My disciples are all geniuses

Chapter 485 Shao Yuhe

Dressed in white, she stood proudly here. Her sword intent was as powerful as that of a young person, and her sword skills could overlook everyone present.

In terms of age, she is only one of the younger generation.

But in terms of strength, no one present could scream in front of her.

Naturally, no one understands the principle that the strong are respected.

This is the temper of the disciples of Aotian Sect, and they should not provoke her.

Xia Xiaoman put her sword away, not caring that the movement attracted more and more people. She turned around and faced the girl again.

"How about you, do you want to join my family?"

The girl came back to her senses. She was silent for a moment and then asked: "May I ask why Senior wants to accept me as his disciple?"

Xia Xiaoman said: "You are extremely talented."

The girl blinked and asked again: "Senior, do you not care that I am a villain?"

Hearing this, Xia Xiaoman chuckled and said, "Your sword intention is very beautiful."

"Sword Intent?"

The girl was startled.

Xia Xiaoman pointed to his gauze and said: "Although I can't see your appearance, I can see your sword intention. Although your sword intention is not mature yet, it has taken shape and is rich in color. "

Feeling the sword's intention and being able to see the sword's intention are two different things.

Although the girl was confused, she did not doubt that the man in front of her had such charm.

At this moment, another person came from behind.

"We, the Luotian Sword Sect, also extend an invitation to you."

Everyone was shocked when they looked at it.

Rao Qingzun is here!

The Luotian Sword Sect also wants to compete for the winner of this group!

Walking around Qingzun, he glanced at the woman in white thoughtfully, and then his eyes fell on the girl.

A minor in the Divine Aperture Realm, with no teacher to follow.

It can be seen from her fighting on the stage that the swords she cultivated are very mixed, and the shadows of those major sects are rarely seen.

But what was presented as a whole was a brand new way of swordsmanship, and that was her sword, which integrated the best of the hundreds of schools of thought that she had learned.

This is why she is far better than other players in the human group.

Her understanding is far beyond that of her peers.

Just like Xia Xiaoman.

Rao Qingzun asked: "Would you like to join my Luotian Sword Sect? One of the nine sword masters in our sect will definitely be willing to accept you as a disciple."

Nine sword-wielding disciples!

Everyone was shocked. You must know that Jiuyu Sword rarely accepts disciples. If he does, he will almost certainly be trained as the next master of Jiuyu Sword.

The girl raised her eyebrows slightly, she was a little surprised.

The disciple of the Master of Nine Royal Swords, the inheritor of Nine Royal Swords, this is indeed extremely tempting.

Rao Qingzun smiled and said: "You can think about it slowly and don't rush to answer."

The girl nodded slightly.

Yao Qingzun looked at the woman in white beside him and said with a smile, "Miss Xia shouldn't blame me for robbing someone."

Xia Xiaoman said: "No, there will naturally be people who appreciate the raw jade."

Hearing this, Lord Rao Qing nodded slightly: "She does have outstanding qualifications and is very comparable to others."

To this. Xia Xiaoman shook his head and said, "She is not just talented. What she has experienced is the main reason why she is able to reach this point."

Yao Qingzun's eyes flickered, and the girl stared at Xia Xiaoman because of this.

Xia Xiaoman asked: "Can you give me an answer tomorrow?"

The girl responded: "Junior will definitely give senior an answer tomorrow."

Everyone dispersed, but Xia Xiaoman was not in a hurry. She asked a question before leaving.

"I don't know your name yet."

The girl replied: "My surname is Shaoyu and my first name is He."

Shao Yuhe.

Xia Xiaoman nodded before leaving.

When competing with the Luotian Sword Sect for this disciple, the chance of winning is slim.

However, Xia Xiaoman felt that no matter where Shao Yuhe practiced, he would definitely become an outstanding swordsman in the future.

Of course, being under her tutelage will make you even better.

Xia Xiaoman returned to his master.

"She needs a day to think about it, but Luotian Sword Sect also extended an olive branch."

After hearing this, Master Chen smiled and asked, "What do you think of her?"

Xia Xiaoman said: "She is very good."

Seeing that she was so satisfied, Master Chen Liangshi said no more. After all, it still depends on the young man's choice.

At Shao Yuhe's residence.

As the winner of the human group, she naturally received generous preferential treatment. Even though she was not a disciple of any sect, Luotian Sword Sect still gave her a separate cave.

Shao Yuhe sat cross-legged on the futon. She was still thinking about how she should choose. After all, she would have to give an answer tomorrow.

Luotian Sword Sect and Aotian Sect.

Presumably it was not just her, but anyone else would have given the answer immediately. Naturally, the former would be better.

The supreme Taoism of Cangzhou and the holy land of sword cultivators.

As a sword cultivator, she naturally has awe for the Luotian Sword Sect.

Since embarking on the path of spiritual practice, except for a small sect she stayed in when she was a child, she has not joined any sect since she left.

Most of what she learned was acquired from her opponents in battle, and the rest was all personal opportunities.

She has a very complex knowledge, which she has already known from some experts.

Learning a lot is an advantage, but it is also a disadvantage, and this shortcoming will slowly be revealed as she improves her cultivation.

It wasn't until she entered the divine realm that she initially solved this problem, and she tried to integrate what she had learned.

I had never thought of joining the sect before, but now I have.

Cultivation resources are extremely important. As the level of cultivation increases, more and more resources are needed.

It was not impossible to fight everywhere as before, so Shao Yuhe did not have the idea of ​​joining the sect at the first time.

But since there were so many olive branches, she naturally had to think about it for herself.

Xuanjian Pavilion, Feixian Cliff, Qingmu Sword Sect.

These sects are indeed good, but in comparison, Luotian Sword Sect is naturally more attractive.

However, among all the forces, only the one from Aotian Sect is different.

She proposed to accept her as her disciple, and she came in person, regardless of her status. Her sincerity was stronger than anyone else's.

Shao Yuhe had a very high impression of this famous young swordsman.

She pays more attention to her life experience than her talent.

And this is what he saw.

She knew very well that Aotian Sect was not comparable to Luotian Sword Sect, at least not yet.

However, Shao Yuhe made a decision quickly.

The next day, the ground group battle.

Xia Xiaoman was on her way to the mountains when she suddenly stopped and turned around.

A girl came over there, and Xia Xiaoman could feel her breath, so she smiled gently.

"Can you tell me your reason?"

When Shao Yuhe came closer, she raised her head and looked at the woman in white in front of her.

"It's good to go to Luotian Sword Sect, but I don't know if I am suitable for Luotian Sword Sect, but I should be suitable to join the sect of my senior."

Xia Xiaoman was very interested and asked: "Oh? Why?"

Shao Yuhe calmly replied: "Intuition."

"What a hunch."

Xia Xiaoman laughed, then nodded slightly and said, "But my intuition also tells me that you and I are suitable to be masters and apprentices."

So Shao Yuhe immediately fell down.

"Young Master Shao Yuhe, I would like to worship my senior as my teacher!"

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