be your target."

The girl showed full concern for the dragon beast:

"How long do you think it will take me to succeed?"

Lindsay pointed at the volcano behind the two of them, giving the girl a shock from reality:

"See? That thing was triggered by it."

"If you want to kill the dragon beast, you must at least have this level of power."


This naked display of strength does not need words to describe it.

The girl stared at the gray-black sky and the underground volcano that continuously spewed out huge clouds of mist.

Obviously he also understood that he did not have the ability to kill the dragon beast.

But she wasn't crestfallen or emotionally broken.

Losing memory does not mean that personality and personality are also eliminated.

Just sitting on the snow wolf and thinking seriously for a while, she spoke to Lindsay again:

"Lindsay, you just said that I am a lost person. What do you mean?"

Lindsay did not hide anything and told the other party the facts:

"If you want to gain power, people need to cultivate their essence and skills to continuously become stronger. And those who have lost their essence refer to people who have lost these two abilities. The memory you have lost may also be due to this problem. caused."

"What are the essence and skills?"

The girl continued to ask questions.

She didn't have any negative emotions because of her own problems, but instead became very excited.

He even took the initiative to propose an idea to Lindsay:

"Since I lost my memory by losing them, will my memory come back if I regain them?"

The girl's question opened up an idea for Lindsay.

Maybe he wants to train a helper for himself, or maybe he wants to restore the other person's memory.

It’s more likely that I wish I could be on the road later.

Don't go crazy alone in the wilderness like you did a few days ago.

Anyway, Lindsay nodded to the girl:

"Honestly, I'm going to prepare to kill that dangerous guy..."

Before Lindsay could finish speaking, the girl interrupted with a confident smile on her face:

"Okay, Lindsay, we can set off together!"

Watching the girl's smile.

For some reason, Lindsay felt that there was one answer that fit right now.

So he replied:

"Okay, or why not?"

“And I feel like we’re going to hit it off and it’s going to be a big, exciting adventure!”

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