My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 107 Mutated Zombie Cat

If Cai Wenjie were here, he would have discovered that the things that were clearly placed under the iron door have disappeared, and the iron door has been opened, so it is obvious that something has come in. ReadМ

But Song Yi and Shunliu didn't know about this. They thought it was just Cai Wenjie who didn't close the door after killing the zombies. They didn't notice anything strange and just stepped into the backyard.

"Report, we have entered the backyard, do you want to go and respond now?"

"When you came in, did you see the biggest house in front of you? You should be able to see a secret room on the right side of the first floor here. I'm in it. Be careful of the dark place. That thing that doesn't know what it is should be there. Just lurking around”


After hearing the accurate destination, Song Yi and Shunliu followed the route given by Cai Wenjie and came to the right side of the house, where they also saw the open secret room door.

He hurriedly came to the door of the secret room and finally found Cai Wenjie who was on guard. In order to avoid accidental injury, Song Yi reminded Cai Wenjie in the secret room before entering, so no accidental injury occurred.

After entering the secret room, Song Yi and Shunliu first saluted Cai Wenjie and then said

"Report, we didn't find anything unusual when we came, please give instructions."

Cai Wenjie then put down the pistol, inserted it back into its original place, then raised the rifle again, and said.

"Thank you for your hard work. Let's pick up Zhang Fei first, and then evacuate this place with the survivors."


After Cai Wenjie finished speaking, he did not forget Nangong Yao behind him, turned his head and said.

"Wait a moment and follow us to evacuate with the tea leaves. Can you do it without falling behind?"

Nangong Yao nodded firmly, hugged the box containing tea tightly, and picked up the Huanshou knife that Cai Wenjie had just put down, and held it in her arms.

Cai Wenjie, Song Yi, and Shunliu formed a triangle formation, sandwiching Nangong Yao in the middle. They left the secret room together and moved quickly in the direction of Zhang Fei.

When the four of them were moving, Cai Wenjie was in charge of the front, Shunliu was in charge of the left rear, Shunliu was in charge of the right rear, and Nangong Yao was walking in the middle to ensure as much as possible that they would not be attacked by surprise.

What they didn't know was that in the darkness on the roof not far away, a pair of red eyes was staring at them.

This monster with red pupils has a weird shape. There is no intact skin on the whole body. There are red muscle fibers everywhere on the body. It has a tail like a steel whip, thick limbs, and sharp claws that are grabbing tightly. Covering the roof tiles. ♦♦  ♦♦

Except for the eyes, all other facial features on the head were rotten and it was hard to tell what they were, especially the monster's teeth, which were as bumpy as a hacksaw.

If you carefully observe the fur of this monster that has not rotted away, you can find that this monster is not any other animal, but one of our favorite animals, the cat. The originally honest and cute little kitten has now become... after being infected with the virus. It became like this.

And for some unknown reason, the size of this zombie cat has changed dramatically. It has reached an astonishing two meters in length and one meter in height. It is completely like a tiger.

Perhaps retaining the habits of felines, this mutated zombie cat did not launch an attack immediately. Instead, it observed Cai Wenjie and others below on the roof.

Perhaps the sight was too blatant. Cai Wenjie felt that something was staring at him from the beginning, but for a while he couldn't find any target, so he could only continue to move towards the rockery cautiously.

Soon, several people arrived at the rockery. Cai Wenjie and others did not enter the rockery, but relied on the rockery to establish a simple defense line. Then Cai Wenjie said to Nangong Yao without looking back.

"Nangong Yao, go and call the others out, and then retreat together, quickly!"

"Okay! I understand"

Maybe it was the actions of a few people that made Nangong Yao know the seriousness of the matter. Nangong Yao didn't say anything nonsense, but trotted into the rockery.

"Everyone! Stand up quickly, we have to go"

While shouting loudly, Nangong Yao hurriedly walked to her parents and first checked her father's condition. Although Nangong Yao's father, Nangong Kuo, was still invisible, he could hear the sound and found that his daughter was calling him. He said quickly.

"What's wrong, daughter? What happened?"

"Some monster came into our yard. We have to get out of here, Mom! Help Dad, let's get out of here together! Yaya grabs my hand."

After saying that, Nangong Yao grabbed Nangong Yaya's little hand, then came to Nangong Kuo and put Nangong Kuo's other hand on her shoulder. She and her mother supported her parents together. Zhang Fei on the other side also came to the other side. In front of a man who was blinded by a flash bomb, he grabbed the clothes around his waist and pushed the man onto his shoulders with all his strength.

Then he came to Nangong Kuo again, made the same move again, put Nangong Kuo on the other shoulder, and said

"You girls can't carry it. I'm here to help you fight. You just come with me."

Then he ignored the shouts of the two people on his shoulders and walked out of the rockery first.

The remaining people quickly followed Zhang Fei and walked out of the rockery.

Because Nangong Yao was holding other things in her arms, Nangong Yao's mother hugged the short-legged Nangong Yaya and walked out of the rockery together.

On the other side, Cai Wenjie and others who had been on alert saw everyone coming out and quickly stood in front of the group of people.

"When we evacuate later, follow us closely. Do you understand?"

Nangong Yao was the first to answer

"Yes, I will follow closely behind"

"Yaya too!"

Nangong Yaya, who was in her mother's arms, raised her hand and said seriously.

Nangong Yao's mother and aunt also nodded. As for Nangong Kuo and Nangong Yao's uncle, they had no right to speak. After all, they were both held on the shoulders by Zhang Fei and could not move.

"Okay, I will be the vanguard later. Song Yi, you will protect the middle of the team. Shunliu, you will walk behind as the rear guard. Keep an eye on the back at all times. We will walk to the iron gate against the wall. Pay attention to the roof and other places. Move!"


The survivors among the protectors began to move towards the iron gate. Perhaps they felt that Cai Wenjie and others were not easy to mess with. The mutant zombie cat did not come out to attack. The people who were moving were patiently waiting for the moment when a few people had a loophole.

Soon, several people came to the iron gate. Cai Wenjie walked through the iron gate and came to the corridor without any hesitation. He never relaxed his vigilance. Then Zhang Fei carried two people and came to the corridor, followed by the third, the fourth, until the last mutant zombie cat did not launch an attack.

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