Although the Holy Talisman Sect showed amazing strength in the group battle.

But the main thing is Mu Fusheng.

Single-handedly, the Holy Talisman Sect defeated the Sixiang Sect.

The speed at which the seals were carved was so fast that they were still shocked.

This is true even for the powerful ones above the forum.


What if the opponent is replaced by a group of evil cultivators like the Infernal Purgatory?

Can the situation like the previous confrontation with Sixiangmen still be caused?

No one is sure.

I don’t want to admit it either.

However, they are indeed more inclined to the side of Infinite Purgatory.

After all, it is still unknown whether the Holy Talisman Sect can resist the opponent's explosive power and various evil tactics.


Infernal Purgatory couldn't wait to take the initiative to find the Holy Talisman Sect. ..

Does this mean that they have a way to crack Mu Fusheng's defensive talisman seals one after another?

However, when Mu Fusheng took the initiative and said, "Why refuse?"

While they were astonished, they were also looking forward to it.

I want to see what unexplored trump cards Mu Fusheng has.

Lin Zhinan asked curiously: "Brother Ye, don't you have a good relationship with Mu Fusheng? You should know what other trump cards he has, right?"

Ye Qiubai heard this.

The corners of his eyebrows couldn't help but twitch.


You know nothing!

Let’s not mention Mu Fusheng’s killing talisman seals, even if we know about them.

With his character, I am afraid that he will also lay countless trump cards on this basis!

Even as a senior brother, I don’t know!

Think of this.

Ye Qiubai couldn't help but feel annoyed.

I must interrogate this guy properly some other day, otherwise where will the dignity of my senior brother go?

Lin Zhinan watched Ye Qiubai's expression gradually turn ferocious, feeling a bit murderous.

He couldn't help but take a few steps back.

We don't know why he is angry...

Anyway, it's better not to mention this, lest the other party come over with a sword.

the other side.

After hearing Mu Fusheng's answer, the elder of the Holy Talisman Sect also frowned slightly.

Eternal Purgatory is not a good thing.

Face them, either defeat them or be killed by their opponent's soul!

The price is not small!

According to his opinion, the Su family or the Immortal Ape Village of Tianjian Peak are both better choices!


Recalling what the sect leader told him before, from the outside, Mu Fusheng's decision can be trusted to a certain extent.

Thinking of this, I won’t say more.

However, his body was slightly tense, and the hand placed in the dark had already pinched out a fairy-level talisman, just in case...

Mu Fusheng and others also stepped onto the discussion stage.

Looking at the people in Infinite Purgatory, Leng Yinqiu couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

"Brother Mu, do we really have a chance?"

Mu Fusheng replied calmly: "Just follow the previous method and leave the rest to me."

Hearing this, Leng Yinqiu and the others nodded.

"Did we discuss it?" Pan Xie's lips curled up slightly, his eyes full of contempt, and he smiled: "If you still want to use those so-called talismans to resist our attack, I'm afraid you won't be able to do it."

Mu Fusheng smiled, but didn't say anything.

He took out the Holy Talisman Xuan Lei Pen in his hand, and a stack of talisman papers fell in front of him.

Looking at Leng Yinqiu and the others, there was only this single talisman in front of them...

The sharp contrast made everyone watching the match frown.

Seeing this, the supervisor waved his hand and said: "Start."

The words just fell.

The four people in Infinite Purgatory burst out with bursts of blood mist from their bodies!

And this group of blood mist actually occupied half of the forum at this moment!

The power of formations came from it!


And it’s a conjoined formation!

When everyone below saw this, their expressions were slightly condensed.

After all, the Infinite Purgatory is not the Endless Sect.

You must know that in the Infinite Purgatory, the leader Pan Xie and the other three people are all in the middle stage of the Zhuo Fairy Realm!

The power unleashed by the three conjoined formations in the middle stage of the Zhuo Immortal Realm is probably unmatched by the Earth Immortals!

Mu Fusheng frowned slightly, the blood mist in front of his eyes was extremely thick.

The smell of blood filled the entire nasal cavity.

The murderous intention is constantly shaking their state of mind!

For a Talisman Master.

Mood is particularly important!

For example, Leng Yinqiu, Ning Xi and Shen Ziyu were unable to carve seals at this moment!

When Mu Fusheng saw this, he did not directly carve the Nine Layer Thunder Shield, but instead carved a Seal of Pure Heart Talisman, which landed in the center of the four of them.

This made Leng Yinqiu and the others feel a little calmer.

Then, he began to carve out the nine-layer thunder shield talisman seals one after another.

Four layers of thunder shields kept appearing in front of them!

"Like this again?"

In the blood mist, Pan Xie sneered, and then stepped out!

When he took a step, Jiang Chen and the three of them also took a step at the same time!

No matter the timing or movements, they are exactly the same, without the slightest difference!

After taking this step, Pan Xie and the four of them rushed towards the heavy thunder shield with the same pace and the same speed in the blood mist!

Fist raised.

The blood mist began to condense, converging into a giant blood-colored fist like a hill, and smashed towards the thunder shield!

See this.

While Mu Fusheng was carving the talisman seal, he immediately knew that the four-layer thunder shield alone might not be able to withstand this punch!

This punch already has the power of half a step into the fairyland!

Thinking of this, Mu Fusheng gave up on the half-engraved Nine Layer Thunder Shield in front of him.

The Holy Talisman Xuan Lei Brush in his hand was slightly raised.

Waves of dark clouds appeared directly above the discussion platform!

In the dark clouds, thunder dragons surged, and the thunder shook the sky and the earth!

Then it landed and struck directly on the Holy Talisman Xuan Lei Pen!

Purple thunder light trembles in this space!

Xuanyin Purple Thunder!

Use purple thunder as ink to dance on the talisman paper!

Everyone saw the changing movements in Mu Fusheng's hands and the thunder caused by them, and couldn't help but look solemn.

What kind of seal is being carved?

But, with the current speed, can it last until he completes the seal carving?

At this moment, that bloody giant fist had shattered all the thunder shields!

After only slightly delaying the opponent's three breaths, Pan Xie and the other four in the blood mist took steps again, raised their fists, and blasted towards Mu Fusheng and the other four!

Watching the blood mist approaching.

Leng Yinqiu and others remembered what Mu Fusheng had said before, and they all took a step forward.

Between the eyebrows, the power of the soul burst out crazily!

In front of them, a big hand formed by the soul appeared, heading towards the bloody giant fist!

That's right, fifteen days before the finals of the Ten Thousand Domains Competition.

Mu Fusheng taught them how to use the soul to carry out siege.

This is also a divine soul trapping technique in the soul-nurturing technique!

However, if the soul is broken, it will cause great harm to the souls of the three of them!

It will only be used when it is absolutely necessary.

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