My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 94 Planning

Cai Wenjie came out of the bathhouse and didn't realize anything was wrong. After he came out, he looked carefully to see if there was any notice in front of the door, and then he found such a notice posted next to the door of the bathhouse.

"Notice: From 5pm to 8pm today, the men's bathhouse in the military camp will be temporarily closed to men. During this period, it will be used by women. Please be informed."

Cai Wenjie looked at the announcement, took out his phone and looked at the time. It happened to be 5:30 pm.

Who can blame this? After all, the soldiers in the military camp at this time were either out on patrol or guarding the gate, and no one was using the bathhouse. Cai Wenjie, who felt a little unjust, could only admit defeat.

When no one was paying attention, Cai Wenjie looked around, quickly walked out of the military camp and walked towards home.

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By coincidence, Song Yi came to the gate of the military camp and directly met Cai Wenjie's eyes.

Seeing Cai Wenjie hurriedly walking out, Song Yi hurriedly greeted him and said.

"Chief, I was just looking for you. This is the plan and the materials we discussed after our meeting."

Song Yi took out the plan discussed after the meeting and handed it to Cai Wenjie. He also took out a small book, which recorded the materials and construction vehicles needed to build the airport.

After Cai Wenjie heard what Song Yi said, he took the documents and notebook handed over by Song Yi and started to read them while standing there.

Cai Wenjie briefly looked at the plan and found that there was nothing wrong with it. Basically, it said how many people would be used, how many resources would be spent, and how much time would be spent.

Because Cai Wenjie stood at the gate of the military camp and didn't take a closer look, he could only talk to Song Yi.

"Let's go to the conference room"


Cai Wenjie, who had just come out of the barracks, returned to the barracks. He walked straight towards the conference room and passed the bathhouse without even looking at it. He quickened his pace and passed the bathhouse area quickly.

After arriving at the conference room, Cai Wenjie sat at the front and placed the plan and notebook on the conference table in front of him and read them carefully.

During this period, Song Yi turned on the lights and air conditioner in the conference room, placed a pen on Cai Wenjie's right hand, and then stood quietly waiting for Cai Wenjie to read the document.

Fifteen minutes later, Cai Wenjie finished reading the document in his hand, nodded and said

"Okay! Just follow this plan. As for the equipment and materials, I will take people out to find them."

The materials needed to build an airport are basically concrete and steel bars, and these materials happen to be readily available on the construction site, and machinery such as forklifts, excavators, and road rollers can also be seen on the construction site.

So Cai Wenjie only had one thing to do, and that was to loot the construction site.

As for where there is a construction site, this is not a problem for Cai Wenjie. After all, with an artifact like a spy satellite in hand, finding a suitable construction site is not something that can be easily accomplished.

"Is there anything else?"

Cai Wenjie asked, looking at Song Yi standing next to him.

"There is indeed one thing. According to the Civil Affairs Center, although there is no problem now, if we continue to accept survivors, our housing problem will be very tight, so the people at the Civil Affairs Center hope that the streets can be re-planned and new residences can be built."

"So that's it. Indeed, there were not many houses in the gathering area to begin with, and now that so many people have come, there will indeed be a shortage of houses. Well, I agree, and allow people from the People's Center to re-plan the streets and build A new house, but as for the house, my requirement is to accommodate the most people with the least land while ensuring a certain amount of space.”

Cai Wenjie made a request, mainly because it would be uncomfortable if there is no land to use in the future if the land is needed. Therefore, in order to prevent there being no land to use in the future, it is necessary to start planning the use of the land now.

"Yes! I will tell the people at the Civil Affairs Center exactly what you said."

After listening to what Cai Wenjie said, Song Yi immediately replied.

"But this way, the required construction materials will increase again. I need a transportation force to transport the materials, and a large number of experienced workers."

I hope there are big trucks at the construction site, Cai Wenjie thought silently in his heart. Anyway, he will use spy satellites to find suitable construction sites later, and he will know it at a glance.

"Okay, is there anything else?"

"there is none left"

"If not, just go back. It's almost dinner time. It's time to eat."

After Cai Wenjie finished speaking, he took Song Yi out of the conference room and walked out of the military camp. When passing the sentry, Cai Wenjie noticed that the people on the sentry had also changed. When he saw Cai Wenjie passing the sentry in the sentry, he saluted like the other sentries. , Cai Wenjie also returned the gift as usual.

Then he took Song Yi towards his home. The sun set in the west, dyeing the entire sky fiery red. The two of them walked on the road, their shadows were stretched very long, and the smoke from the kitchen not far away curled up. Watching this scene Cai Wenjie felt something unprecedented. He couldn't tell what it was, but he just felt calm and at ease.

Cai Wenjie smiled unknowingly. It was warm and sunny. With the fiery red sunset, it could be said that the stranger was like jade and the young master was unparalleled in the world.

But soon Cai Wenjie hid his smile, because he didn't want these emotions to affect him, because now is the end of the world, he can't relax, because now Cai Wenjie is not only responsible for his own safety, but also the safety of his parents and the entire gathering place.

Others can enjoy, but he can't.

Soon the two returned home, and what greeted him was a table full of dishes and the smiling faces of Cai's father and mother.

"You're back, come and eat, we're waiting for you, little brother Song, you sit too"

Zhang Fei and Shun Liu had already sat at the table, staring at the dishes on the table, and only stood up and greeted Cai Wenjie when they saw Cai Wenjie coming.

"I'm back, let's eat"

After saying that, Cai Wenjie sat in his seat, picked up the chopsticks and first picked up dishes for Cai's father and mother, and then started to pick up dishes for his own bowl.

When eating, I saw several people standing still, so I could only say

"Sit down and eat."


After Zhang Fei and the others answered, they sat down and began to eat. After a few days of getting along, Cai's mother had a certain understanding of their appetite, so when she cooked, she made a big pot full, so there was no need to worry about not having enough to eat. The dishes were also cooked in a big pot.

With a big eater like Zhang Fei, there was no need to worry about whether it was wasted or not. Basically, half of the food on the table would go into his stomach.

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