My Divine Diary

Two hundred and one doubts about the pinball space

Su Hao was puzzled because he sensed the power of his own consciousness and gained a slight growth.

It's an amazing feeling, like getting lighter, taking off the weight on your shoulders, or suddenly getting better from years of pain.

Putting it on Su Hao's body showed the huge blood energy in his body, which made him more docile, less energy needed to mobilize the blood energy, and the heavy feeling brought by the huge blood energy to him was slightly relieved.

Although this feeling is minimal, it was indeed felt by Su Hao.

Su Hao knew that the visualization just now had resulted in the improvement of consciousness.

He hadn't experienced this for a long time. Today's sudden progress surprised him, but he was more puzzled: "Why has it improved again? Could it be related to the gene of the Prophet?"

Su Hao couldn't help frowning. Is the power of consciousness also controlled by genes?

Come to think of it, it's relevant, but not entirely relevant.

For a while, Su Hao couldn't understand the relationship.

Logically speaking, Su Hao's consciousness is actually stored in the pinball space. The strength of his consciousness should not be determined by Zhu Huoren's body, because the essence of this body is to provide him with A vehicle for thinking.

But now that he has just evolved into a "prophet", he has felt the growth of his consciousness, and Su Hao can be sure that this growth will not disappear after he changes his body, but it is real and affects the bombs. Ball space growth.

So, is the growth of consciousness related to the [prophet]? Maybe some other factor that he ignored?

Su Hao reached out and rubbed his head, closed his eyes and let his thoughts fly.

"Thinking about it carefully, I still don't understand a lot about the pinball space, for example, the specific location of the pinball space, where in the universe is it, how the pinball space is related to the current body, and What is the relationship between the pinball space and me..."

The more he thought about it, the further he thought, once he started thinking, Su Hao couldn't stop the car. These questions had been hidden in his heart for a long time, but he didn't have much time to explore the secrets of the pinball space.

Today, I suddenly made a new discovery, and all these doubts erupted in one breath.

Maybe after he figured out this problem, he could figure out the relationship between consciousness and body.

And the so-called 'projection of consciousness' onto the body, borrowing the body to think, is only a superficial phenomenon.

Perhaps this involves various factors such as 'carrier', 'consciousness', 'information' and 'logic'.

These questions are intertwined in Su Hao's mind, making him unable to figure out his thoughts for a while. There are all kinds of guesses, but they can't be confirmed.

Until it got dark, he still found nothing, and his mind was already groggy.

"It's just finished evolving, let's think about these issues after we get used to it!" After thinking about it, Su Hao lay on the bed and fell asleep.


After a month, Su Hao completely adapted to the new body.

And he also acquired the four abilities of [Prophet].

The 'acquisition' ability is the same as Su Hao imagined. Through contact, he can capture certain fluctuations released by objects.

It can be a radio wave or a force field. The stronger the fluctuation, the clearer the information obtained, which is somewhat similar to the current induction of the platypus.

For example, he can touch a small round mouse, and the information obtained is some panic emotions, some talents of the small round mouse, or obtain the vitality intensity of the small round mouse.

The information obtained each time is different.

The ability of 'analysis' is to process and restore the obtained information. For example, after Su Hao touched a person, he obtained some life signals of that person, and then analyzed and screened to restore the obtained signals.

For example, if this person is thinking of a stunning beauty, then Su Hao may obtain the corresponding information. After restoring it, he can know who the girl is thinking of.

'Record' can save the corresponding information,

Similar to pinball space, but not a little bit worse.

The 'simulation' is similar to the 'transformation chamber' in Zhu Huo's body, which can simulate the subsequent development of events based on the information obtained.

In fact, any Zhu Huo people have these abilities, such as obtaining information with the eyes, analyzing and recording information with the brain, and imitating and imagining the follow-up.

[The Prophet] just greatly strengthened this ability and made it a special skill independently.

But it is undeniable that it is indeed powerful. Su Hao can perceive that his thinking speed has been greatly improved.

This gap is like the difference between old-fashioned computers in the 1990s and supercomputers today.

This is why everyone is a person who has been educated for nine years. Some people are so good, with a family of 90+, while some people can't pass no matter how hard they try!

It's not hard work that's bad, but the hardware is not good or fast.

For the first time, Su Hao experienced what it's like to be a genius.

This time, he was a real genius, not the false name of a genius like Luo Zhaohui and Wu Xiangwu, but he was still an ordinary person in essence.

At this time, I look back at the subject knowledge that I found a little difficult before, it is not too simple!

As long as you think about it a little, you can quickly straighten out the seemingly complicated logic along the way.

Is math difficult? In the past, Su Hao would hesitate for a while, and then said honestly, "It's difficult!"

But ask him now, and he must have a Versailles smile: "Is it difficult?"

This is a look down on mortals!

After thinking about it, Su Hao was a little sad again.

Sadly, he used to be such a foolish person...

"God gave me a brain, but I didn't expect this brain to be useless. The point is, I didn't think that brain was useless before, and the sadness flowed into a river!"

Not a real genius, I can't imagine what the world of genius is like, I don't even know that my thinking is so confusing!

In the past, Su Hao never dared to admit that he was a genius. Now, he can finally straighten his back and boldly tell everyone that he, Su Hao, is a genius!

Su Hao flipped through various books, quickly understood and absorbed the theories and logical ways of thinking, and was able to integrate them and draw inferences from one case.

He was so excited that he wanted to cry.

Looking back now, thinking about myself in previous lives, it's really hard to say! He has nothing but hard work.

Su Hao couldn't help sighing: "Fortunately, I still have to work hard! Otherwise, Pinball Space can't save me as a mortal."

At this moment, Yashan came to look for Su Hao.

After seeing Su Hao opening the door, Yashan said a little embarrassedly, "Boss Wei, my three wives are six months pregnant and will give birth soon. I want to bring them to Silin City, and I want to ask Wei. Your opinion, sir."

After Su Hao counted the time, it was indeed fast, so he asked in doubt, "Wouldn't it be better for you to go back to Huiyang City to take care of them? Why did you bring them here?"

Yashan said stupidly: "This is not Boss Wei here, don't worry! I don't trust other people very much. If there is something that can't be solved, Boss Wei will help to take care of it! Also, take care of the three as well. Take care, I can help you with some chores when I take you here. As for Huiyang, I am very relieved to have Tani here!"

Taini is now a seventh-level [Life Child], and it is difficult for anyone to threaten her. Ashan is a hundred peace of mind.

Su Hao smiled and said, "I think you are trying to hide from Taini!"

Yashan said: "Cough, Boss Wei, you are wise, you have this meaning in it."

Su Hao thought about it too. It's really not good to put these three special children outside for delivery. Who knows if there will be any problems when these three first generation 'Xiantiansheng' are born!

So Su Hao nodded and said, "Then take them all over!"

Su Hao's brain hole couldn't be contained all of a sudden, suddenly came up with an idea, he immediately pulled Yashan out, and said while walking, "Yashan, you pick up your pregnant wives, you can't let them go slowly! Come and come, Mr. Wei will teach you how to make a 'luxury airliner'. Let you take a bunch of people back and forth comfortably in one breath!"

A question mark popped up from Yashan: "Passenger plane?"

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