My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 100 Support 2

"How about it? If it's not enough, I'll add more."

"Of course, the more the merrier."

Zhou Weiguo said with a shy face, Zhang Fuguo and Li Jianjun laughed and cursed

"Well, Weiguo, you haven't become thicker-skinned in a few days, hahaha."

"That's right, that's right"

"Okay, then I will support two additional infantry fighting vehicles and two latest armored personnel carriers VP22 on the basis of what I just said. How can I be so heroic?"

The VP22 personnel carrier Zhang Fuguo mentioned is actually a new type of wheeled armored personnel carrier that has only recently been installed. It can carry a driver and co-driver (2 people) and 1 reading

Its biggest highlight is that in line with the times, the entire vehicle has good bulletproof functions. The cab adopts a bulletproof armor + bulletproof glass structure. The crew compartment is wrapped by an armor plate with shooting holes; the bottom uses V-shaped protective armor.

The vehicle can resist small arms fire and shell fragments, as well as mines and homemade bombs.

The chassis is a 6x6 full-drive format, using a 433-horsepower diesel engine and a hydraulic automatic transmission. The VP22 is also equipped with large-diameter bulletproof tires and a reliable independent suspension system.

It has excellent maneuverability, with a top speed of 90 kilometers per hour and a maximum cruising range of 600 kilometers.

Although it does not come with its own heavy weapons, you can also manually install it yourself, carry a heavy machine gun or a small missile rack, and turn it into a fire support vehicle.

"Now that the old squad leader has expressed such emotion, I can't be stingy anymore. Based on the previous support, I will also support an additional transport helicopter and an elite team. This team is one of the few elite teams in my hands. It is considered my A gift for Comrade Cai”

The elite team Li Jianjun was talking about was not Xu Tao and the others, but another elite team, which was about the same strength as the team formed by Xu Tao and the others.

But unlike the diversity of Xu Tao's team, the elite team Li Jianjun mentioned this time is all attackers. It is a veritable combat force, with only assaulters in the team.

"Thank you to the two old squad leaders for their support. In fact, the losses here are quite serious."

After several hours of meetings, the support plan was finally finalized.

The first is about the support of the stadium gathering area. Zhang Fuguo will send a company of troops to help the stadium defend, while Li Jianjun will supplement the daily supplies and medical supplies in the stadium gathering area.

After that, to support Cai Wenjie, Zhang Fuguo will send two 09-type infantry fighting vehicles and two VP22 armored personnel carriers as well as two platoons of soldiers and weapons and equipment. Li Jianjun will support two transport helicopters Z-8 and a container. of medical supplies and an elite squad.

These are all evidence that they regard Cai Wenjie as one of their own, and they don't mind helping one of their own, and they will see each other easily in the future.

Of course, Cai Wenjie didn't know this yet, and Cai Wenjie was currently sleeping soundly on his bed.

At around 1 a.m., the stadium gathering area welcomed the first batch of supplies supported by the airport gathering area, and the second batch of supplies would arrive half an hour later.

A company of Zhang Fuguo will arrive at the stadium gathering place tomorrow morning.

As for the support for Cai Wenjie, it will not be carried out until Zhou Weiguo personally informs Cai Wenjie to be ready tomorrow.

Tonight, the survivors at the stadium gathering area stayed up all night. The noise of helicopter propellers was heard all night. Not only that, but the noise of the helicopter also attracted zombies wandering around. In order to eliminate these zombies, they basically spent the whole night There was continuous gunfire all over the place.

Except for the veterans who were used to the sound of these gunshots, basically no one could sleep and could only stare.

Finally, after the helicopter finished unloading its cargo and left the stadium gathering place, it was time for rest at the stadium gathering place.

The exhausted survivors fell into a deep sleep, but just because the survivors could sleep, it didn't mean that the soldiers guarding the stadium gathering place could rest. The soldiers were still doing their own thing, guarding the gate, moving supplies, and being on guard. alert.

The time came to nine o'clock in the morning the next day. Zhou Weiguo was in the highest room of the stadium, looking at the scene outside through the glass, holding a tea cup in his hand, sipping it from time to time.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Zhou Weiguo picked up a satellite phone nearby, pressed a few numbers and put it to his ear, waiting for the connection.

With a beep, the phone was connected.

A young man's voice came from the satellite phone.

"What's the matter? Comrade Zhou, is there something wrong?"

The person who said this is Cai Wenjie.

As usual, Cai Wenjie got up and washed his face and had a meal. He was sitting in his office making plans when he suddenly found that the satellite phone Zhou Weiguo had given him was ringing. He picked it up without any hesitation and connected it, then said in a casual voice asked.

And when I asked, my other hand was still writing and drawing.

"You kid, why can't I call you when nothing happens?"

"Look at what you said, of course, but I'm a little busy today. If nothing happens, I'll hang up."

After Cai Wenjie was about to end the call, Zhou Weiguo hurriedly called out to Cai Wenjie.

"Wait! Something happened! Something good happened! Don't hang up yet!"

Hearing that there was something good, Cai Wenjie stopped hanging up the phone, stopped his other hand, put down his pen, and then asked slowly while leaning his back against the leather chair.

"What's the good news? Could it be that, Comrade Zhou, you are pregnant with a son again?"

"What are you talking about? Be serious. The good things I mentioned this time are all related to you."

"It's related to me."

Cai Wenjie frowned. What good things could happen? It can't be that the antidote for zombies has been developed, right?

"Yes, it's related to you. After I lowered my face, I finally asked my two old squad leaders to get support for you. Now your gathering place has just been built, and you should be in short supply of support materials. So I shamelessly got you support. Tell me how you want to thank me."

Listening to Zhou Weiguo's proud words on the other side of the satellite phone, Cai Wenjie's brows were relaxed. It turned out to be support. Cai Wenjie also thought that since his gathering place had just been built, the official side would also give some support.

But he didn't expect it to come so soon, so Cai Wenjie asked with a smile

"Support has arrived so soon, I'd like to ask, what will it be?"

Hearing Cai Wenjie's curious voice, Zhou Weiguo changed his previous attitude, began to sit leisurely on the sofa, drinking tea, and said slowly


The smile on Cai Wenjie's face froze, and then he revealed a speechless expression, how old he is and still so naive.

"If you don't tell me, I'll die, anyway, I'll know it later"

"Hey, young people nowadays, they have no patience at all"

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