By now, the alliance is clear.

Purgatory City: Infinite Purgatory, Biluo Huangquan Palace.

Nebula City: A group of casual cultivators headed by Le Zhengchi.

Demon King's City: Ye Qiubai, Xiaohei, Mu Fusheng, Lin Zhinan, Gu Xi, Su Muyou, Xianyuancun, Chi Bing.

It seemed that Ye Qiubai's alliance team had the advantage.

Both in numbers and apparent strength.

Then there is the Loose Cultivator Alliance represented by Le Zhengchi. They are very powerful and their personal strength is comparable to those of the top forces and talented people!

There are the fewest people in Purgatory City.

on the way.

Lin Zhinan thought about this problem, touched his chin and thought: "How can they make up for the disadvantage in numbers?"

"If it is a city battle, as long as the gap in strength is not too large, the advantage in numbers will be fully reflected!"

When there are too many people, whether it is outflanking, direct frontal attack, or multi-faceted defense, there is a natural advantage.

Ye Qiubai was also thinking about this problem: "At that time, the rules stated that there was no limit on the number of people in each city. So, if they all happened to choose to be in one city, wouldn't it mean that they would win without fighting? Got a reward?"

Mu Fusheng shook his head and said: "This is the strangest thing. According to what others have said, Juehun City is an extremely dangerous place. It can be seen from the previous two tests."

"Then this last step will definitely not be easy."


Suddenly, Lin Zhinan and Mu Fusheng said at the same time: "If we both choose one city, Juehun City will never let us pass the test so easily. There will definitely be other complements in the other two cities!"

Ye Qiubai nodded: "In other words, the party with the smaller number may enjoy the supplies provided by Juehun City, right?"

When I heard this.

Everyone looked stunned.

Only this statement can explain what is said in the rules. ..

On the road, there is no special scenery along the way.

Through the woods, there is a rugged desert.

Finally, they came to a plain filled with black evil energy.

Even the soil is completely black.

And when you get here.

Ye Qiubai and others could already see the outline of a small city.

After walking in.

There is nothing special about the city.

However, there are three stone pillars in the center that reach into the sky and the earth!

Filled with the power of seal suppression.

The suppressive force of the seal here is many times stronger than the suppressive force on the outside.

The entire city is in the shape of a square.

It was surrounded by walls.

In every direction, there is a city gate.

When Ye Qiubai and others walked to the north gate, the gate opened automatically.

"go in."

Ye Qiubai and others stepped into the city gate.

The moment they stepped into the city gate, everyone discovered that the outline of the skull on the back of their hand was filled with the word "devil" in the center of the outline.


This mark is used to record the symbol of the city to which it belongs.

At this time, Lin Zhinan said: "There are some things we should agree on in advance."

Everyone turned their heads to look at Lin Zhinan.

Lin Zhinan explained: "If it is a city battle, then we must choose a lord and an army. Without a leader, if we fight alone, it will be a mess, and it will be easy for the opponent to find flaws and defeat them one by one!"

Su Muyou squinted and asked, "Do you want to be the team leader?"

"No, no, no." Lin Zhinan waved her hands and said with a smile, "Miss Su, please don't hurt me and make me want to fight for power."

"Then who will do it?"

Lin Zhinan looked at Ye Qiubai with a smile and said, "Brother Ye, how about you come?"

This is not flattery.

Lin Zhinan explained: "Brother Ye is the senior brother of Brother Xiaohei and Brother Mu, and you have also defeated us."

"The strength is also recognized by all of us."

"So, what are Brother Ye's intentions?"

Ye Qiubai looked at the others.

The rest of the people all focused their attention on themselves.

No objection at all.

Seeing this, Ye Qiubai nodded and said: "In that case, I will temporarily take over the position of team leader. If you think there is anything wrong, just raise it at any time."

Lin Zhinan smiled and said: "Okay, Brother Ye, you can start assigning tasks."

Ye Qiubai thought for a moment and then said, "Lin Zhinan, you will serve as the military advisor."

"Mu Fusheng, as rear support, you can carve talismans and seals and build up the city's defense first."

Mu Fusheng and Lin Zhinan both nodded.

These are their areas of expertise.

"Su Muyou, lead some people to check the east gate."

"Xiao Hei, you..."

When Ye Qiubai looked at Xiao Hei.

But he found that Xiao Hei was staring at the three stone pillars in the center, fascinated.

Seeing this, Ye Qiubai said: "Xiao Hei, if you have something you want, go and see it first."

Xiao Hei did not refuse and immediately rushed over there.

Under the suppression of those three stone pillars.

He could feel that there was something he needed below!

It seemed to be pulling his soul!

In the process of moving forward, the closer you get, you can feel the memory fragments flashing crazily in your own sea of ​​consciousness!


One of the soul fragments.

Right in the center, under the suppression of three stone pillars!

Xiao Hei needs to urgently understand the true meaning of the matter.

Ye Qiubai was arranging tasks.

The first step is to understand all the structures in the Demon King's City.

After all, they still don’t understand the structure of the Demon King’s Castle.

The structure of a city is not completely understood.

How to defend?

By then, if the enemy discovers a loophole, won't everything be over in one fell swoop?

Mu Fusheng looked for a quiet mansion.

Prepare to carve talismans and seals.

The choice of this place must also be able to take care of the city walls in the four directions of southeast, northwest and northwest in a timely manner.

All tasks began to proceed steadily.

the other side.

Xiao Hei has also arrived under the three stone pillars.

Here, there is a huge grotto!

And outside the grotto.

Three stone pillars suppressed at the same time, blocking the entrance to the grotto!

Xiao Hei can see it clearly.

There are wisps of black demonic energy continuously leaking out of the grotto.

Although under the suppression of stone pillars.

The demonic energy couldn't be completely rushed out, but it still showed a little.

Xiao Hei could feel the aura of the same origin with just a little contact.

This breath can make your blood boil!

This also made Xiao Hei more certain.

Under the grotto.

Another soul fragment suppressing himself!


Now it is still unable to break the seal of the stone pillar.

Ye Qiubai came over and asked: "What's this?"

Xiao Hei nodded.

"Don't worry, presumably, as long as the other two cities are broken, the seal here will naturally dissipate."

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