My disciples are all geniuses

Chapter 120 Qiu Bailu's killing intention

The woman in the black dress sat next to Qiu Bailu. She was smiling and shaking the jade wine bottle. Her slender legs were crossed. The mysterious realm made many people salivate.

What an incredible stunner.

This woman sat aside naturally, completely ignoring whether Qiu Egret had any background.

Everyone knows this woman's identity and knows her style.

Not a good one.

This was Yin Liusu's first impression of him. He carefully avoided taking a few steps, not wanting to get close to him, so that he could deal with emergencies.

Xiao Hongyin stood next to Qiu Bailu, looking at the girl on the stage with her big red eyes, completely unaware of the arrival of the woman in black skirt.

Qiu Bailu glanced at her and asked, "What do you want to talk about?"

The woman in the black dress chuckled: "Just communicate and be friends."

Qiu Egret said nothing, had a cold attitude, and kept people away from thousands of miles away.

But the woman in black skirt didn't care about it.

"Introduce yourself, Fang Liangyu, Valley of the Immortal."

Valley of the Immortal.

Yin Liusu was also new here and had never heard of this force.

Although he didn't know it, the person in the scroll did.

The old man said: "There are some long-established forces in Chaotic Soul Abyss, and the Valley of the Immortal is one of them. However, compared with others, the Valley of the Immortal has few disciples and almost no disciples."

He once had an encounter with the old monster in the Valley of the Undying.

The Abyss of Chaotic Souls is very chaotic, with frequent reshuffles, but the Valley of the Undead existed in his time and has survived to this day. You can imagine how extraordinary it is.

After hearing the old man's words, Yin Liusu's heart skipped a beat.

This woman actually has such a great background.

Qiu Bailu didn't know the origin of the Immortal Valley. After hearing what the other party said, she still responded out of courtesy.

"Autumn egret."

A name I've never heard of.

Fang Liangyu chuckled and asked, "Where did you learn from me?"

Qiu Bailu glanced at her coldly, with no intention of saying anything.

"Everyone has announced his family status, why can't you give me a favor?" Fang Liangyu smiled as brightly as a flower, "Why are you hiding so deep? Is it possible that you have a guilty conscience?"

Qiu Bailu said indifferently: "I have no interest in dealing with you."


Do you mean to know her?

Fang Liangyu thought thoughtfully and chuckled: "Is it possible that you know my good name?"

She was also an anomaly in the Valley of the Undying, having fun everywhere. Not many of the younger generation in Luanhunyuan didn't know her name, and even the older generation paid attention to her because of her background.

However, it is a good reputation only for people in Chaoshunyuan.

To the outside world, it is better to say it is notorious.

After all, she is an out-and-out demon cultivator, and she does what a demon cultivator should do.

The autumn egret was silent.

"Don't have such a cold face."

Seeing how cold and arrogant this woman was, Fang Liangyu became interested. What she liked most was the feeling of crushing a person's unruly bones.

Qiu Bailu said: "If Miss Fang is too busy, it's better to find a few others."

"Those guys are so boring, how can they be as interesting as you?"

Hearing these somewhat ambiguous words, Qiu Bailu frowned.

She did not look at the people around her, but kept looking at the person on the stage, not wanting to pay attention to this woman anymore.

Fang Liangyu noticed that the woman's eyes were always fixed on the person on the stage.

So Fang Liangyu chuckled: "The man on the stage is your servant, right? He has good skills and is very talented in swordsmanship. Did he get it from outside or in Chaotic Soul Abyss?"

Hearing the other party call Xiaoman a servant, Qiu Bailu felt unhappy in her heart, but she still remembered Xiaoman's instructions before entering the city, that she should act like a leader.

If things get messed up at this moment, even Xiaoman will be in danger.

So Qiu Bailu suppressed her emotions: "What do you want to say?"

Fang Liangyu smiled: "Haha, I just want to chat with you. I'm looking for a topic."

"I have nothing to talk to you about."

Qiu Bailu was not upset because of the nagging, but because this woman was rude to Xia Xiaoman.

Seeing this, Fang Liangyu was silent for a long time, as if she noticed something.

When the person on the stage was mentioned, the woman's mood fluctuated.

Look towards the stage.

The third game was also won by the black-faced girl.

Xia Xiaoman stood on the stage, sweat sliding down his face. Fortunately, his dark face was covered with dirt and the sweat could not be washed off.

The third man was soon carried away, with sword wounds all over his body.

"It's not easy to win five games in a row."

Xia Xiaoman muttered.

Those who dared to take the stage were ruthless characters, different from those she had seen outside before. ,

These people are more ferocious, and their attacks are particularly ruthless and decisive.

This reminded her of her senior sister, who would kill without mercy.

The fourth person didn't come up, giving Xia Xiaoman a chance to breathe.

Obviously her performance in three consecutive games has made everyone feel scared.

Even the young masters and young ladies of the Demon Sect were considering whether to send people up. They were also unsure after seeing Xia Xiaoman's strength.

Although the person they brought was not weak, it seemed that no one who was not a talented person in the realm of transformation could defeat this woman.

But they didn't take such a person with them. After all, they were just having fun. How could they have expected that they would encounter a tough problem?

Seeing this, the worry in Qiu Egret's eyes relaxed.

But Fang Liangyu had been paying attention to her from time to time. After noticing something strange, she had an idea in her mind.

So Fang Liangyu stood up and said to the girl on the stage: "Girl, you win this ring battle."

Xia Xiaoman was stunned when she heard this: "Really? But I didn't win five games in a row."

"It doesn't matter, it's just a game, and I set the rules."

Fang Liangyu chuckled, and then threw out a storage bag: "This is your prize."

So generous!

Xia Xiaoman was also surprised. Although she hadn't fought to her heart's content, it was good to get the prize like this.

"Miss Qiu, let's talk about a deal?" Fang Liangyu suddenly turned around and looked at the purple-clothed girl next to her.

Qiu Bailu frowned slightly: "Trade?"

She didn't know what the woman wanted to do, so she was always very vigilant.

"I'm very interested in your servant, why don't you sell it to me?" Fang Liangyu's watery eyes were full of playfulness.

Qiu Bailu's eyes darkened, and she said coldly: "Impossible."

"Don't be so anxious to refuse, I can give it to you."


Qiu Bailu immediately interrupted the other party's words, and her jade hands under her sleeves were clenched tightly, holding back her anger.

Seeing this, Fang Liangyu still smiled. There was nothing she couldn't get, and she wanted to tear off this cold and arrogant face in front of her more than wanting the girl above.

"I guess you have a lot of dogs around you, so why not let me have a dog?"

At this moment, Qiu Bailu's face suddenly darkened, and a chilling light appeared in her eyes, and a terrifying murderous intent swept out.

In an instant, she had reached out and tightly grasped Fang Liangyu's slender neck.

"You want to die, I will fulfill your wish."

The murderous voice shocked everyone present.

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