On top of the black solitary peak surrounded by glaciers.

The dragon beast looked out of its lair and looked toward the distant west.

Just now, the power buried underground suddenly erupted, and a weak but absolutely existing willpower was transmitted to the entire world.

As a strong man who is plundering the world's essence.

Even though Dragon Head did not monitor the underground area out of concern, he could still detect the activation of this power.

"This day has finally come."

Low animal whispers came from the lair.

The dragon beast inside it recalled a time in the past.

More than a hundred years ago, as a lone traveler among the lizard dragons, it ventured into the forbidden Crystal Valley, where it gained the power to transcend the fifth stage and even the current seventh stage.

Compared with the growth rate of other monsters, this power can be said to be achieved overnight.

But this amazing efficiency often comes with a price.

He met him outside the Crystal Palace and guided him all the way, and now he became his subordinate...

"My lord, do you feel that power?"

The small figure appeared from the foot of the mountain again, interrupting the dragon beast's memories.

In an instant, the dragon beast's long gaze became low-key and cold.

Watching the other party come all the way to the entrance of the lair, he then gave an exhortation in an anxious tone:

"That's the power of Crystal Valley!"

"If something happens to that corpse, it will most likely pose a threat to our plan!"

The dragon beast slowly said:

"So what do you think?"

The figure said without hesitation:

"You should go out immediately and annihilate them."

"I need to guard the Black Mountain and increase my strength to try to break through." Dragon Beast directly rejected the proposal, and then asked in a low voice, "And you once said that as long as you successfully advance to the eighth stage, all problems will be solved. Now For me to slow down my progress is undoubtedly to sacrifice the good for the sake of the weak."


Dragonmon's rhetorical question caused the figure to fall silent for a moment.

After waiting for a few seconds, he continued to say to his nominal subordinate:

"You have been responsible for running our power over the years, and you should have cultivated strong subordinates, and once suppressed those who resisted."

"And now, isn't it the time to use this power?"

The figure immediately rejected the dragon beast's idea:

"This is impossible!"

"They are definitely no match for the 'Crown', even if it is just a corpse!"

The dragon beast noticed a word:

"Crown? You never seem to have said this to me?"

The figure noticed his momentary lapse in speech.

However, he did not forcefully defend or cover up, but directly explained:

"It is an ancient profession that has long since disappeared from history. The righteous people in the Capital of Law are the continuation of this profession, and they are also a corner of the seven-pointed star symbol."

Then, before the dragon beast could continue to ask questions, the figure began to urge again:

"Sir, you also know."

"The power you gained from that corpse was not complete. My subordinates and I have been looking for the missing part for you! Once this plan succeeds, you will definitely be able to advance to the eighth stage without any risk."

"So now you go and stop..."

"That's enough." The dragon beast suddenly interrupted the figure's persuasion, "I am confident that I can complete the advancement. Go down and do what you should do!"


The strength of the dragon beast directly made the figure freeze in place.

At this moment, the will coming from the far west suddenly disappeared.

No matter what happened there.

The ending has come to an end, and everyone's original plans are running wildly in the direction of getting out of control at this moment.

The dragon beast and the figure looked to the west together.

None of them spoke.

A few minutes later, the figure nodded slightly and went down the mountain without saying a word.

In the center of the world, covering a vast area beneath the Thousand Mountains Stone Forest.

Lindsay and Hong are also experiencing the most critical moment.

The golden glow suddenly expanded and was about to swallow them together.

Faced with this kind of power that can kill the six-stage strong in an instant.

They don't even have a chance to resist!

After calling out Lindsay's name, Hong almost squeezed out all her strength and said:

"Use your ability to run first!"

Along the way, Hong became aware of Lindsay's varied abilities.

She couldn't move at all now.

But if Lindsay activates the ability to escape from the ground, she can at least go underground and avoid the first attack of the golden arc.


Lindsay still didn't speak or make a move.

Just like Hong said, he has many abilities at his disposal. Under the pressure of this kind of willpower at this moment, Lindsay probably only had one chance to take action.

He didn't want to use this opportunity to escape alone.

But to get yourself and Hong out of danger together!

Weapons, accessories, achievement rewards, workbench system, skills...

Lindsay's eyes finally focused on her awakening skills as a [Gamer].

[RPG——Drama Performance]

this moment.

Lindsay's strong desire for survival seemed to be transformed into the power of enthusiasm and integrated into the essence.

A specific environment, a specific event, a specific state.

At such a critical moment, fate begins to guide the direction.

In just a moment, Lindsay felt that his two source pools were being consumed rapidly, and he was immediately approaching the final bottom line.

But also under the guidance of this power.

A clear and melodious female voice suddenly sounded from around her, her tone was as firm as iron:

"According to the law, this person should be in a safe place!"


The next second, the withered yellow pages of the book opened in front of Lindsay.

The golden arc that originally hit the two of them was absorbed by the golden pages in an instant.

A crystal world as bright as day.

Due to the sudden disappearance of the golden light, it also dimmed immediately.


Hong suddenly took a step forward and almost fell.

She was originally fighting against the willpower that suppressed her.

But just now, this power suddenly disappeared, the girl regained her ability to move, and her body suddenly felt light.

Without any time to feel lucky, Hong turned to look at Lindsay:

"What was that thing Lindsay just now?"


Red was just amazed at the power lurking in Lindsay's body.

But Lindsay herself was even more surprised.

Even though it was just a sound, he could still tell that the owner of the sound was the righteous person who saved him.

After entering the hidden frontier, Lindsay encountered life crises many times.

Several of the life-threatening situations were something he managed to overcome on his own. He also believed that Arvette sending him away from the world of the Capital of Law was the result of her full efforts.

But now, this perception has changed.

There is something lurking in Lindsay that comes from the power of those who do justice.

This power is almost impossible to activate, and it only suddenly takes effect under the guidance of the special power of fate called "Drama Performance".

And as the owner of this ability.

Lindsay also had a vague understanding in her mind.

The power of the golden arc that was absorbed just now is an effect that can only be activated when facing a righteous person!

If the crisis just now came from the dragon beast, or anything else.

This kind of 'safety' protection probably won't have even the slightest effect.

Lindsay shook her head with a complicated expression:


"A person who once saved me, the power she left behind has just taken effect."

Hong immediately asked:

"What means did she leave on you? Does it have any other function besides neutralizing the attack?"

"I..." Lindsay reached out and touched her body, and then carefully checked her attribute panel, but found no clues. In the end, he could only shake his head again, "This kind of thing is a bit beyond my expectations."

"Anyway, we'd better not use this thing as a trump card."

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