My disciples are all villains.

Chapter 1090: Discussion

'From the golden lotus domain?' Lu Zhou's heart skipped a beat. This made him think about Zhao Hongfu.

According to Zhao Hongfu, those from the black lotus domain had kidnapped children from the golden lotus domain to raise them and assimilate them. However, what was the reason for that? Was it not better to cultivate their own people? Why did they need children from the golden lotus domain? The cultivators in the golden lotus domain were not strong; there was no reason for these people to be interested in the people of the golden lotus domain.

Lu Zhou did not doubt the words of the ghost servant; there was no need for a dying person to tell such a lie.

In the distance, the members of the Evil Sky Pavilion looked at the deep pit on the ground in a daze. They did not return to their senses for a long time.

The last set of sword techniques flowed like the clouds and the water; they had reached the peak of perfection.

Although they could not capture the movement of the ghost servant who possessed a puppet and 13 Birth Charts, when they could see, he was already thoroughly defeated.

Yu Shangrong looked at the ghost servant's corpse, deep in thought. It was as though he had been enlightened. as if he had comprehended something.

In order to unleash a final powerful attack with the eleven leaves, the ghost servant had to sacrifice his lotus.

Yu Shangrong wondered if he could use that move without any consequences since he no longer possessed a lotus. Apart from that, he was also greatly inspired and had greatly benefitted from watching his master executing the Return and Enter Three Souls. There was really no end to learning. He murmured to himself, "It seems like I still have a long way ahead of me on the sword path…"

"Second Junior Brother, don't be discouraged. There'll always be someone better than you in the world. If it were saber techniques, there wouldn't be so much emphasis on speed, precision, and technique. The saber alone is enough," Yu Zhenghai said as he looked at his master whose appearance had changed completely. He was surprised to say the least.

"Speed has always been important, and so are precision and techniques. If the saber is so great, why doesn't master use the saber but choose the sword instead?" Yu Shangrong asked.

"That's because master only has a sword, not a saber," Yu Zhenghai replied.

After all, based on their knowledge, Lu Zhou did not own a saber. The saber he had previously owned had been given to Pan Zhong from the Evil Sky Pavilion.

"Even if master has a saber, he still wouldn't choose…"

'Here it comes again…' The other members of the Evil Sky Pavilion thought to themselves. Nevertheless, they had gotten used to the duo's antics so they only shook their heads.

Xia Changqiu poked Yan Zhenluo who was standing next to him and said, "Don't worry. It'll be fine once you get used to it…"

The people from the Devil Sky Pavilion seemed to be used to it and shook their heads.

Yan Zhenluo asked curiously, "You're an outsider. How come you seem to know more than Shen Xi and the others?"

"Oh, Left Envoy Yan isn't aware of this. It's a long story. Let's start with the Thousand Willow Monastery…"

"It's fine. Just start with the Evil Sky Pavilion…"


Si Wuya smiled when he heard this exchange. Then, he flew down and checked the ghost servant's body. After he stood up, he cupped his fists at his master and said, "Master, he's dead."

Lu Zhou nodded and said, "Clean it up."


As soon as these words fell, the experts nearby flew over to clean up the mess.

Meanwhile, Little Yuan'er and Conch flew on Whitzard's back toward Lu Zhou.

Although Conch was mentally prepared, she still felt awkward and embarrassed when faced with Lu Zhou.

On the other hand, Little Yuan'er was so shocked that she could not even close her mouth. "Master..."

Was this really their master?!

If Si Wuya did not give them a warning beforehand, they would not have believed it. However, it was undeniable that no one apart from their master could use blue palm seals and blue energy.

When Little Yuan'er regained her senses, she hurried to Lu Zhou's side and asked curiously, "Master! You… How did you become like this?"

The others did not dare to get close and could only watch from afar. They were different from the little ancestor of the Evil Sky Pavilion after all.

"Doesn't your master look good like this?" Lu Zhou asked.

Little Yuan'er's voice was as soft as a mosquito as she replied, "Yes…"

Conch nodded as well.

Lu Zhou nodded and looked at Conch. "Are you hurt?"

Conch shook her head. "I'm sorry, master. I didn't recognize you at that time..."

"It's alright," Lu Zhou said.

"Thank you, master," Conch said.

"Have you been practicing the Pilgrim Song all this time?" Lu Zhou asked.

Conch nodded and said, "Master, I've practiced the Pilgrim Song diligently. Master, when you have the time, will you listen to me play it?"

"No, I still have many things to attend to. If there's a need, you can ask your senior brothers and sisters to guide you…" Lu Zhou said with a straight face.

"Okay." Conch was about to turn around when a gust of wind blew past her.


Si Wuya and Lu Zhou turned and saw a streak of red fleeing into the distance before vanishing from their sight.

Lu Zhou asked, puzzled, "Why did Yuan'er run away?"

As a cultivator, one should not be anxious.

Si Wuya smiled but did not say anything.

Conch revealed an aggrieved expression as she said, "I better look for the other seniors to listen to me play then..."

Upon hearing these words, Si Wuya hurriedly bowed and said, "Master, this disciple suggests we search for information regarding the golden lotus domain that the ghost servant from the Qin clan mentioned. Apart from that, there are new changes on the ancient goatskin map."

"Is that so?"

"Master, this way please. I'll tell you everything in detail…"

Lu Zhou nodded and casually waved his hand.

The jade disk lying among the pile of rubble flew into Lu Zhou's palm.

Following that, Lu Zhou and Si Wuya left for the Preservation Hall.

Conch. "???"

Then, Conch turned to look at the other members of the Evil Sky Pavilion.

When Yu Zhenghai met Conch's gaze, he turned to look at Yu Shangrong instantly and said, "Second Junior Brother, I recently mastered a new saber technique. Why don't you spar with me?"

"I have the same thought. I'm only afraid you'll lose…"

"We'll see."

With that, the duo rushed out of the royal palace.

At this time, a vague realization dawned on Conch. She said, "The Pilgrim Song is actually very nice to listen to…"


Everyone suddenly became very busy.

People like Shen Xi and Xia Changqiu, who had long gotten used to the rules of the Evil Sky Pavilion, decided to busy themselves with cleaning up the mess; one went to clean up the corpse while the other went to repair the Dao inscriptions.

When Yan Zhenluo regained his senses, he realized he was the only one left with Conch.

"It seems like Left Envoy Yan is the only one who has an appreciation for music. Let's go," Conch said with a smile.

"Go? Where do you want to go? What do you want to do?" Yan Zhenluo was overwhelmed by a feeling that something was very, very wrong.

"Listen to the Pilgrim Song."

"Listen to the Pilgrim Song?" Yan Zhenluo furrowed his brows, unable to figure out what was wrong. In his opinion, listening to music was a good way to relax.

At this moment, Yan Zhenluo saw Shen Xi and the others gesturing wildly at him at Conch's back. He thought he understood their meaning. Therefore, he nodded at everyone as he said, "Thank you, everyone, for cleaning up the mess and letting me enjoy the music instead."

Yan Zhenluo cupped his fists at the others before he followed Conch away.

Shen Xi was dumbfounded; Xia Changqiu was even more dumbfounded.

"What's wrong with Left Envoy Yan? I clearly signaled to him not to go; why did he still go?"

Shen Xi scratched his head. "Perhaps, Left Envoy Yan has a high appreciation for music..."

"You have a point."

As soon as Xia Changqiu's voice fell, the sound of a barking dog rang from the distant palace wall.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the gigantic dog that was twice the height of an adult.

"Doggy, don't scare people!"

Ming Shiyin followed behind Qiong Qi, looking as though he had just woken up. He stretched his limbs before he looked at the traces of a fierce battle around him and sensed the chaotic energy in the air. He asked curiously, "What happened here?"

"Mister Fourth, how did you sleep through such a huge commotion?" Xia Changqiu asked in shock.

"I've been really sleepy recently." Ming Shiyin yawned again.

Xia Changqiu walked over with a smile and said, "I see. Mister Fourth, it's a pity you weren't here to witness the wonderful battle earlier. The Pavilion Master killed a Thirteen Chart assassin from the green lotus domain. Mister Seventh has gone with the Pavilion Master to the Preservation Hall to investigate this matter…"

Ming Shiyin's eyes widened as he said excitedly, "What? Such a huge thing happened? Master was able to defeat an assassin with 13 Birth Charts?"

Xia Changqiu said, "Yes. Mister Fourth, allow me to explain in detail. The exciting battle was soul-stirring and filled with suspense. It was spectacular…"

Shen Xi. "..."

Woof! Woof! Woof!

Qiong Qi barked a few times as a female attendant rushed over.

"Mister Fourth, Pavilion Master Lu summoned you to the Preservation Hall. He said he has something to discuss with you…"

"Master wants to speak to me?" Mingshi Yin was slightly unhappy; he glared at Qiong Qi. Qiong Qi's loud barking must have been heard by his master. He turned to look at Xia Changqiu and said, "Tell me about it next time."

"Of course, of course..."

After Ming Shiyin and Qiong Qi left, Xia Changqiu turned to look at Shen Xi and said, "We can only see the superficial details of the battle, but we can't see the inner details. What a pity! Oh, that's right. The matter of regaining one's youth is only possible for mighty figures. Although Mister Seventh didn't say much, how can someone who can reverse time be weak? Hmm, Guardian Shen, you seem rather confused. Let's not talk about youth anymore so as to avoid others from overhearing us. Let's talk about the battle…"

Shen Xi: o(╯□╰)o


Preservation Hall.

Mingshi Yin walked respectfully into the hall along with Qiong Qi. As soon as they stepped foot in the hall, Qiong Qi wagged its tail and rushed into the hall.

Ming Shiyin looked at Qiong Qi with a face filled with black lines. 'This darn dog! I worked so hard to raise you, cleaning your feces and urine, and you turned on me just like that?! Unbelievable!'  

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