My disciples are all geniuses

Chapter 55 Dayue Kingdom

After leaving the forest, Chen Liangshi and others came to the edge of Dayue Country.

When he first knew that this place was Dayue Country, Chen Liangshi was a little worried whether Qiu Bailu would be dissatisfied. After all, her family was destroyed because of the war launched by Dayue Country when she was young.

But later he found that this girl seemed to have let it go. At least she had no hatred for the people of Dayue Country. At most, she had a grudge against the royal family of Dayue Country.

"Selling candied haws!"


"Go ahead."

Xia Xiaoman and Qiu Bailu ran to buy street food.

Chen Liangshi glanced at the girl beside him and asked, "Xiaoxiao, don't you want to go?"

This girl is still very greedy.

Ye Xiaoxiao's eyes swept over the three people in the distance, and said lightly: "Disciple is not interested."

"We are all family, don't care so much."

Master Chen Liang knew that this girl's temperament was a bit twisted, and she was unwilling to have too much contact with others, even with her own junior sister, she would not take the initiative to get close to her.

"Disciple. I just don't want to eat."

"Xiaoxiao, don't tease me."


You said you don't want to eat, I don't believe it.

But in the end, Ye Xiaoxiao still endured it and didn't go to buy something that he hadn't eaten for a long time.

At this time, Xia Xiaoman rushed back and handed a candied haws to the girl in black, and said with a smile: "Senior sister, I brought this for you!"

Ye Xiaoxiao looked at the string of candied haws in front of her, her expression was a little weird, her palm moved slightly, but she restrained herself from taking it.

Xia Xiaoman blinked, then forcefully stuffed the candied haws into the hands of the senior sister. She smiled and said, "We are all family, what is there to be shy about!"

This girl is not shy.

Master Chen Liang saw this scene and said, "Xiaoman."

"Yes, Master."

Master Chen Liang smiled and asked, "Where is yours?"



Xia Xiaoman's eyes were a little embarrassed and she whispered, "Disciple thought Master would not eat these mundane things, so, so I didn't buy them."

"So that's it. I will punish you by not allowing you to practice sword for a day."

"Huh!? No, Master! Disciple will buy it for you right away!"

The girl ran to buy candied haws.

Qiu Bailu couldn't help but say, "Master is really mean."

Master Chen Liang said with a smile, "Bailu, for the next week, play a game of chess with me every day."

Hearing this, Qiu Bailu's face suddenly turned pale, and she quickly bowed and saluted, "Master, I was wrong, please don't let me play chess anymore!"

It's not that she can't play chess, she's just not good at it.

It's not that she doesn't like playing chess, she just doesn't want to play chess with Master.

It's said to be a game every day, but in fact it's a game all day long, and Qiu Bailu can't beat Master Chen Liang, and she was played around on the chessboard from beginning to end. After a while, she didn't want to play chess with Master anymore, but as a disciple, she had to obey Master's orders, which made her very distressed.

So she said that Master was mean, this is what she really meant.

Master Chen Liang laughed in his heart: "If I can't deal with Xiao Xiao, how can I deal with you two?"

It was difficult for him to tell what Ye Xiaoxiao was thinking on weekdays, and this girl would not cause him trouble, so he had no place to punish her.

Besides, he hoped that this girl could cause him some trouble so that he, as a master, could show off in front of his disciples.

"Another string!"


Xia Xiaoman was about to go back with the gourd, but she suddenly noticed something at this time. She turned her head and looked at a small alley, where several black shadows flashed by.


The nosy nature was playing tricks again.

Xia Xiaoman immediately ran to the alley involuntarily, but there was no one there, so she walked deeper into it and concealed her breath.

"Did you find anyone?"

"They must still be in this city. I found their traces this morning."

"Report the matter immediately."

What are they talking about?

Xia Xiaoman, who was hiding aside, felt a little curious.

"If we can cut off those people's heads, even people of our status will definitely be promoted!"

"That's right! Take action immediately!"

After hearing this, Xia Xiaoman's eyes suddenly became sharp. She couldn't pretend not to hear it. Although she didn't know the specific situation, these people didn't sound like good people.

"Hey! You guys!"

The people in the deep alley were all startled and turned to look at the girl in white who was staring at them.

What's going on?

Xia Xiaoman asked coldly: "I heard what you just said. I'm going to arrest you and take you to the government office!"

"Who are you? Captain?"

"Who do you care who I am!?"

The people looked at each other with strange expressions, and one of them sneered: "It's okay to be chivalrous, but do you know who we are looking for?"


"That's a serious criminal in the court! What we do is chivalrous!"

Hearing this, Xia Xiaoman's face suddenly froze.

A serious criminal in the imperial court.

Could it be that these people are trying to catch the bad guys?

Just when Xia Xiaoman was embarrassed and confused, the group of people had surrounded her.

A man with a scar on his face smiled evilly: "You are quite pretty, little girl. Do you want to play with us brothers? Each of us is a master of unique skills. We guarantee that you will be in ecstasy!"

Hearing the dirty words, Xia Xiaoman frowned and said: "I seem to have misunderstood you. Sorry to bother you."

Just when she was about to leave, she found that she was surrounded.

"Don't leave in a hurry."

The scarred man came over with a smile and grabbed the girl's arm directly.

"Hey! Let go!"

"Oh, you are quite fierce."

"You asked for it."

Bang bang bang!

After a while, everyone was knocked down by Xia Xiaoman, and they were confused. They never expected that a group of people in the third rank of Qi training realm would be knocked down by a little girl.

Xia Xiaoman sat on the top of the crowd, and said after thinking: "Tell me what you said before."

The people who were subdued had no choice but to tell what they knew.

It was a wanted order issued by the court, and the wanted target was actually the princess of a country, and the princess of this country was the princess of their own Dayue country.

Later, it was learned that the princess had committed a heinous crime. Two years ago, she actually assassinated her father, the monarch of Dayue country. After being arrested and imprisoned, she was taken away by traitors the day before her execution.

This wanted order has been in place for two years, but she has not been caught. Recently, news was received in the marginal areas of Dayue country that the traces of traitors were found.

Patricide and regicide?

Xia Xiaoman was also very shocked when she heard this. It was really a heinous crime and absolutely intolerable.

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