My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 3 Type 1 Strengthening Potion

Chapter 3

If he hadn't panicked because of fear, he might have been able to pull out his grabbed arm, but unfortunately the young man had completely lost his composure and only knew how to use brute force to break free. The result of competing with a zombie in strength is imaginable.

In the end, the young man's left arm was torn off, and he screamed. The remaining two zombies also tore off his right arm and head respectively, and blood gushed from the broken ends.

Cai Wenjie witnessed everything from the side. Although he wanted to help, he didn't dare to speak because of the scene in front of him. Because of fear, Cai Wenjie felt that his body was as stiff as petrified. He couldn't control his body at all and was forced to watch the tragedy in front of him.

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network β†’πŸ…£πŸ…¦πŸ…šπŸ…πŸ….πŸ…’πŸ…žπŸ…œ]

The zombies were gnawing at the young man's body. Cai Wenjie was stiffly watching from more than ten meters away. Looking at the young man's mutilated body and the internal organs that the zombies were gnawing on, Cai Wenjie finally couldn't help but retching a few times.

Because of the retching sound, the zombie shifted its attention from the piece of meat in front of it to Cai Wenjie.

"Uh ah" With an incomprehensible roar, the zombie threw down the piece of meat and stood up and ran towards Cai Wenjie. Cai Wenjie finally regained control of his body. Cai Wenjie covered his mouth and ran hard to the back.

The running speed of zombies is about the same as that of ordinary people, about 15 seconds for a hundred meters. Of course, this speed is not too fast, but the most important thing is that zombies don't know fatigue and can keep running at this speed. People can't do that. People's endurance is limited.

So you can't compete with zombies in endurance. Cai Wenjie didn't know that at the time, so Cai Wenjie ran in a straight line, but he ran out of breath and didn't get rid of the three zombies. Fortunately, Cai Wenjie found a residential building not far away and closed the iron gate after entering the community gate, so the three zombies were isolated outside.

After thinking about this, Cai Wenjie shook his head and focused on the VSS in his hand again. Cai Wenjie had never been a soldier. Although he had thought about being a soldier, he knew how weak he was and his right eye had very poor vision. He could not see words clearly beyond 1 meter, could not distinguish between men and women at 5 meters, and could not distinguish between people and animals at 10 meters. But for some reason, his left eye had very good vision, so in life, his left eye was the main one and his right eye was the supplement.

Because he had never been a soldier, all his knowledge of firearms came from firearms games and videos or military fan magazines, as well as the 92 pistol in his hand when he survived the apocalypse before, so Cai Wenjie had an extraordinary desire for powerful firearms.

Looking at the VSS in his hand, Cai Wenjie admired it quietly, and then began to disassemble it slowly according to the disassembly diagram of the firearm in his memory. Of course, he did not disassemble it to only leave the screws, but only disassembled it into several large parts for simple maintenance. Fortunately, the Soviet firearms were simple and rough, and relatively easy to disassemble, otherwise Cai Wenjie would not dare to do so.

After the maintenance, Cai Wenjie restored the VSS to its original appearance and put it in his backpack. Then he simply took out the grenade and the engineer shovel to familiarize himself with it, and finally took out the Type 1 strengthening potion.

"This color looks too healthy."

The potion as a whole appeared green and transparent, emitting a faint green light, as if reflecting a certain state.

Cai Wenjie found the description of the strengthening potion in the equipment in the mall.

Type 1 strengthening potion:

Full name: First sequence all-round strengthening potion, can be taken orally, all-round strengthening of various body values ​​to the top that humans can achieve, cannot break through the human gene chain, and is priced at 100,000 points.

Although the description is a bit short, it is enough to see that this potion is powerful and expensive. 1,000 zombies can only be exchanged for one.

"I didn't expect that I was so lucky."

Cai Wenjie said with some complacency. He looked at the time and saw that there was still some time at 3 a.m., but he still asked the system just in case.

"System, if I take this medicine now, will I miss the plane?"

"Report to the chief! Absolutely not. Type 1 medicine is stable. After the chief takes the medicine, it will slowly complete the strengthening within 24 hours. There will be no side effects on the chief. Please rest assured."

Cai Wenjie was relieved when he heard the system's answer. He drank the Type 1 strengthening medicine with peace of mind. As the medicine flowed into his mouth, Cai Wenjie clearly felt a warm feeling flowing into his stomach with the medicine, and then from the stomach to all parts of the body. For a moment, Cai Wenjie couldn't help shivering.

"It's so comfortable, it feels like soaking in a hot spring and warming my whole body."

Cai Wenjie seemed to be a little addicted.

After recovering from this feeling, he found that one hour had passed. Although his body was still strengthening, it was time to go.

At 4:30 in the morning, Cai Wenjie finally walked out of his room, took out his mobile phone, placed an order on the taxi APP, and waited for the driver to pick him up.

There were tall buildings all around, neon lights illuminated the darkness, and there were no pedestrians on the street. Cai Wenjie felt lonely for a moment, and he didn't know why he felt lonely.

Cai Wenjie shook his head and walked to the unmanned vending machine next to him. He took out his wallet, took out a thousand-yuan bill from his wallet, stuffed it into the vending machine, and pressed the button containing coffee. In fact, Cai Wenjie didn't like coffee, but he was used to it.

People here are used to drinking coffee. In order not to be called unsociable, Cai Wenjie also started drinking coffee. When he found out, Cai Wenjie was also used to the taste of coffee, just like everyone else.

Holding the coffee can in his hand, Cai Wenjie looked up at the night sky. It was snowing.

"It's snowing"

Cai Wenjie said something unconsciously. At this time, a taxi came from the distance of the road. Judging from the license plate number, it was the car that picked up Cai Wenjie. It stopped in front of Cai Wenjie.

Cai Wenjie put the coffee can in his pocket and put the luggage in the trunk, and then sat in the co-pilot seat.

"Hello, master, please go to the airport."

"Good evening, please fasten your seat belt."

After Cai Wenjie fastened his seat belt, the car slowly drove to the airport. Cai Wenjie looked at the gradually distant scene and didn't know what to think.

The taxi driver was telling a joke. In order to prevent the atmosphere in the car from being depressed, Cai Wenjie also smiled in cooperation. After an hour in this atmosphere, the car finally arrived at the airport.

"Thank you for your patronage. The fare is 20,000 yuan. Please pay in cash or by card?"

The driver said with a smile.

Cai Wenjie took out 20,000 yuan in cash from his wallet and handed it to the driver with a smile, and also handed the bottle of coffee to the driver.

"Thank you for your hard work, master. This bottle of coffee is for you. I hope you take care of yourself." Cai Wenjie said with a hint of meaning.

The driver was completely unaware and still thanked him with a smile.

Cai Wenjie took out his luggage from the trunk, nodded and smiled at the driver, and then entered the airport.

Here I would like to add that the exchange rate of H country's currency to Z country's currency is 10,000 H coins = 60 Z coins.

The driver also drove slowly away from the airport. Everyone has a different fate. Cai Wenjie cannot be a savior, so Cai Wenjie can only pretend to be unaware.

Cai Wenjie came to the counter with his luggage, took out the ticket purchase data and exchanged it for a plane ticket, and walked to the terminal.

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