My Disciples Are All The Emperor Level Talents

Chapter 648 The Su family’s olive branch

Chi Bing’s victory.

Both Chu Lan and Zhuang Zidong were extremely excited.

At the same time, I was secretly surprised.

Unexpectedly, this disciple who usually has no sense of existence would burst out with such a powerful talent at this moment?

Whether it is integrating the soul fire into the sword, or the strength in the early stage of the Zhuo Fairyland.

Or maybe it’s actual combat ability.

They are far beyond Chu Lan, who is the direct descendant of the sect leader, and Zhuang Zidong, his direct disciple!

Huo Zhengheng also touched his chin and smiled: "It seems... this little guy is worthy of focusing on training."

the other side.

Su Lindu walked up to Su Muyou with a depressed expression, "Miss, I'm sorry, I was careless."

Su Muyou did not blame him, and said calmly: "This person is good at the power of the soul, and he has restrained your skills. Don't blame yourself too much, learn from experience, and practice well."

Surindu nodded.

"You're next."

Su Muyou looked at a Su family disciple behind him.

The man nodded slightly.

Come to the forum.

Then he used the palm technique of opening and closing.

They are both in the early stages of the Zhuo Fairyland.

On par with Chi Bing!

In the end, it was also because Chi Bing's soul fire swordsmanship had a slight advantage that he was defeated.

itself, also consumes too much.

Thereby retreating from the formation.

Since then.

There are three people left in Tianjian Peak.

Ye Qiubai, Chu Lan and Zhuang Zidong.

And the Su family.

Only Su Muyou and a man named Su Mu were left.

The realm is also in the early stage of Zhuo Xianjing.

Su Muyou did not ask for help and decided to let Su Mu take the stage first.

One side of Tianjian Peak.

Chu Lan looked at the stage and said: "Brother Ye, let me and Junior Brother Zhuang go up first. Although we are not sure of winning, at least we can kill the opponent's spiritual energy."

Ye Qiubai shook his head, "There's no need, leave it to me."

After saying that, he jumped up and came to the discussion platform.

Su Mu looked at Ye Qiubai, a sword slipped into the palm of his hand, held it in his hand, and said in a deep voice: "I know you have the ability to fight across borders, so I will not hold back, use your sword skills, let me What a great experience.”

Sword cultivator?

Ye Qiubai smiled softly.

That's good, it can also save yourself some effort.

On the Lingxian Palace side, Gu Xi shook her head slightly when she saw this scene.

He had experienced Ye Qiubai's swordsmanship before.

In terms of swordsmanship, he is like the king of swordsmanship!

Anyone who is a sword cultivator will be suppressed by him!

Even he is like this.

As the debate begins.

Su Mu raised the three-foot green blade in her hand, slightly arched her steps, and with a sudden step, it swept towards Ye Qiubai like a gust of wind!

Seeing this, Ye Qiubai tapped the Hunyuan Immortal Sword in his hand.

The extraordinary sword intent swept across the entire Dao Discussion Platform like an overwhelming force!

The sword realm expands!

Just this moment.

Su Mu's eyes widened and his pupils suddenly shrank.

He could clearly feel that his swordsmanship was absolutely suppressed!

Without waiting for him to think too much.

Ye Qiubai grabbed the Hunyuan Immortal Sword and pierced it out!

The extraordinary sword intent condensed into a sword dragon, making bursts of dragon roars, and crashed into Su Mu!

Su Mu gritted his teeth slightly, forced his sword to circulate, and the spiritual energy in his body burst out!

Holding the sword on the crossbar.

He wanted to resist the opponent's sword.


With just one sword strike.

When the sword dragon suddenly hit the sword in his hand.

Su Mu's hands suddenly felt a huge force extending from the sword!

This is an irresistible force!

At the same time, the opponent's sword intent was like tarsal maggots, slowly crawling up his hands, frantically piercing the meridians, bones and flesh of his arms!

Ye Qiubai did not continue this sword strike, but immediately changed his sword posture after this strike.

Holding the hilt of the sword with both hands, he changed the direction and slashed out horizontally!

The sword intent condensed and swept across Ye Qiubai's body!

In the sword field, the sword intention that turned into substance turned into long swords at his side, constantly attacking Su Mu's surroundings.

Mother Su had no choice but to constantly defend herself.

this moment.

Ye Qiubai's horizontal slash with his sword had also struck.

The second sword of Hunyuan Sword Technique!

Su Muyou in the audience looked at this scene with a slightly solemn expression.

If it were Ye Qiubai who was in the early stage of the Blood Transformation Realm and had not yet broken through, he might not be able to exert such a strong suppressive force on Su Mu who was in the early stage of the Zhuo Fairy Realm.

As a result, Su Mu didn't even have a chance to fight back.


Ye Qiubai entered the middle stage of blood transformation.

The increase in strength is too terrifying.

Coupled with the ability to conduct cross-border operations.

Su Mu's defeat is a foregone conclusion...

as expected.

Under Ye Qiubai's sword.

Su Mu flew out directly!

Falling outside the forum!

Upon seeing this, the supervisor announced: "Ye Qiu Bai wins!"

Chu Lan and Zhuang Zidong watched this scene and Ye Qiubai on the stage, their aura not weakening at all.

On the contrary, because of this battle, the momentum has reached its peak!

This battle with Su Mu is more like a warm-up!

In the middle stage of the Blood Transformation Realm, take a person from the early stage of the Zhuo Fairy Realm to warm up.

I have never heard of such a thing!

Chu Lan couldn't help but sigh: "What a monster..."

Zhuang Zidong also smiled bitterly: "I have a sword cultivator named Ye Qiubai. I don't know if it's unfortunate or something..."

Gu Xi looked at Ye Qiubai who was full of energy and fighting spirit on the stage.

He was secretly calculating in his mind.

He faced the current Ye Qiubai.

Is there any absolute chance of winning?

However, when a person has this idea.

I am no longer completely sure...

Ye Qiubai looked at Su Muyou in the audience.

Su Muyou's face was as elegant as a green lotus. She moved lightly on the lotus steps and appeared on the forum.

And Su Muyou's next words also made Ye Qiubai a little stunned.

"Ye Qiubai, are you interested in joining my Su family?"

"But don't refuse in a hurry." Su Muyou said directly without waiting for Ye Qiubai to speak: "Looking at the entire mid-latitude realm, our Su family can be regarded as the top power in terms of foundation."

"With the help of the Su family, your future cultivation and swordsmanship will definitely be better."

"And our Su family has never accepted anyone with a foreign will be the only one."

"After this battle, will you reply to me?"


Su Muyou wanted to use this battle to defeat Ye Qiubai and prove the strength of the Su family.

Ye Qiubai smiled and shook his head, saying: "We don't have to wait until after this battle. Thank you Miss Su for your love. Ye will not join the Su family."

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone was shocked!

How powerful is the Su family?

Ye Qiubai actually refused?

Gu Xi said calmly: "Su Muyou is still a little anxious. People like Ye Qiubai are not people who will be tempted by some resources and background..."

Lin Zhinan put forward a different view, "Su Muyou is not in a hurry. Although she can't win over Ye Qiubai by doing this, she will at least send out a signal of friendship with him."

When Su Muyou heard Ye Qiubai's decisive answer, he was slightly startled, then nodded and said, "In that case, let's fight."

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