My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 102: Baichazhuang

When Cai Wenjie saw the modified Knight XV for the first time, he couldn't help but sighed. Read

"This is no longer the Knight XV I know. Let's call him the Black Knight from now on."

The modified Knight XV is all black. Not only is the armor thicker, but the weight is also heavier. The original Knight XV weighs 5897KG, and now the modified Knight XV weighs 8985KG. The appearance is more domineering, and the name of the Black Knight is well deserved.

Knight XV, no, the Black Knight has completely become Cai Wenjie's favorite car now. Although the Black Knight before the modification is not bad, it is not a real military vehicle after all. There are still some defects in defense. Now it's good.

The modified Black Knight is no worse than a first-class military off-road vehicle. Not to mention the bulletproof ability, according to the original words of the engineers, the current Black Knight can not only resist the shooting of general firearms, but also large-caliber anti-material rifle bullets. Unless it is concentrated in the same place three times in a row, don't think about breaking the defense.

Even if it is a mine, except for the anti-tank mine with more than 20KG of explosives, ordinary mines can be ignored. Similarly, ordinary RPG and other rocket launchers have little effect on the Black Knight.

Although the defense of the modified Black Knight is amazing, it also has a fatal weakness, that is, the Black Knight does not carry any vehicle-mounted weapons, such as the most basic vehicle-mounted machine gun. It is not that it does not want to install it, but because after installing the vehicle-mounted radar and other equipment, there is no space to arrange vehicle-mounted weapons.

But in contrast, Cai Wenjie's other vehicle, the War Shield, is completely opposite to the Black Knight. The armor and other things are still the same, but a lot of vehicle-mounted weapons are installed.

First of all, the small manned space behind the War Shield was directly transformed into an ammunition box, and a 20mm machine gun was installed on the roof, which can be used for air and ground, and can rotate 360 ​​degrees, basically all angles can be hit.

Because the original manned space was converted into an ammunition box, the ammunition load reached an astonishing 4,000 rounds. This is not over yet. In addition to the 20mm machine gun, there are also four ground-to-ground missiles and two ground-to-air missiles, which are mounted on the roof of the vehicle and can be rotated 360 degrees at will.

These weapons can be controlled in the vehicle, or they can be operated manually and switched at will depending on the situation.

However, the ground-to-air missiles need the radar assistance of the Black Knight to hit accurately.

It is not over yet. In addition to the above weapons, the war shield is also equipped with a mine spreader, which can launch multiple mines at one time. Anti-personnel, anti-vehicle, anti-tank, and various mines can be launched at one time. More than a dozen, and tactical bombs such as smoke bombs can also be launched.

It can buy precious time for the convoy to evacuate. Even if the machine gun ammunition is exhausted, it can also release smoke and run away. It is more damaging to release smoke and mines at the same time.

Once the enemy chases and chases into the smoke, as long as you are unlucky, it will be bombed. In the case of being invisible, there are mines everywhere, and you dare not move a step.

Similarly, the surface of the war shield was still painted black. The name of the war shield was not suitable for the present, so Cai Wenjie directly changed the name of the war shield to the war spear.

Time returned to the present, and Cai Wenjie brought three people to the yard. Cai Wenjie and Song Yi sat on the black knight, and Zhang Fei and Shunliu sat on the war spear. This time, the black knight led the way, and the war spear followed behind the black knight.

Slowly left home and came to the checkpoint at the entrance of the Xinguang gathering place. After passing through the gate smoothly, he left the Xinguang gathering place and headed straight to the urban area of ​​​​YJ City.

The store that Cai Wenjie knew was in the south of YJ City. Even when he first came out to look for gold, he passed by it several times.

This store is a store specializing in selling tea. It has been open for almost hundreds of years. It is a century-old store passed down from ancestors. The name of the store is Baichazhuang.

Because there are many types of tea and excellent quality, it is well received by tea lovers. And for some reason, the descendants of Baichazhuang will not open branches, but only guard this store.

Someone asked the owner of Baichazhuang why he didn't open a branch. The owner's answer was that the reason why his ancestors established Baichazhuang was just to make friends with tea and collect rare teas from all over the world, not specifically for business. Therefore, the first owner of Baichazhuang issued an ancestral precept that all the successive shopkeepers of Baichazhuang were not allowed to branch out, otherwise they would be rented out of the family tree.

Therefore, since its opening, Baichazhuang has never opened a branch, no matter how prosperous it is, but has tightly guarded this acre and three-thirds of land. Of course, not everyone abides by the ancestral precepts. Some of the descendants of Baichazhuang have thought about opening a branch, but they were stopped by the elders or ancestors in the family.

In the end, it still didn't open, and some people were even expelled from the family because of this matter, and were abandoned by their relatives and friends.

After that, no one dared to bring up the matter of a branch, until now.

Of course, this matter has nothing to do with Cai Wenjie. Cai Wenjie only cares about one thing, that is, Baichazhuang has collected the most precious tea in the country, and this happens to be Cai Wenjie's goal today.

People who don't drink tea often may not know how expensive tea is, but people who generally understand tea know how precious tea is.

Let's put it this way.

The most precious tea varieties are:

Yunnan Golden Melon Tribute Tea, about 350,000 yuan per 100 grams.

The mother tree of Wuyi Mountain Dahongpao, the auction price in 2005 was equivalent to 10.4 million yuan per kilogram.

The eight trees in front of the West Lake Longjing Emperor only produce two taels per year, and the price is inestimable.

Anhui Taiping Houkui and Huangshan Maofeng, the auction price of Taiping Houkui in the past few years was equivalent to 200,000 yuan per kilogram. At the 2007 auction, 50 grams of Huangshan Maofeng was sold for 50,000 yuan, equivalent to 1.7 million yuan per kilogram.

There are many other precious teas, so I won’t list them one by one.

Just know one thing, the tea brewed from this kind of tea has a common name, that is, liquid gold, which is very easy to understand.

And the Baichazhuang that Cai Wenjie went to this time has these precious teas. The accumulation of hundreds of years and the efforts of dozens of generations are not a joke.

Unfortunately, with the arrival of the doomsday, these precious teas have lost their value. The visitors and customers who used to come in an endless stream have now become zombies, wandering around.

Of course, it’s not that they have completely lost their value. Now someone knows the value of these teas and is rushing to rob them, no! There are people who protect it, and even now in the eyes of some people, these teas are more precious than other materials. As for what kind of people they are, those who understand will understand, so there is no need to explain.

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