My disciples are all geniuses

Chapter 128 Ye Xiaoxiao, Divine Acupoint Realm (Seventh Update)

Hengxuan Mountain.

This treasure mountain is coveted by countless people, but no one has approached it in the past few months.

Because there is a demon king and a mysterious Taoist in the mountain.

However, some people are still eager to go up the mountain to find out.

Even if not now, it will be in the near future.

And at this moment on Hengxuan Mountain.

A black-clothed girl sat cross-legged in the center of the hall. She has been sitting here for a long time, practicing in meditation.

Now, she has also reached a crucial moment.

Transcendental Realm Great Perfection!

Green light emerged between the sea of ​​qi, making this vast ocean become deeper and more brilliant, flawless and pure.

But in the deepest part of the ocean, completely different colors can be seen.

A closer look shows that it is another section of the sea of ​​qi, which is extremely turbid, deep and dark compared to the above section of the sea of ​​qi.

The two sections of the sea of ​​qi have obvious differences, but they are not two seas of qi. They are connected as one, one outside and one inside.

The section of Qi Sea below had been suppressed at the bottom, and even the master who witnessed the girl's promotion to the Transcendent Realm had not noticed it. But now it has become clear. Looking through the flawless and pure Qi Sea into the depths, one can see the turbid and dark Qi Sea.


The Qi Sea was surging, and the Qi Sea above was surging with raging waves, but there was no movement at the deepest part.

Endless Yuan Qi rose from the Qi Sea like starlight, all gathering in the central area.

In the center of the Qi Sea, there was a ray of light flowing, like a blazing sun, emitting terrible power.

Condensing the Divine Acupoint has also reached the last step.

But this last step is not so easy to achieve, because there is something interfering with her.

The golden chain on her left arm has emerged, and wrapped around her left arm tightly, locking her Yuan Qi and exerting extremely terrible pressure. If she tries to break through, she will have to endure unspeakable pain.

Just like when she was impacting the Transcendent Realm.

Ye Xiaoxiao looked calm. She had already experienced this once before, so she naturally knew what would happen next.

And at this moment, she suddenly accelerated her breathing.


The majestic vitality suddenly gathered up, and in the blink of an eye, it rushed into the divine orifice like a tornado, trying to condense the divine orifice completely!


The golden chain on her left arm suddenly tightened, as if oppressing her soul. A sharp pain spread all over her body, and her face suddenly changed.

It was a pain that went deep into the soul. Even if Ye Xiaoxiao had prepared before, she could not bear it without saying a word.

But she still did not stop, and concentrated her divine orifice with all her strength to impact the divine orifice realm!


In the end, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and her breath weakened a little, but it quickly rose again.

She did not give up, but chose to continue.


The hot air rolled, and white mist continued to spread out. The whole hall was filled with high temperature. The girl's face flushed, and she had already mustered all her strength.

A fierce force emerged from that pretty face, like a ferocious beast. As the pain intensified, she also uttered a low voice.

All the arranged spirit stones had become dim, and the energy had been sucked dry by the girl.

But she still did not break the shackles.

The golden chain had already appeared countless cracks, but it had already exhausted Ye Xiaoxiao, and now it was a miserable state of bleeding from all seven orifices, which was extremely horrifying.

She was seriously injured.

The extremely heavy breathing and hoarse voice rose and fell, and her breath became weaker and weaker, and there was not enough energy to support her to break the shackles.

If she failed, would the master blame her?

Ye Xiaoxiao did not open her eyes, and the appearance of those junior sisters appeared in her mind, and then she held her breath and clenched her teeth.

Can't fail, she won't allow herself to fail!

She wants to be the best one!

Dong, Dong!

Her heartbeat was trembling non-stop, and her will was too stubborn. She also fell into a state of madness because of this obsession. She let out a low roar and mobilized her strength regardless of her injuries.


In the deepest part of the Qi Sea, the extremely deep and dark turbid Qi Sea was also turbulent, causing the entire Qi Sea to surge up. The vast power surged and gathered, replenishing the empty power, as if it had stimulated the deepest potential,

all the power was put on the line!


The Qi Sea turned into a vortex, and in the center there was a dazzling glow shining, absorbing the extremely vast energy and gradually turning into a perfect posture.

When the divine orifice was perfect, the whole world shook, and the heart was expanding. It seemed that many things appeared outside the Qi Sea, but the sky was dark, lonely and mysterious.

The Qi Sea returned to calm, and only the light emitted by the divine orifice was the only one in this world.

It quietly floated above the sea of ​​qi, and the light it emitted looked extremely peaceful and tranquil, but the energy contained in it was extremely fierce and violent.


The golden chain locked on her left arm also broke, and the powerful force that suddenly burst out shook the entire hall, and a golden pattern appeared on her left hand, exactly the same as the golden pattern that appeared on her right hand at that time.

Successfully promoted to the realm of divine enlightenment.

At the moment of success, Ye Xiaoxiao immediately became weak and fell to the side, and then fainted.

The golden light spots that the golden chain turned into after breaking merged into her body, repairing her damaged body from the inside out at an extremely terrifying speed.

It was unknown how long it took before the girl woke up.

She sat up again, then raised her hand to wipe the dry blood on her face, and looked at the blood she had vomited on the ground in silence.

It must be cleaned up.

Ye Xiaoxiao stood up, and she turned her arm. Just like the first time, there was nothing unusual after waking up, so she was not surprised.

Just as Ye Xiaoxiao walked out of the hall, she suddenly noticed something. Looking into the distance, there was a woman in white entering the mountain gate.

The other party obviously noticed her and walked over slowly.

When Ye Xiaoxiao saw this woman, her eyes couldn't help but tremble.

What a beautiful woman this is, even if all the words of praise are put on her, it is not enough.

In Ye Xiaoxiao's heart, her third sister is the most beautiful woman she has ever seen, but now she is still immature, still not as good as the person in front of her.

Almost no one can make Ye Xiaoxiao have such psychological fluctuations when they meet for the first time. The woman in front of her is the first one.

"Young lady, I have been waiting in front of your mountain gate for a long time but have not seen anyone, so I came in without permission."

The woman in white looked a little helpless. She had just come in and actually ran into someone. She had waited for so long before coming in but had not seen anyone.

But seeing that the other party was a young girl, although she was humble, she did not use humble words.

Why didn't the blue bird stop her?

Ye Xiaoxiao did not care about what the other party said, but thought of this.

Seeing that the girl did not speak, the woman in white was a little confused, but still came to explain her purpose.

"I am here to find someone."

"Looking for someone?"

Ye Xiaoxiao was puzzled. There were only her and the master in this mountain.

"There are only me and the master here, no one else."

Hearing this, the woman in white also showed a strange look. She chuckled: "Can you introduce your master to me?"

"Master, he is now..."

At this moment, Ye Xiaoxiao suddenly noticed the woman's right hand.

There was an illusory red line wrapped around her little finger, still floating in the air. Her heart felt like it was pricked by a needle, her pupils shrank slightly, and the light in her eyes slowly faded.

"Who are you?"

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