My Disciples Are All The Emperor Level Talents

Chapter 682 Only ashes can keep secrets 100%

Lu Changsheng squatted down and held the little bird in his arms, whose breath had become extremely weak.

Soft green light came from Lu Changsheng's arm.

Sprinkled all over the bird's body.

This stabilized her injury!

Xiaoniao, who was already in a coma, felt this warm breath.

He forced himself to open his eyes and looked at the familiar figure in front of him.

I felt relieved.

Now that he's here.

Then there's no problem.

So, he closed his eyes again.

He put down all his vigilance and began to heal his wounds with the help of Lu Changsheng's principles of life.

Lu Changsheng looked down at the little bird, shook his head helplessly and said, "None of you can make me worry."

And at this moment, in the sky.

Sect Leader Hu and the other four looked at Lu Changsheng with solemn expressions.

This man in white robe actually appeared next to the phoenix in an instant under the noses of the four of them?

And, during this period.

Without exception, the four of them did not notice any aura.

If this white-robed man hadn't been seen with the naked eye, he would never have been discovered!

"Fellow Taoist, where are you from?"

Sect Master Hu took a step forward, raised his hands and asked.

The eyes looking at Lu Changsheng were full of solemnity.

Lu Changsheng smiled and replied, "A place you don't recognize either."

A place we don’t even know?

The four of them were stunned at the same time, and then sneered.

"Fellow Taoist, it's possible that you underestimate me. I am the leader of the Shenhui Sect. There is no place in this high latitude realm that I don't recognize."

"However, fellow Taoist, could it be that you are unethical? We discovered this phoenix first, and it took us a lot of effort to capture it."

"My fellow Taoist, I'm afraid this approach will arouse public anger, right?"

Lu Changsheng asked, "Oh? Public outrage? How about I spread this matter to other forces?"

"Presumably they would be interested in the bloodline of the Phoenix clan."

The bird is healing though.

But she could still hear the conversation between the two parties.

When hearing what Lu Changsheng said.

If he couldn't move now, he would have to open his mouth and peck him to death!

"Based on what you said before, your power is not the strongest, right?"

"Then I will spread this news to the so-called god-lord-level forces. With your strength, can you still keep this Phoenix?"

When the four Sect Leaders Hu heard this, their faces were extremely gloomy and extremely ugly!


If someone from a god-level force finds out about this.

I'm afraid I really can't save this phoenix.

You know, a phoenix is ​​something that even god-level forces would be jealous of!

Whether it's blood, feathers, or bones, they are all extremely amazing treasures of heaven and earth!

It can even change the fate of a sect! .

"Does Fellow Taoist Yi mean to threaten us and forcefully take a piece of the pie from us?"

Lu Changsheng smiled and shook his head.

The next words made the four Sect Leaders Hu even more furious!

"That's not true. What I mean is, I will take this phoenix away, and then I will help you keep the secret of entering this place."

"Look, is this a good deal?"

"You..." Sect Leader Hu said with a gloomy face, "Are you trying to trick us?"

"That's not true. I'm just stating a fact."

The words just fell.

Sect Master Hu stopped saying anything and disappeared in an instant!

In the blink of an eye, Sect Leader Hu had already appeared in front of Lu Changsheng!

Immediately afterwards, he slapped Lu Changsheng's Tianling Gai with a palm!

Like the power of wind and thunder!

"Since you are so greedy, then stay here forever!"


The scene foreseen by Sect Master Hu and the other three people was different.

Lu Changsheng did not die directly because of Sect Master Hu's palm, or was seriously injured.

Instead, he was under the horrified gaze of Sect Leader Hu.

Lu Changsheng stretched out two fingers.

Standing pointing together, they turned into sword fingers.

Lift your arms above your head.

He withstood the full force of Master Hu's palm!

" is this possible?"

Lu Changsheng doesn't talk nonsense.

After resisting the palm of Sect Leader Hu.

The sword finger suddenly exerted force!

A sword intent was like a thunderous force, directly piercing through the palm of Sect Leader Hu!

In fact, it was so fast that even Sect Master Hu didn’t react for a while!

The next second.

Sect Leader Hu quickly backed away while covering the bloody hole in his palm.

Looking at Lu Changsheng's calm figure, his eyes were full of disbelief!

"Are you, perhaps, a powerful person from a god-level force?"

in his thoughts.

Only high-ranking figures at the god-lord level can neutralize his attacks so easily.

And it can easily hurt him!

At the same time, Sect Leader Hu suddenly lowered his head.

Looking at the bloody hole in the palm of his hand.

He saw the sword intent covering it, and even if he resisted with all his strength, he couldn't offset it.

Like tarsal maggots, it was constantly eating away at his arms!


This is not the intention of the sword, this is the law of the sword!

And it’s the way of sword that has been practiced to the extreme!

"Who are you!"

He has never heard of a person who has practiced the art of swords to the extreme, even a god-level force in the entire high latitude realm!

Lu Changsheng still had a peaceful smile on his face.

There was a slight pause in his steps.

Then he appeared in front of Sect Master Hu.

The sword pointed directly at Sect Master Hu's forehead.

"Actually, even if we don't negotiate terms, I will keep you here forever."

"After all, I can't let you spread my story..."

Hearing this, Sect Leader Hu just wanted to say something.

The principles of the sword have already penetrated the center of Sect Master Hu's eyebrows!

The soul dissipates!

The other three people saw this scene with extremely frightened expressions on their faces.

They are always in high positions.

Under the god-level forces, few people can pose a threat to them.

At this moment.

The long-lost body trembles!

Lu Changsheng looked at the three of them.

Look at Lu Changsheng's plain, watery pupils.

The three of them knew that if the other party refused to let them go, with Lu Changsheng's terrifying strength, escaping would be of no use!

Think of this.

He said: "Senior! Don't worry, the three of us will never tell anyone what happened today!"

"That's right! We swear by heaven!"

"As long as senior lets us go, as long as senior gives the order in the future, we will definitely help!"

Lu Changsheng did not answer.

His face was dull, and his sword pointed through the space.

Suddenly, a deep bloody mouth appeared on the chests of the three people.

The internal organs can be clearly seen.

All were cut in half.

Dantian and Shenhun are naturally no exception...

"Only the dead can keep secrets 100%..."

"Oh, no."

Lu Changsheng waved slightly.

Where the corpses of the four people were, a raging fire burned the corpses into ashes!

"Well, this way we can keep the secret 100%."

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