The arrogant expressions and arrogant words of Infinite Purgatory.

Everyone present looked extremely ugly.

The people from Sixiang Sect couldn't refute it.

He clenched his fists in anger, but couldn't get angry.

They're right.

Xuanyuan Huangzong, among the four top forces, has a better foundation than the other three forces.

Therefore, in every Ten Thousand Realms Competition, Xuanyuan Huang Sect is always the leader.

However, such a powerful Xuanyuan Huang Sect only sent two people to the Infernal Purgatory.

Then kill all four of them!

The methods are extremely cruel. ..

Extract the soul directly.

So, what qualifications does the Four Elephants Sect have to go head-to-head with the Infinite Purgatory?

However, the faces of those hidden sects were indifferent, as if they did not care about the words of Wujian Purgatory.

In their opinion, they do not agree with the four top forces in the mid-latitude realm.

If they only defeated Xuanyuan Huangzong, it only meant that they had some abilities.

That's all.

Pan Xie, the leader of Infinite Purgatory, sneered: "Since no one quits voluntarily, there will be no chance to admit defeat when the time comes."

At this time, the old man above shouted coldly: "Why don't you leave the discussion platform quickly?"

Pan Xie glanced at the old man and said with an evil smile: "Then senior, please announce the start as soon as possible."

After saying that, he took the other three people and jumped off the forum.

The final of the Ten Thousand Realms Competition.

You can choose to hold it in two situations: individual competition or team competition. (There was an error earlier and I missed a personal battle.)

The reason for group battles is also for the sake of the Holy Talisman Sect, which is weaker in actual combat.

The winning forces will all get 100 points.

In the end, combined with the total points obtained in the second round, the top three will get the opportunity to enter Juehun City.

As for the order of appearance, it will be determined by drawing lots.

If you draw one, you will be the first to appear and have a group or individual battle with the sect that also drew one.

And so on.

Under the old man's announcement, a wooden box appeared in front of him.

Outside the wooden box, there is a talisman seal.

Above the talisman seal, the flow of breath is blocked, obviously to prevent others from detecting the internal signature.

The leaders of the major forces came forward to draw lots.

The number one was drawn for Infinite Purgatory, and the corresponding number was Xiaohai Sect.

When I saw this signature number.

Everyone in Xiaohai Sect turned pale.

Eyes showing fear.

In the mid-latitude realm, although Xiaohai Sect is a top-notch force, it is obviously not enough when facing monsters like Infernal Purgatory.

Pan Xie looked at everyone in the Xiaohai Sect, grinning and showing his white teeth, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

The Su family drew number two, which corresponds to the Thunder Palace.

Number three of Lingxian Palace drew Tianjian Peak.

No. 4 of the Holy Symbol Sect confronts the Four Elephants Sect.

Immortal Ape Village is competing with the final Biluo Huangquan Palace.

According to the numbers drawn, the one who draws number 1 will play first.

The old man asked: "Do you choose to fight individually or as a team?"

The people in Infernal Purgatory all looked at the Xiaohai Sect side indifferently.

The leader of Xiaohai Sect said without hesitation: "Personal battle."

The people in Infinite Purgatory are so strong, if they choose to fight in a group, they may not even have a chance!

Pan Xie looked at a tall and thin man on the side and said, "Jiang Chen, you go first."

Jiang Chen nodded with a sneer, jumped up, and came to the discussion platform. He lowered his head and looked at the Xiaohai Sect members who had not moved for a long time.

"I asked you to surrender just now, but you were indifferent. Now, I hope you can maintain your previous arrogance and come up."

Everyone in Xiaohai Sect looked ugly.

The leader of the Xiaohai Sect on the side looked at the disciples and said solemnly: "You have reached this point, let's go ahead. If you make up for it, this time you may become the inner demon on your cultivation path."

"If you are defeated, remember to admit defeat immediately. I will guard you to prevent the other party from making further attacks. Do you understand?"

The four disciples all nodded.

Immediately, one of them stepped onto the discussion platform.

The people below.

Including Ye Qiubai and Xiaohei Mu Fusheng, they all raised their heads and looked at the forum.

They also want to see what the methods of this endless purgatory are.

On stage.

As the old man announced the start.

Jiang Chen gave an evil laugh, looked at the disciples of Xiao Hai Sect across from him, hooked his fingers and said, "I'll give you a move, so that you don't have a chance to make a move."

The disciple's face became angry.

After all, he is also a talented disciple in Xiaohai Sect.

On weekdays, he is respected and admired by countless people.

But in front of Jiang Chen, he seemed so worthless?

Fear turned into anger, and he punched Jiang Chen directly!

Above the fist, the artistic conception of water turned into a torrent of waves!

Wave after wave of waves splashed towards Jiang Chen like water arrows!

Jiang Chen didn't make any move.

He just stood there, curling his lips slightly, "That's it?"

After saying that, his hands and feet didn't move.

But around him, there were wisps of black and red aura spewing out like a volcano erupting!

Surrounded by Jiang Chen!

No matter how those water arrows hit the black and red aura shield, they only caused ripples!

There is no sign of breaking out at all!

The disciple of Xiaohai Sect looked stunned.

Jiang Chen was disgusted and said: "Is this your full blow? It's not as good as those people from Xuanyuan Huang Sect."

After that, he disappeared directly.

The next moment, he appeared in front of Xiaohai Sect disciples.

With lightning speed, he punched through the Xiaohai Sect disciple's dantian!

The cultivation level dissipates in an instant!


Under the horrified eyes of everyone.

Jiang Chen patted the Xiaohai Sect disciple's Tianling Cap with his other hand.

Wisps of transparent shadows emerged from the Tianling Caps of Xiaohai Sect disciples!

That's the soul!


The leader of Xiaohai Sect immediately roared: "Stop!"

Pan Xie glanced at the leader of Xiaohai Sect and said calmly: "Your disciple didn't shout to admit defeat, right? As a senior, shouldn't you abide by the rules?"


In the process of being soul-drained by Jiang Chen.

How can Xiaohai Sect disciples speak out?

He just opened his mouth, his eyes widened, and slowly turned upward.

A painful sound of "ah...ah" came out of his mouth.

Only five breaths of time.

The Xiaohai Sect disciple's eyes were blank. Jiang Chen took out his hand and fell directly onto the discussion platform.

There is no life left...

Jiang Chen grinned, looked at the remaining three Xiaohai Sect disciples below, and said, "Next one."

The leader of Xiaohai Sect's face was ashen.

Looking at the three disciples, their faces were full of fear.

The senior brother who had just gone up was not far behind them in strength, and was even stronger.

However, in the hands of the evil cultivator of Infernal Purgatory, even the opponent's defensive barriers cannot be broken!

In the opponent's move, he fell directly, and he couldn't even shout out when he admitted defeat!

How can this be done?

See this scene.

The leader of the Xiaohai Sect could only say solemnly: "We, the Xiaohai Sect, are withdrawing from this competition."

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