My disciples are all geniuses

Chapter 11 Xia Xiaoman is a person with poor sense of direction


Master Chen Liang was standing outside the tent to keep watch. With his perception, he could sense the breath of some monsters, but those monsters did not approach. Monsters at the level of small monsters have developed intelligence, and naturally they are not driven by pure wildness like ordinary monsters.

Several disciples approached and asked: "Junior has encountered some problems in cultivation here, can you..."

"It's getting late, let's talk about it tomorrow."

"Ah, um"

The disciples left helplessly. They didn't dare to say anything more. It would be more troublesome to make this guest Chen unhappy.

After a while.


Hearing the call, Master Chen Liang turned his head and looked at Xia Xiaoman, asking: "It's so late, what's the matter?"

"Junior wants to ask for advice on cultivation!"

"Oh? Tell me."

If the previous disciples saw this scene, they would be dumbfounded. Why is there such a big difference in how they treat people?

Asking too many questions is not necessarily a good thing, but Xia Xiaoman asked questions that ordinary disciples would not think of, which has a lot to do with comprehension.

Master Chen Liang answered her questions, and Xia Xiaoman suddenly became enlightened after thinking it through.

"Thank you for your advice, senior!"

"No problem."

Master Chen Liang smiled.

Xia Xiaoman said happily: "Senior, you are the best senior I have ever met!"

"It's just that you have met too few people."

People should be more humble.

"Although that is true, senior is really a good person!"

This girl is too simple, and I felt that way since the first time I met her.

If she hadn't met Master Chen Liang who wanted to take her as a disciple, I don't know what she would become in the future.

Even a rare genius may be buried and finally become a nobody.

And with Xia Xiaoman's temperament, it might be worse.

Just as the two were chatting, a voice interrupted them.

"Master, I have something I want to ask you."

The person who came was Ye Xiaoxiao.

Master Chen Liang nodded slightly: "Go ahead."

Ye Xiaoxiao's eyes swept over Xia Xiaoman beside her. The latter's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly said: "Then, then I will go to rest first, good night, senior!"

The girl ran away.

Master Chen Liang then solved Ye Xiaoxiao's doubts, and the latter went back to practice after thinking it through.

This girl really does nothing except practice now.

She is so motivated that he doesn't know what to say.

Now Ye Xiaoxiao is already the seventh level of Qi training.

The speed of practice is really jaw-dropping.

However, no matter how high her aptitude is, she will have her own bottleneck, and coupled with her lonely personality, she will definitely face great difficulties in the future.

He needs to pay attention.

After all, this girl showed signs of blackening at the beginning. Although she has been very stable by his side in the past year, he still needs to be careful about everything.

In addition, the progress of his sea of ​​vitality transformation has reached nearly 60%.

The transformation speed is very slow, but Master Chen Liang is not in a hurry, and he also has his own things to do.

In the dead of night, Master Chen Liang sat cross-legged on the futon, he closed his eyes, and his vision turned into a world of countless stars, and the scenery of mountains and seas was still in its infancy.

The heart looks at the world, and it has just started.

The second day.

[Notice - Progress of Creating a Kung Fu: 30%]

It has been completed by 30%, the speed is not slow, and it will be completed in a few days.

In the morning, Master Chen Liang completed the terrain survey within a mile nearby and found a black wind wolf den with a total of seven, so he led a group of disciples to go there.

After killing the monster, it is natural to recover the body, after all, most of the monsters have treasures.

According to some disciples who have participated in the training, they almost never fought with monsters in person when they went out for training before, and all were dealt with by the team leader, and they were purely out to see the scenery.

Therefore, Master Chen Liang asked them to fight the monsters, which made them very excited.

On the contrary, Master Chen Liang did not expect that the elders who took the outer disciples out for training were so irresponsible. Did they really come out for a vacation?

He did not really want to take this group of people to train, but he still needed to maintain his image at present.

There was not even a third-grade Qi training realm among the outer disciples. It was enough to deal with ordinary monsters. If they encountered some special monsters, they might be wiped out without combat experience.

Fortunately, Master Chen Liang had already surveyed this place and there were no such powerful monsters, so he allowed the disciples to move freely during the rest time, but not to leave too far.



Master Chen Liang's request for help made the Jade Master's heart brighten, and he was immediately full of black lines. How could he get into trouble after just a short rest?

"Xiao Xiao, help me keep an eye on Xia Xiaoman, don't let her run around, that girl is a directionally challenged person and will get lost."

"Yes, Master." Ye Xiaoxiao glanced at the Master and nodded.

So Master Chen Liang quickened his pace in the direction guided by the rescue jade. If he went too late, there might only be corpses left, and he would inevitably get into trouble later.

After arriving at the scene, a tall figure immediately attracted Master Chen Liang's attention.

[Analysis and Identification - Little Demon: Two-Headed Demon Leopard]

[Report - The target's emotions fluctuate extremely strongly]

Master Chen Liang took a look at the three disciples who were scared to pee their pants and holding a big egg and knew what was going on. They were really naughty kids, causing trouble.

Who wouldn't be excited if they lost their eggs?

However, after identification, it was found that it was a snake egg, probably a trophy of the two-headed demon leopard.

Master Chen Liang said calmly: "Put down your things and run back to the camp."


The disciple holding the egg threw it away in an instant, then turned around and ran away.

Chen Liangshi luckily picked up the egg and put it into the system's storage. He looked at the grinning two-headed demon leopard and said, "Get out of here and spare your life."

It was those disciples who were at fault first and had nothing to do with him.

But the two-headed demon leopards were bound to take action, so he took the egg first and took it as a trophy.

the other side.

Ye Xiaoxiao searched everywhere but couldn't find Xia Xiaoman, so he returned to the camp. After seeing Yao Nan, he asked, "Where is Xia Xiaoman?"

Yao Nan shook her head, with a worried look on her face, and said, "I'm also looking for Xiaoman. She's been out for a while, and it's already dark now and she hasn't come back yet."

Seeing Ye Xiaoxiao turn and leave, Yao Nan quickly asked: "Are you going to find Xiaoman? I'll go with you!"

Ye Xiaoxiao didn't look back or say anything. He walked into the dense forest and disappeared immediately, leaving Yao Nan alone in the camp at a loss.

At the same time, somewhere in the dense forest.

Xia Xiaoman, who was wearing white clothes, looked up at the dark sky, and then looked around with great distress.

"Which way should I go?"

She just hadn't left the sect for too long. She thought she could move freely now and went out for a walk to relax. She didn't want to get lost here.

This is bad.

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