My disciples are all villains.

Chapter 1521: Joining the Great Void (1)

The White Emperor was surprised by the young man’s deduction. However, he had gotten used to the young man’s confident speech. Although he was somewhat convinced by the young man, he still had his doubts. He asked, “Whether it’s Mount Halcyon or the Lost Island that drifted in the Endless Ocean, their sizes can’t compare to the Great Void. How could such places be the Great Void?”

The young man laughed. “They’re unformed Great Voids.”


“All things in the world follow the law of evolution. The profundity of it is something only the Creator knows. The similar structures are definitely not a coincidence…” the young man said as he looked at the sky.

“Then, what about the shackles?” the White Emperor asked.

“Originally, I thought that the shackles only exist on earth. When someone dies, they’ll return to the earth. The energy and everything they gained when they were alive would be returned to the earth. This is also in line with the law of conservation. During that long period of time I drifted in the Endless Ocean, I witnessed the survival of the sea beasts. I witnessed their birth, the process of their aging, illnesses, and deaths. For now at least, there’s nothing in this world that can exist forever unless that thing has no life to begin with,” the young man said.

The White Emperor nodded. Although he did not like to think about these things too much, he liked listening to the young man. As one of the Five Emperors, it was necessary to try to understand the mysteries and complexities of heaven and earth, after all.

A white-clad cultivator said, “I saw him.”

“What does he look like?” the White Emperor asked.

“This…” the white-clad cultivator hesitated for a moment before he said, “I didn’t really pay attention. There were too many of them, and their cultivation bases aren’t bad. They’re a mix of men and women.”

Another white-clad cultivator asked, “Your Majesty, do you intend to keep him here?”

The White Emperor sighed. “I’m afraid that’s impossible.”


“Ming Xin already came,” the White Emperor said as he looked outside, “For him to personally make a move, things are definitely more complicated than we’d imagined. Perhaps, he doesn’t belong here.”

Everyone sighed helplessly.

“With such talents, he’ll definitely become a supreme being in no time. If we can’t use him, I’m afraid we’ll…”

“Shut up,” the White Emperor said. His voice was powerful and deep as he continued to say, “I believe in his character.”

“I misspoke.”

“If he has any requests, try to fulfill them if you can,” the White Emperor said.


After saying that, the White Emperor vanished from sight.

After three months.

In Fragrant Valley.

Lu Zhou heard a crisp sound.

The activation of the Birth Chart was successful.

Lu Zhou felt the surging energy in his body and nodded in satisfaction.

He did not leave the ancient building for three months and cultivated every day to stabilize his cultivation. His efforts finally paid off.

Although the increase in strength could not compare to the forming of the divine soul pearl, the strength of one Birth Chart could not be underestimated as well.

Lu Zhou rose to his feet and flashed outside the ancient building. He muttered to himself, “After being here for so long, it’s time to explore the depths of this place.”

Just as Lu Zhou was about to go look for Chen Fu, Hua Yin, Chen Fu’s first disciple, rushed over. He said with a bow, “Senior Lu, my master invites you over.”

“I was just about to look for him.” With that, they went to the ancient building on the southern side.

When Lu Zhou entered the ancient building, he saw Chen Fu pacing back and forth anxiously.

Lu Zhou asked, puzzled, “What’s the matter?”

“There’s a change in Great Han,” Chen Fu said. “A change?”

“Unfamiliar cultivators appeared in both the eastern and western capitals. They defeated the local experts quickly. Even Wei Cheng and Su Bie weren’t a match for them,” Chen Fu said with a sigh, “I’m afraid those cultivators were sent by the Great Void.”

Lu Zhou said, “If the Great Void wanted to make a move, why wait until now? Besides, what’s the point of conquering the nine domains? It seems meaningless.”

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