My Disciples Are All The Emperor Level Talents

Chapter 676 Eight Generals Black Flame Demon Lion

Escape Talisman.

However, the escape talisman Pan Xie used was a very conventional space talisman.

It is different from Mu Fusheng's Heavenly Thunder Escape Talisman which uses the power of thunder to escape.

However, looking at Pan Xie's escape speed.

It can also be known that the space talisman he used was not of a low level.

It must have been given to him by the Infinite Purgatory.

And the moment Pan Xie disappeared.

The suppressive power that suppressed Su Muyou and others like mountains and rivers disappeared in an instant.

The soul attack that was fighting against the sea of ​​consciousness also disappeared at this moment.

See this.

Su Muyou breathed a sigh of relief.

The remaining five people, with fear in their eyes, bowed their hands to Xiao Hei and left the cave consciously.

What a joke.

They couldn't even defeat Pan Xie.

Not to mention this physical practice.

Are you still going to fight for inheritance with him?

Is this life-threatening?

After moistening it, instead of staring here and thinking about inheriting it here desperately.

Might as well hurry up and find the next one.

Su Muyou did not leave in time, looking at Xiao Hei's back with a solemn expression.

Before, she did not ask Su Lindu to investigate who the master behind Ye Qiubai and others was.

However, now she is very curious.

Who is the powerful senior who can teach such evil disciples?

And there are still several people taught at one time!

without any exaggeration.

Whether it was Ye Qiubai, Mu Fusheng, or Xiao Hei in front of him.

in the mid-latitude realm.

Those old monsters that Su Muyou knew.

As long as I can receive one of them, I will be thankful.

At this moment, the armor on Xiao Hei's body merged into his physical body.

The suffocating power of the bloodline that made people want to surrender also disappeared.

Xiao Hei turned around, looked at Su Muyou, scratched his head and asked, "Are you okay?"

Looking at Xiao Hei now, Su Muyou was stunned.

Isn’t this personality contrast too big?

Xiao Hei before had a demonic aura and was arrogant, as if a demon god had really come to this place.

Want to make all things surrender!

However, Xiao Hei now looks honest and honest after the demonic aura around him disappears?

Su Muyou shook his head and said softly: "Thanks to you, nothing happened."

"I will remember this favor, and the Su family will definitely repay you in the future."

Hearing this, Xiao Hei shook his head.

Seeing this, Su Muyou was slightly startled, "No? Don't you look down on the Su family?"

"That's not the case." Xiao Hei waved his hands quickly and said with a naive smile: "You don't need to repay me, just treat senior brother well."

after all.

If it wasn't for his relationship with his senior brother, Xiao Hei wouldn't have taken action.

Even more so, he did not hesitate to use the power of his bloodline, and the devil came to solve the current troubles.

Now Xiao Hei, every time he uses the power of blood.

It is possible to attract the attention of those rebels.

This is full of huge dangers for Xiao Hei today.

Hearing Xiao Hei's words, Su Muyou recalled what he had said before, his face turned slightly red, and said, "Don't think too much about it, your senior brother and I don't have that kind of relationship."

Hearing this, Xiao Hei was stunned.

Is it okay?

But when Xiao Hei saw Su Muyou's reddish face.

Then he remembered what the priest brother said to him.

Generally, a cold woman will not be too proactive. Even if someone discovers that she likes someone, she will not admit it immediately.

However, it is certain that the mood will be shaken.


So now that Su Muyou is blushing, is this a sign of a shaken state of mind?

Xiao Hei showed what he thought was a considerate smile.

He nodded and said, "No need to explain, I understand everything, and Sister Mu is a very nice person."

If Ye Qiubai knew Xiao Hei's thoughts.

He would probably let his master expel Mu Fusheng from the master at all costs.

He's meowing.

It's this kid who taught Xiao Hei a bad lesson!

Su Muyou: "???"

What's the meaning?

No need to explain?

you understand? What do you understand again? ?

Su Muyou felt that the more she explained, the weaker she became.

This misunderstanding is getting worse and worse!

not to mention. .

Who is Sister Mu?

Su Muyou waved his hands helplessly and said: "No matter what, I should thank you for this matter. I will not compete with you for inheritance. I need to restore my strength here, okay?"

The suppression and soul-stealing just now made Su Muyou spend all his strength to resist it.

If you want to regain your strength, you naturally need to find a place where no one will disturb you.

And in Juehun City, dangers abound.

Obviously, this inheritance cave is the safest place now.

Xiao Hei nodded.

Turning his head, he looked at the huge withered bones on the throne.

However, when his eyes fell on the withered bones.

But he discovered that the hollows between the eyes of this withered skeleton were also facing him.

As if looking at it.

"Where did you come from with this bloodline power?"

At this time, Dry Bones spoke.

Xiao Hei was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously replied: "My own."

"Your own?"

Withered Bones nodded slightly, and then stood up from the throne.

And when the withered bones stood up, the huge chains on the hand bones and leg bones were also affected.

After dry bones stood up, they actually knelt in front of Xiao Hei!

"Subordinate, join the Demon Lord."

When Dry Bones said these words.

There were streaks of black fire rising all around.

Surround Xiaohei and withered bones.

Su Muyou from the outside could not see what was going on inside, nor could he hear the conversation between the two.

Xiao Hei was slightly startled.

"Are you from the Demon Realm? My subordinate?"

Dry Bones nodded, and all the bones in his body seemed to be trembling slightly.

"Demon Lord, my subordinates have finally waited for you."

"This subordinate is one of your eight generals, the leader of the Black Flame Demonic Lion Clan, Qu Sheng."

Eight generals.

The ape demon clan is one of the eight generals.

Being a pioneer.

Xiao Hei nodded: "It's the same as the Ape Demon Clan, right?"

Qu Sheng raised his head, looked at Xiao Hei and said, "It seems that the Demon Lord has found the Ape Demon Clan."

"Back then, among the eight generals, five forces escaped, including the three major forces of our Black Flame Demon Lion clan. They were all killed at the hands of the rebels and were brutally exterminated."

After hearing these words.

Xiao Hei's face suddenly darkened.

The overwhelming demonic energy swept out!

Even the earth-fire barrier cannot stop the explosion of demonic energy.

Su Muyou outside suddenly opened his eyes and looked at this scene with a solemn expression.

What happened inside?

"Then why were you suppressed in Juehun City?"

Qu Sheng let out a bitter smile and shook his head: "I don't know the secret, but if the Demon Lord wants to know about Juehun City, he must go to the center."

"Of course, in the center, there is a fragment of your soul, the Demon Lord."

Xiaohei's eyes lit up.

That's what he's here for.

With Xiao Hei's support, Qu Sheng stood up and said, "Since the Demon Lord is still alive, everything is fine."

"I just hope that one day, when the Demon Lord regains his strength, he will avenge us!"

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