My disciples are all geniuses

Chapter 53: Is this considered opening your heart?

Late at night.

The girl who had been unconscious for a long time slowly woke up. She opened her eyes in a daze, and what she saw was the starry sky, which was extremely beautiful and brilliant, making people feel relaxed and happy.

"Wake up."

After regaining consciousness, Ye Xiaoxiao heard the familiar voice, and she realized that she seemed to be resting on something, so she slowly got up.

Turning her head, she found that she had been resting on her master's thigh.

Master Chen Liang asked: "Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

Ye Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment before she came back to her senses. She stood up and felt it, and said: "No discomfort, it seems to have recovered, thank you Master."

Master Chen Liang shook his head and said: "You recovered by yourself, and I didn't help too much."

"Recovered by yourself?"

Hearing this, Ye Xiaoxiao seemed to notice something, and she looked at her right hand.

Master Chen Liang asked: "What changes?"

"Disciple feels. Something more." Ye Xiaoxiao raised his right hand, and then suddenly clenched his fist, making a sound as if he had squeezed the air directly.


A golden pattern appeared on the right hand.

Ye Xiaoxiao's eyes flickered, and she murmured, "Unparalleled power."

She could clearly perceive how big the difference was between her current changes and her previous ones, and she was even more aware that her right arm had undergone some wonderful changes. Now the pure power of this hand was far greater than that of the left hand.



"Are all the Transcendental Monarchs so powerful?"

Hearing this, Master Chen Liang couldn't help laughing. He walked in front of the girl, stretched out his hand and took the latter's right hand. He looked at the glimmering golden pattern.

"Silly girl, among ten thousand Transcendental Monarchs, there may not be one who can compare with you."

At least in this place, there will definitely not be one.

How strong can Ye Xiaoxiao's punch be now? I guess even the Transcendental Monarchs are unwilling to take it.

This girl is only a right hand at the moment. If the shackles of her left hand are also untied, what will happen?

Moreover, after untying the first shackle, she could fight against the Transcendent Realm cultivators with only her physical strength, and she was already an orthodox physical cultivator.

My disciple is really amazing.

Looking at the master who was holding her right hand and smiling, Ye Xiaoxiao blinked, and then her eyes began to wander, and finally she couldn't help but speak.



"Master, who do you think is better among my disciples and two junior sisters?"


Why would you ask such a question?

Master Chen Liang was stunned. Even if someone would ask this question, it would be either an outsider or your third junior sister Qiu Bailu. That girl is prone to pessimism and needs to be affirmed by others.

Could it be that you, Aotian, are not very confident?

He looked around. Speaking of which, Xiaoman and Bailu have not come back yet.

Master Chen did not answer immediately, but asked, "Why do you ask this?"

Ye Xiaoxiao raised his eyes to look at the master and said, "Because the master seems to value the two junior sisters very much."

Hearing this, Master Chen asked in confusion, "Is there anything wrong?"

Could it be that he treated them differently? That's impossible. As a master, he always treats them equally. Aren't they all his precious disciples?

Ye Xiaoxiao stared at him.

Master Chen felt a little uncomfortable being stared at, and then asked tentatively, "Is it possible that the master has acted unfairly?"

Although the girl had a blank expression, why did she feel as if she was wronged.

[Report - The probability of being wronged is extremely high]

Why did you show up at this time?

Master Chen complained in his heart.

At this time, Ye Xiaoxiao said, "Master gave the disciples spiritual treasures and taught them the skills of our sect."

That's right, isn't it good?

Master Chen was confused and didn't know what the girl wanted to say.

"But why. When I became your disciple, I had nothing? Even the technique was not our own technique."


This sentence hit Master Chen Liang's heart like a bolt from the blue and exploded.

What the hell! ?

Master Chen Liang would never have thought that his eldest disciple would say such a thing. It seems really unfair to think so!

"Master, why are you silent?"

Ye Xiaoxiao looked at him with a dim gaze.

No wonder I felt a little strange when I gave her the spiritual treasure. So this is what this girl thought in her heart?

[Report - Please pay attention to your own safety]


When was the last time you reminded him like this?

[Report - Sickly, Darkening]


Master Chen Liang suddenly remembered this. He couldn't change much on the surface, but looking at the girl with a dim gaze in front of him, he couldn't help swallowing his saliva.


"Disciple is listening."

Is this going in the direction of darkening or changing to sickly?

Master Chen Liang felt dizzy. He said, "At that time, you were the only one by my side. With me here, you didn't need to worry about your safety. But now it's different. I can't always watch over the three of you. Naturally, I need you to be able to protect yourself."

In fact, he was very poor at that time and couldn't give anything.

Hearing this, Ye Xiaoxiao fell silent. His dark eyes regained some clarity. After a moment, he asked again, "The spiritual treasure is like this, but the skills, does the master think that the disciples at that time are not worthy of inheriting the master's mantle?"

This question is simple.

After hearing her words, Master Chen Liang laughed. He stretched out his big hand and rubbed the girl's head roughly, saying: "Don't think too much. I haven't established a sect yet. The skills are the foundation. I will only teach you after perfecting it."

"What I can give you is naturally the best option I can give."

"That's it"

As if she could accept such an explanation, Ye Xiaoxiao's state gradually returned to normal.

This child is really shocking, but fortunately they are all questions that can be dealt with.

But it's good this way. If she keeps silent like she usually does, even as a master, it's hard to know what she is thinking.

Master Chen Liang patted her head and said: "You can tell me any questions in the future, just like today."

Although Xiaoxiao's previous state was a bit scary, he thought about it and it didn't seem to be a bad thing. After all, she was just a child who was almost sixteen years old. If she kept something in her heart, it would cause trouble.


Ye Xiaoxiao responded softly.

At this time, Master Chen Liang also sensed that the other two disciples had returned. He just turned around and walked a few steps before suddenly pausing. He turned back and asked.

"Xiao Xiao, are you getting along well with the two junior sisters?"

Ye Xiaoxiao was startled, and after a moment of silence, she nodded slightly: "The second junior sister is a talkative person, and the third junior sister also integrated quickly. There is nothing wrong, but..."


"It's just that both junior sisters are very troublesome."

Master Chen Liang was puzzled by this, but since Xiao Xiao said that there was no problem, there should be no problem.

"Your second junior sister hunted a hare, let's go and try it together. Today, I will add some cumin for you."


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