My Divine Diary

Seven hundred and seventy-eight change location

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On the dragon seed planet.

In just ten years, tremendous changes have taken place.

Saint Son Yuantan, who originally wanted to create a better world, was completely blackened after experiencing all kinds of things that broke his heart and turned into a world-destroying demon king.

Because it imagined a world without prejudice and discrimination, completely shattered. And it is also extremely disappointed in this world, and does not report any expectations for all dragon species.

It found that prejudice and discrimination will not disappear because of the fall of the winged god, that is something rooted in the flesh and blood of every dragon species.

The Wing God fell from the divine position and became a pterosaur, but the divine position is still there, in the Mother God Pond on the top of Shengze Mountain.

All dragon species want to turn themselves into a god race, then trample other races under their feet and enslave other races...


The former alliance of three races was a joke, and the former 'Dragon and Dragons are created equal' was a joke.

That beautiful world can only exist in imagination for a short time.

After it came out of Jia Wei's small world, it was full of anticipation to see how the world that had been fighting for so many years would become like 'the dragon and the dragon are equal and develop together'.

But what does it see?

It sees fighting everywhere.

The three clans, the Balong, Jinglong, and Yanlong, have completely turned their faces and attacked each other. They all want to completely wipe out the other two clans, and then occupy the Mother God Pool alone.

It couldn't believe what it saw.

This is not the result it wants!

It has been running around for years, trying to adjust, but to no avail.

The three tribes of the Balong Jinglongyanlong regarded it as an enemy, not only unwilling to listen to it, but also blamed it for causing the current world's battles to be corrupted.

This breaks its heart...

The Winged God Clan also regarded it as a Fallen Angel, it was impossible to accept it, and they wanted its life all the time.

If hundreds of former Wingshen subordinates were still willing to follow it, it would have lost almost everything.

Yuan Tan: "Dragon seeds are such filthy creatures that they don't deserve to live in this beautiful world. I want to destroy them with my own hands."

Then it stepped back into the background, turned into the world's villain, and fought to destroy the world...


When Yuan Tan incarnated as the villain thinking about how to destroy the world, Su Hao had already left the Dragon Seed Star and entered the vast universe again to explore.

The two consecutive life planets brought different knowledge to Su Hao, which made him full of expectations for the various life planets that he would encounter in the future.

When will the next life planet be encountered?

When will the next civilization be encountered?

What will the civilization you encounter look like?

I don't know if they will be very enthusiastic about the three alien visitors...

Actually, Su Hao didn't care if he wasn't enthusiastic at first. He believed that after contacting him for a long time, the alien civilization would definitely recognize him and become very enthusiastic.

After all, he believes that he has quite a lot of advantages in himself.

Time passes year by year.

In the gap when he didn't find the life planet, Su Hao repeatedly researched his previous knowledge and kept deepening it.

For example, in-depth research on the technology of 'proficiency in languages ​​of all ethnic groups', after all, Su Hao doesn't want to spend too much time deciphering the languages ​​of alien civilizations every time he encounters them;'

For example, he studies the all-round exploration of the planet and draws the small cube technology of the three-dimensional model. After all, he didn't want to be like a dragon seed star, and almost missed another underground world with rich species;

For example, the study of arbitrarily modifying biotechnology at the genetic level, after all, he wants to let the body evolve directly into a [God] in one breath, rather than a step-by-step evolution to a [Mingzi] and it will end. ] the next evolutionary direction;

Another example is to study the faster 'starlight travel', the curvature of the navigation can theoretically reach level 9.999, which is close to 200,000 times the speed of light, and his current limit is only 2,000 times the speed of light;

and the issues of lifespan and fortunes that he cares most about,

As long as these two major tasks are not completed, his heart cannot be completely relaxed.

The lifespan has a limit, which means that he will fall into a deep sleep again and face unknown risks; if the wave is not completely resolved, his real body can only be hidden in the second-level world, unable to show his face, and unable to obtain real freedom.


Two hundred years later, Fengcheng sent a surprising news: "Hastily! Boss Wei, Boss Yashan, I have found another life planet."

Yashan couldn't believe it was true. He had worked very hard these years, trying to discover new life planets before Feng Cheng, but in the end, Feng Cheng found it first.

Why is this so?

Is there really such a thing as luck in this universe?

Su Hao comforted: "Look at Yashan, three people searched for the planet of life, the probability of the first three times being discovered by the same person is one in twenty-seventh, compared to the probability of life being born in the universe, this is already one chance. Terrible numbers. So, it's normal."

Yashan: "The next life planet must not let Fengcheng take the lead."

Su Hao couldn't help but help Yashan to calculate: "The probability of the next life planet being discovered by Feng Cheng is one-third, and both you and I are one-third, so this is also a high probability."

Ashan: "..."

Su Hao and Yashan teleported to Fengcheng to observe this life planet.

Purple and blue are the main colors. After entering it, it is found that the creatures on this planet are very unique.

Most of the plants here are like mushrooms in the shape of threaded umbrellas, which are extremely huge. Perhaps it is related to the structure of the atmosphere of this planet. The surface is purple-red, and the light absorbed is different from that of ordinary green plants.

After Su Hao cut down a large mushroom plant, he found that the plant was not a mushroom, its texture was as hard as a rock.

And the animals are also strange and different from what they have seen before.

The three of them walked around the planet, but unfortunately found no signs of intelligent life activity.

But this is also normal.

There is only one essential purpose of living beings, survival + reproduction. As long as these two purposes can be achieved, then it does not matter what it evolves into.

Evolving wisdom is just one of countless evolutionary choices.

Wisdom is indeed a plus for survival and reproduction, but in order to survive, wisdom is not necessary.

Taking the previous human planet Blu-ray as an example, few people have noticed that the most successful creatures on the Blu-ray are not humans, but plants.

Compared with the plants that spread all over the planet, the number of humans is indeed pitiful.

It is quite accurate to say that plants are the winners of biological evolution.

A civilized Su Hao's research would be more targeted, even if not, it would have little impact.

Ten years later, Su Hao had basically finished analyzing this planet, and found a different genetic structure from the life on this planet.

"Perhaps the previous idea of ​​modifying genes can be tried experimentally."


One hundred and fifty years later, Feng Cheng discovered a planet of life again: "...What, I found another planet of life, which looks very unique."

Yashan's eyes almost popped out: "It's impossible to learn this at all!"

After thinking for a while, Yashan said again: "Fengcheng, we two change positions, I will explore your side, you come to me to explore."

Feng Cheng readily agreed: "You can do it, boss Yashan."

This is also a planet without intelligent life. They found many hot air balloon-like spores floating in the atmosphere of this planet. After cutting it open, they found that it was full of hydrogen gas and eggs of a large number of creatures.

Su Hao couldn't help but give a thumbs up and said, "It's really clever, throwing eggs into the sky to avoid the natural enemies."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a strange beetle flying in the distance, pounced on the megaspore, and then tore a hole with his teeth, got into it, and feasted.

Su Hao added: "Of course, no matter how smart you are, you will be a natural enemy."

After several years of research, Su Hao obtained complementary technologies such as 'biological separation of compounds to obtain elemental substances' from this planet.


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