My disciples are all geniuses

Chapter 507: The Power of the Evil God

When one of the horns of the Great Wilderness Divine Bull was pulled out, all the people and monsters were stunned.

That was Huang Jufeng, the pride of the Great Wilderness Divine Bull clan. How could a human being pull out his horn so easily?

That horn was fake, right?

But the fact was that the black-clothed woman resisted Huang Jufeng's attack and used brute force to resolve it. What does this show?

This shows that the woman's strength is still above Huang Jufeng!

What a shocking thing is this?

You should know that Huang Jufeng can even wrestle with some young dragons!

And this human woman.

The horn is extremely important to the Great Wilderness Divine Bull. One is a loss, and Huang Jufeng's vitality is tenacious. He can still hold on even if one horn is pulled out.


Huang Jufeng fluttered on the ground several times in succession, trying to shake off the woman who stepped on his head.

However, Ye Xiaoxiao did not move at all.

As the power from below became stronger and stronger, Ye Xiaoxiao also exerted more power with an expressionless face, and golden patterns appeared on her right foot.

Crack, crack, crack!

The ground continued to sink, bearing an unbearable weight, and Huang Jufeng's head gradually sank into it, constantly wailing.

Even though Huang Jufeng had been injured by Sun Tingyu before, it didn't dare to believe that it would be helpless in the hands of a human!


A horn-like black pattern appeared on Huang Jufeng's forehead, and his muscles swelled, releasing a breath of ancient primitive air!


Ye Xiaoxiao's feet were slowly lifted up by the terrifying breath, and her eyes were cold.

"Wait for me to get up, I must kill you!"

The Great Wilderness Divine Bull spoke human words, and the murderous intent and anger overflowed, like a raging river and sea!

As her feet were lifted higher and higher, the surging killing intent in Ye Xiaoxiao's eyes became more obvious. Her aura changed, and there was violence in the silence. Her aura suddenly surged.

Magical power, fighting the god of war!


Ye Xiaoxiao's feet fell down instantly, and she stepped on the head of Huang Jufeng fiercely. At the same time, blood splashed out, gradually dyeing the black clothes, making it look deeper.

The ground kept cracking, and Ye Xiaoxiao also retracted her feet at this time, her aura was restrained, and she slowly turned away.

When seeing this scene, the whole canyon fell into silence.

Huang Jufeng's head was crushed by the step.

Some humans even couldn't help but swear.


"Where did this fierce god come from!?"

"Well done!"

Compared with the excitement of those humans, Ye Xiaoxiao herself did not have any expression of joy. She looked cold, giving people a feeling of superiority, as if everything in front of her was just a dispensable existence.

She had no interest in the Great Wilderness Divine Bull. Since the other party dared to attack her, whether she was mentally prepared or not, there was only one outcome.

That is, death.

The little monkey Mingkong couldn't help but exclaimed: "Elder Ye is too fierce"

Qing Keke and Yan Dalu also nodded.

Although they had seen Elder Ye take action several times along the way, they always felt shocked. How powerful he was, and he was completely on a different level from the other beings around him!

A real monster.

Lin Fangzhou also wiped off his cold sweat. Fortunately, this sister didn't have the same murderous intention towards him as she did back then.

It was getting more and more terrifying.

If it weren't for that senior's tutelage, he even felt that Ye Xiaoxiao's life trajectory should be to become a giant of the magic way that shook the world.

Fortunately, that senior took her in as a disciple when she was young, so she didn't go astray, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

On Ye Xiaoxiao's way back, suddenly another thunderbolt struck from the sky, and she looked up the moment before.


The thunder fell, but Ye Xiaoxiao caught it in her hand. She clenched her fist and easily crushed the lightning.


A black human-like bird-headed monster flew over, flapping its wings to attract a large amount of lightning, which continued to fall into the mountain like heavy rain.

"Xuan Zi of the Thunder Beast Clan!"

Seeing that the monster was not afraid of the black-clothed woman and killed her, the monsters roared again. A very famous monster died at the hands of the human race, and they were all very angry.

"Kill her!"


"Let them see the monsters."


A red beam of light pierced through the void and hit the sky, dispersing the clouds, and Xuan Zi in the sky could not dodge, half of his wings were pierced through, and then he screamed and fell from the sky.


Then the black-clothed woman disappeared from the spot, and was detected from several directions, and came to another mountain as if crossing the void.

At this moment, Xuan Zi was sealing his wound, but when he raised his head, he saw a human woman coming in front of him.


Ye Xiaoxiao stepped on the other's chest, and Xuan Zi's body kept making cracking sounds, and his chest gradually sank, splashing out dazzling blood.


Xuan Zi roared, and the thunder shook the sky, knocking Ye Xiaoxiao back, and then flew away like a catapult. He was seriously injured and in danger, and he had to heal his wounds immediately!

Seeing this, Ye Xiaoxiao was about to chase.

And at this moment, a dragon roar came from the sky, and the rage was transmitted in this sound, and then a huge figure was seen passing through the sky like a red meteor.

"Human race! How dare you!"

The deep voice came from the mouth of the red dragon, and it went into the mountain and hit the woman in black.

"The strong men of the red veins of the dragon race!"

The dragon race has come!

The monsters were very surprised. The strong men of the three major tribes of the monster world finally came. This way, they will definitely be able to catch all the humans here!

Ye Xiaoxiao glanced sideways, and the red dragon did not stop at all and crashed into it.


The dragon swung its tail and smashed a mountaintop into pieces, and Ye Xiaoxiao was knocked into the air. She blocked it with her arms and was not injured. She just looked coldly at the red dragon flying towards her.

Back in the secret world, she had killed one and pulled out its horns.

The ones she offered to her master must have been used up long ago, and now there is another one coming to her door.

Well, kill another one.

She had no idea about these monsters, because of Qingzhou Tianyun, her target was only those people in Qingzhou.

But if these monsters were the first to come up and cause trouble, they would have to be killed.

Ye Xiaoxiao activated the reverse divine acupoint, clenched her right fist, and golden patterns appeared on the back of her hand, which was very dazzling, and her fist contained extremely terrifying power.

She had unparalleled vitality, and after activating the divine acupoint, she could even reverse the surrounding vitality, and even affected the flying red dragon, but at this moment it could not be stopped.

Ye Xiaoxiao tapped her feet in the air, and golden patterns were reflected in the air, and in an instant she disappeared from the spot.

The red dragon roared, and immediately twisted its body in the air and flew down.

At this moment, Ye Xiaoxiao took a step and her figure appeared in front of the red dragon. She closed her right fist and imagined the posture of her fourth sister Yang Feixue's punch. Her face was as cold as ice, and her eyes were full of murderous intent.

She threw a punch, and with the help of the reverse divine acupoint, she easily made the surrounding situation work for her. When this punch was thrown, the river below collapsed.

Magical power, crazy fist.


Only one punch landed on the huge face of the red dragon, and in an instant, its thousand-meter-long body twisted several times in the air, as if twitching.

The red dragon fell backwards and crashed into a mountain not far away, and a mountain collapsed under its pressure.

Dragon blood flowed down from the mountains and merged into the rivers and seas, covered with a thick layer of blood red!

Ye Xiaoxiao fell from the sky and walked towards the red dragon with an expressionless face.

The strong man of the red vein was injured by a punch from the human woman! ?

No one in this canyon was not shocked by this, how could there be such a powerful existence?


Several dragon roars came from the sky, pulling back everyone's shocked thoughts. When they looked up, they saw several colorful dragons circling in the air.

The dragon clan has arrived!

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