My disciples are all geniuses

Chapter 57 Although Xia Xiaoman is naive, she is not really stupid

After staying in this city for three days, Chen Liangshi also wandered around the city and learned a lot about the princess who killed the king.

This matter is obviously not a secret in Dayue Kingdom, after all, the court has issued a wanted order.

But there is one thing that Chen Liangshi is very concerned about.

That is, the one sitting on the throne now is the former eldest prince.

The princess of Dayue Kingdom is not the first heir, but the second heir.

In this case, why kill the king? If she is for the throne, she should get rid of the first heir first, right?

Could it be that the princess of Dayue Kingdom wants to get rid of the king and the first heir at once for some reason?

That would be too stupid.

If she does that, everyone's attention will be on her, the second heir.

In addition, there is another thing, that is, two years have passed since the regicide incident, and Dayue Kingdom has not stopped hunting down the princess, which means that the princess sometimes appears in Dayue Kingdom.

What is she after?

After two years, the government has obviously stabilized. Is he still staying in the country because he is unwilling to get the throne?

The reason is also curious.

However, the information obtained is very rough and incomplete, so it does not mean anything that Master Chen noticed something strange.

Although Master Chen has investigated these things, he is just curious.

He will not take the initiative to intervene in this obviously troublesome matter. The people who may be exposed to the core events should be his three disciples.

However, if there is a chance, it is also good to guide them.

In the dead of night.

Master Chen opened his eyes and heard the movement in the next room. If it was someone else's room, he would not care, but it was his disciple's room.

What is that girl going to do now?

Next room.

Xia Xiaoman sneaked out in a black robe.

Then Qiu Bailu followed carefully.

Only Ye Xiaoxiao was calmly meditating in the house, and at this moment, a voice came into her ears.

"Xiaoxiao, go out with them and have a look."

After hearing this, Ye Xiaoxiao opened her eyes, her eyes full of annoyance, and she whispered: "Master, the second and third junior sisters are really troublesome."

Obviously, she knew that the two had gone out, but she had no intention of following them, but now that she heard the master's order, she could only follow them out.

Master Chen Liang naturally heard what Ye Xiaoxiao said, but he did not answer, just smiled and closed his eyes and continued to practice.

There is no way, this is the fate of being a senior sister.

If Xia Xiaoman is the senior sister, then she will definitely be happy to contact the junior sisters, but Ye Xiaoxiao is different.

However, Master Chen Liang thinks this is good, which can promote the relationship between the disciples.

Since Xia Xiaoman has been added to the sect, Ye Xiaoxiao has obviously changed a lot. The changes are not big, very subtle, but they are all seen by Master Chen Liang.

He thinks this is good.

Although it is late at night and there are few people walking on the street, some places are open because it is late at night.

Xia Xiaoman passed through the alley and went all the way to a certain street. There was a restaurant there. The noise inside was a bit noisy, which was completely different from the quiet outside at night.

Xia Xiaoman walked into the restaurant.

Even though a mysterious man in a black robe came in, the noisy atmosphere in the restaurant did not change at all. Many people stopped paying attention after taking a look. After all, it was better to look at the beauty around them than to pay attention to such a sneaky guy.

"Here, here."

A young woman at the double seat at the other end called out.

Xia Xiaoman walked over and sat down on the other side.

The young woman smiled and poured wine for her, saying, "The wine here is very good, try it?"

Xia Xiaoman glanced at the wine glass pushed in front of her and said, "Let's talk about business. Can you tell me the whereabouts of that princess?"

The woman smiled and asked, "I know, I can tell you, but you need to tell me first, what do you want to do with that princess?"

"Catch her!"

On the other side of the double table, Ye Xiaoxiao and Qiu Bailu were also eavesdropping on Xia Xiaoman's situation. When Qiu Bailu heard the silly girl's straightforward words, she choked as soon as she took a sip of hot wine.

"Ahem, Xiaoman, this too."

At this moment, Ye Xiaoxiao's attention was not on Xia Xiaoman at all. She stared at the wine pot on the table.

Seeing this, Qiu Bailu smiled and said, "Would you like to try it, Senior Sister?" Then he poured her a glass of hot wine.

"Senior Sister, please."

Push the wine glass in front of the black-clothed girl.

Ye Xiaoxiao took a look, then took the wine glass and took a sip. The hot wine flowed down her throat, and her pretty face couldn't help but blush a little. She looked at the wine with some surprise.

"Is it your first time drinking wine, Senior Sister?"


Qiu Bailu poured wine for the girl again. She chuckled and said, "Junior Sister, I have only tasted wine, but I have drunk a lot of good wine before. These wines can only be considered ordinary."


Ye Xiaoxiao looked at the wine glass in surprise.

"If there is a chance, Junior Sister will find some good wine for Senior Sister next time."


Ye Xiaoxiao drank another cup, looking quite interested. Her pretty face was even redder than before, and she suddenly said, "Thank you."

Hearing this "thank you", Qiu Bailu was also surprised, and then smiled happily.

Although the girl in front of her was younger than her, she was her senior sister. From the first meeting to the later apprenticeship, Qiu Bailu was a little afraid of this senior sister. However, after getting along with her for a while, she found that this senior sister was just a little lonely.

This was the first time she heard her senior sister say "thank you", so she was a little happy.

"I am the third junior sister of the senior sister, so you don't have to be so polite."



The attention of the two people was immediately shifted to the wine.

The young woman on the other side was also stunned after hearing Xia Xiaoman's words, but soon returned to normal, and her fox-like narrow eyes narrowed slightly.

"Could it be that the girl is from the imperial court?"

"That's not the case."


Xia Xiaoman nodded slightly and said, "I'm just a casual cultivator."

The young woman asked, "Could it be that you are just here for the reward?"

Xia Xiaoman said, "If he is really a regicide and patricide, then I will naturally want to catch him and send him to the government office for a reward."

"Regicide and patricide, haha." The woman laughed, but hidden in her eyes was coldness and anger.

Seeing this, Xia Xiaoman picked up the wine glass and asked, "What's wrong? Isn't it?"

"Everyone is being kept in the dark, such a ridiculous thing."

Speaking of this, the woman suddenly stopped, and she stared at the girl in front of her with vigilance: "Are you trying to trick me?"

Xia Xiaoman took a sip of hot wine and smiled innocently, "No, haven't you been trying to trick me?"

This person

Even if the other party had such a kind smile, the woman was still extremely vigilant.

That day, she also witnessed the scene of the girl fighting with those people, so she wanted to contact her and find out her background, but the result was a little unexpected.

This girl who looked a little immature in front of her was much smarter than she looked on the surface.

Xia Xiaoman poured wine for herself and said, "You are not from the court, and you don't seem to be interested in the reward of the wanted order. Either you are just someone who knows the information, or..."

The girl raised her eyes and looked directly into the other person's eyes.

"It's someone related to the princess."

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