My disciples are all geniuses

Chapter 715: The Fall of the Ancient Ancestor

The original Vientiane Map saved the critical situation and ruined Youli's destiny plan.

But there is a price. The original Vientiane Map will be impossible to recover in a short period of time.

Master Chen Liang breathed out and his eyes fell on the woman who was looking at him from a distance. His eyes were soft and he nodded slightly.

If Xiaoxiao hadn't broken the seal internally, and if it was a step later, he might not have had time to deal with the resentment.

"You are my lucky star."

Only Ye Xiaoxiao heard this, she raised the corner of her mouth and smiled.

"In that case, you have to express something, right?"

"Let's talk about it later."

Master Chen Liang immediately withdrew his gaze and ordered his disciples, "Just wait here and leave it to Master and others."

Yin Liusu and others saluted: "Yes."

So Master Chen Liang twisted his right hand, and he opened a tunnel in the original map of everything, and then took the lead to walk into the original map of everything.

When passing through the original picture of everything, this world is already filled with resentment, just like what you feel in the netherworld.

Master Chen Liang is protected by the origin of the world, so he is naturally not afraid of being eroded by the resentment accumulated over these endless years.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes fell on Youli Tianming who was standing in the air with a dark face.

Master Chen Liang said with a smile: "It seems that your plan is not going smoothly."

"Master Chen"

Youli Tianming's resentment and anger had reached its peak. He just had an emotional attack, causing the space to vibrate, and even began to absorb the resentment around him.

Master Chen Liang smiled lightly and said, "If you want to transcend, you have to destroy everything in the world. Why do you think you can succeed?"

"Strength is king."

Youli Tianming roared.

"Yes, strength is king." Master Chen Liang smiled, "However, you don't seem to be that king."

Hearing this, Youli Tianming said in a deep voice: "If you don't stay in Luo Tianhao Land, you dare to come to me to seek death. Do you really think you will be my opponent now?"

"The Black Spirit Dead Sea has been transformed into a small world, and the power of the world has been added to it. You are indeed extremely powerful now. It is indeed difficult for me to handle you alone."

Chen Liangshi admitted frankly, but this attitude made Youli Tianming feel uneasy.

I saw the Yunpao Taoist in front of me smile again.

"But when will I plan to have a one-on-one meeting with you?"

As soon as these words came out, three more figures walked out of the original Vientiane Picture. Seeing these three people, Youli Tianming's expression changed drastically, and he gritted his teeth viciously.

These three people are Queen Mother of the West, Taoist Yuan, and Ren Xuanyuan.

Youli Tianming glared at Master Chen Liang.

Like a teacher, like a disciple, neither the disciple nor the master intends to deal with things alone.

Since group fighting is more efficient, why bother fighting alone?

Youli Tianming glanced at the Queen Mother of the West and Taoist Yuan, and said: "The two of you helped the Suiren Emperor in the first place, which was a waste of Ji Dao. Now even if the four of you join forces, they may not be able to defeat me. "

Hearing this, Master Chen Liang smiled and said, "You seem to have no confidence. Are you planning to persuade me and others to leave?"

Youli Tianming knew that there would be no chance after the plan was ruined, so he was already planning to find another way out.

But today, he couldn't leave.

"The four of them are not enough, so count me in."

A voice came from the black hole created after the ancient city collapsed.

All he saw was an old man with half a blurry body walking out of nothingness. There was anger in his eyes, as if he had reached a critical point and was about to burst out at any time.

Lord of the Netherworld!


Seeing this old acquaintance, Youli Tianming's face became even more ugly. What he felt now was an unprecedented crisis!

With these five people joining forces, even now he may not be able to

The Lord of Netherworld said solemnly: "You attempted to destroy the world and even used my Netherworld. I will naturally settle this account with you."

Hearing this, Youli Tianming immediately advised, "Juechang, now that transcendence is imminent, don't you want to give it a try again?"

The Lord of the Netherworld was silent for a while when he heard his name, and finally sighed and shook his head. After all, it was an old friend.

"The obsession to pursue transcendence disappeared a long, long time ago."

Hearing this, Youli Tianming shouted angrily: "You have given up on our first long-cherished wish like this. Transcendence is right in front of you!"

He is not willing to give up and will never give up.

The Lord of Netherworld said calmly: "Netherworld is very good, but I don't want to destroy it."

For the few people present, their desire for transcendence is not so strong. It is a dispensable end point.

Taoist Yuan and the Queen Mother of the West are not obsessed with detachment.

Ren Xuanyuan pays more attention to his own sword practice. If he can't transcend through swordsmanship alone, then he is not transcendent. He is a sword fanatic.

As for Chen Liangshi, detachment is just a place he may pass by along the way.


Youli Tianming stopped talking nonsense, he rushed away with all his strength, and wanted to fight these five people to the death!

This battle was such that the world was shattered and the reincarnation was irreversible. No matter how powerful Youli Tianming was, how could he fight against the five most powerful people in the world, and among them there was even a Lord of the Netherworld who controlled the Netherworld.

On that wasteland, Youli Tianming's body collapsed, and his whole body was like broken porcelain. He had tried his best, but this battlefield was not only beneficial to him, but also beneficial to the Lord of the Netherworld.

Having the Lord of the Netherworld help him was something Chen Liangshi didn't expect.

"My long-cherished wish."

The light on Youli Tianming's body faded away, but he finally smiled and said, "Fortunately, I am not the only one who failed."

Three people had already failed before him.

When Youli Tianming's figure disappeared, his demon soul also disappeared completely. This ancient existence truly disappeared from the world today.

After a long time, Chen Liangshi walked out of the original Wanxiangtu. The scroll could only stay here for the time being, and it could only be taken back after the Lord of the Netherworld blocked the passage.

Ye Xiaoxiao came towards him, her face was calm, and she knew the result even without asking.

Chen Liangshi officially announced in front of thousands of cultivators.

"It's over."

The Liyou clan has since disappeared in the long river of history.

This battle is naturally known to the world, and the voices of the demon clan that were originally restless and wanted to start a war have gradually calmed down. They all realized a fact.

Aotian Sect is unparalleled in the world.

If they go to war with it, even the dragon clan may not be able to escape the fate of destruction.

Even if the power of the entire demon world is used, it may be difficult to defeat the human race with Aotian Sect now.

What should I do?

When I returned to Hengxuan Mountain, Master Chen was standing on Aotian Peak and looking at the sky, as if he was watching something.

Ye Xiaoxiao came to his side at this time, without saying a word, just watching with him.

Master Chen chuckled and said, "In this way, there are two things left."

Ye Xiaoxiao didn't care, but asked, "After you finish it, can you accompany me with peace of mind?"

". Yeah."

Master Chen felt the aggressive gaze of the people around him, and immediately broke into a cold sweat.

Ye Xiaoxiao smiled, his eyes full of teasing.

"I am looking forward to it."

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